Journal "Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya"ISSN 1562-322X
Contents (№10 2014)
to russian


Schetanov B. V., Graschenkov D. V., Efimochkin I. Yu., Scheglova T. M. — Monocrystalline fibers of aluminum oxide for high-temperature (up to 1400 °C) composite materials

Tensile strength of single-crystal α-Al2O3 fibers at 20 and 1400 °C was studied in the work. It was shown, that tensile strength of the fibers at 20 °C depends on their diameter, while such dependence at 1400 °C was not found.
Key words: composites, single-crystal fiber, tensile strength, diameter, whiskers, temperature


Popov A. V., Gorpinchenko M. A. — Mobile maintenance of metallurgical equipment

The result of project implementation "Mobile technical maintenance" allowed engineers to keep on implementing of this system for other assemblies. At present time this project realized for electroslag refining furnace.
Key words: "Mobile technical maintenance", continuous hot dip galvanizing line, electroslag refining furnace


Korneeva V. M., Korneev S. S. — Improving the quality of products at the stage of the machining process

In the article was carried out analysis of mechanical machining in technological processes of modern production and pointed out the direction of enhancing its efficiency through the introduction of high-speed cutting. High-speed cutting method provides an opportunity to improve the quality of products and production technological processes.
Key words: technological process, machining, complexity, precision and quality of the processed surface, cutting speed, super-fast cutting

Vorontsova A. N., Polyanchikov Yu. N., Polyanchikova M. Yu., Skhirtladze A. G., Feofanov A. N. — Process control procedure of tractor internal combustion engine cylinders machining aimed at higher quality of products

The article presents statistical investigation results of the tractor internal combustion engine cylinders machining. Basing on the analysis of the obtained results an industrial process control procedure of component manufacturing was developed.
Key words: competitiveness, production management, statistical analysis

Nikolayev P. M. — Smooth tool path contours construction to ensure high-speed milling

Features of designing technologies of planimetric and volumetric milling CNC machines using end mills.
Key words: repair, the accuracy of the part surface, CNC contour milling, end mill, the width of the groove geometry of the path

Cherepakhin A. A. — Force calculation features at cold finishing rolling of toothed gears

The rational modes of ultrasonic drilling holes in parts of heat-resistant and stainless steels and alloys tools with nanostructured cutting edges. The increase in the persistence of spiral drills 2,2—2,4 times, that allows to intensify the processing while maintaining adopted for these materials durability.
Key words: ultrasonic drilling, nanostructured over-surface layer, the form of chips, technological modes, efficiency of drilling

Tolochko N. K., Sergeyev K. L. — Influence of emulsion coolant dispersion on the effectiveness of magnetic abrasive machining

The influence of oil-water cutting emulsion dispersity on magnetic abrasive machining effectiveness is investigated experimentally. It is established that the use of cutting emulsion with higher dispersity promotes the increase of intensity and the improvement of quality of machining. The possible causes of experimental results obtained are considered.
Key words: magnetic abrasive machining, oil-water cutting emulsion, dispersity, performance, roughness


Zverintseva L. V., Zverintsev V. V. — Interaction between diamond resilient tool and work surface at polishing

The developed mathematical model shows interaction between work surface and diamond grains fixed on the surface of elastic tool. We defined theoretical values of pressure and components of forces at polishing, which were proved by practical investigation.
Key words: mathematical model, diamond grain, elastic tool


Kravchenko I. N., Puzryakov A. F., Seldyakov V. V. — Infotainment of the plasma coating deposition process design system

Universal developed a specialized database for materials, coatings and manufacturing processes with the ability to use modern methods of automated intelligent information processing and retrieval of analytical relationships, as well as information system design process for applying plasma coatings.
Key words: information system, specialized database, plasma coatings, technological process


Spiridonov B. A., Sharuda V. A. — Bidirectional pulse current cobalt coating electrodeposition from sulphate electrolytes

We studied cobalt electroreduction from sulphurous electrolytes with monoethanolamine by the potentiometeric method. Effect of the reverse pulse current on the cobalt coatings electrodeposition and some of their properties was investigated. X-ray diffraction method was used to establish interrelation between the phase composition of the cobalt coatings and electrolyte pH. We obtained that β-Co fallout from acid electrolyte (рН 1,0 and 1,7), and generally α-Co does from the less acid ones (рН 3,0). It was established that by changing parameters of the reverse pulse current one can obtain shining and fine-grained coatings with lesser internal stress.
Key words: cobalt coating, two-direction pulse current, sulphurous electrolyte, monoethanolamine, kinetics, polarization, structure, internal stress, microhardness, mathematical modelling

Yanguirov I. F. — Process equipment for armature winding continuity check

The suggested procedure carries out state diagnostics and control of electric machines winding. The article presents designed and introduced hardware for diagnosing motor armature winding.
Key words: armature winding, magnetic conductor, indicator, mathematical model


Prokhorovich V. V., Shipsha V. G., Kinzhagulov I. Yu., Kaloshin V. A., Lukhvich A. A., Rudnitsky V. A. — Prospective devices to check coating thickness of the liquid rocket engine elements

Quality and reliability of rocket engines substantially depends on and is assured by means of special coatings. Coating thickness and evenness of their deposition are strictly regulated; their conformity with part specifications is defined with NDT methods and instruments. The problem of coating thickness inspection is sharply posed at the liquid-propellant rocket engines manufacturers. The article considers new devices for nickel, chromium-nickel and metal-ceramic coatings thickness measuring.
Key words: chromium-nickel coatings, ceramic coatings, thickness gauging coating liquid rocket engines


Irzayev G. Kh. — Formation model of processability indices and of classifier of their applicability when designing new produce

The article describes a developed system generating model of indices to estimate workability of engineering products at different phases, i.e. design and batch manufacturing. The described maxims of generating a classifier of processability indices applicability are based on the guidelines of the enterprise experts.
Key words: processability, mathematical model, classifier of applicability, expert


Fedorov V. K. — On methodological maxims of innovative organization of single-piece and experimental production

The article considers transformation tendencies of the enterprise production types and foundations of economical manufacture when an enterprise adopts personalization. Innovative methodological maxims to organize single-piece and experimental production of science intensive equipment for the enterprises of the Defence Industrial Complex are offered.
Key words: personalization, enterprises of the Defence Industrial Complex, single-piece production, single-part production maxims, economical production maxims


Potapova G. S. — Review of the foreign journals


Suslov An. A. — The 10th Jubilee Moscow International Innovative Forum "Precision measurements — the basis of quality and safety"

Shmakov S. — Stankoprom OJSC and German concern Niles-Simmons jointly begin large-unit assembling of high-precision machines in Russia

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