Journal "Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya"ISSN 1562-322X
Contents (№10 2010)
to russian


Ivanaysky A. V., Nazarov Yu. F., Myslivets Ye. A., Ivanaysky V. A. — Application of the low-frequency vibratory cavitation at aircraft part casting blank production

Results of the cavitation effect use to obtain casting blocks from different alloys are given. When introducing modifiers from nanopodwers into melt, low-frequency vibratory cavitation ensures even distribution of their fractions throughout the volume of the melt. Facilities to carry out the procedure are described.
Key words: cavitations, superdispersed nanopodwers, casting block, conditioning agents, gas-dynamic synthesis


Bysov S. A., Malyshev Ye. N. — Machining and assembly in one process aimed at machining allowance reduction

Formation of errors while machining and assembling products has been considered. A method of total error reduction of machining and assembling by machining and joining parts with the processing equipment in one process has been substantiated, which makes it possible to reduce the subsequent machining allowance value of the ready-assembled parts.
Key words: processing by cutting, assembling, processing and assembling error, allowance on processing, concentration of operations

Lomova O. S., Lomov S. M., Morgunov A. P. — Assurance of cylinder working accuracy in the centres of OD grinding machine

Basic processing error components of the parts surface are analysed and concept of assurance of the cylinders working accuracy in the centres of OD grinding machine is developed. It is experimentally proves that movable joint clearances in the machine units are one of the basic sources of the workpiece form error formation. A device allowing stabilizing poppet sleeve position in the machine tool main spindle is designed. A ladder network ensuring clearance correction by tightening technique in the machine units is given.
Key words: working accuracy, error, OD grinding machine, spacing

Chaplyguin B. A., Isakov D. V. — Experiment-calculated method of dataware construction to design grinding operations

A dataware construction experiment-calculated method aim at designing optimal grinding operations is developed. A complex of parameters necessary for grinding operations optimization task solution is formed. A measuring and computing bench on the base of computer and NC-controlled grinder is created. The workbench allows obtaining and processing data on grinding characteristic. A procedure of optimum grinding conditions determination is developed.
Key words: grinding operations, grinding operations optimization, grinding process-dependent parameters, abrasive disc, measuring bench

Sergeyev S. V. — Drill-bore shaping accuracy modelling

Results of theoretical and experimental investigation of the error formation mechanism at drilling bores in solid continuum are given.
Key words: bore shaping, end made-to-measure multipoint tool, ability rating, error, lateral and axial vibration


Vasilyev G. N., Tay Zar Zho Nyunt — Design parameters optimization of the machine body elements at the set rigidity

Issues of machine column parameter optimization on the base of balancing of gradients novel technique are considered. Development of the technique became feasible owing to introduction of an objective function (performance criterion), uninterruptedly approximating embodiment discrete set and invariant with respect to the variable type of the optimization model.
Key words: parameters, balancing of gradients technique, objective function, metal-cutting equipment


Kondratyev S. Yu., Gorynin V. I., Popov V. O. — Maximum allowed depth estimate of the hardened case at part laser processing

A quantitative assessment possibility of the maximum allowed depth of a member laser-strengthened surface layer of specified working thickness conserving necessary service reliability of the construction is considered. Structure and mechanical properties of steel 40Х, bronze Бр АЖНМц 9-4-4-1 and titanium alloy 3M after laser surface strengthening under variable conditions are studied.
Key words: laser processing of metals, surface hardening, mechanical properties, alloy microstructure, serviceability of structure, functionability of friction pairs


Gavrilova T. M., Pegashkin V. F. — Surface layer strain rate and structure interdependence at ultrasonic strengthening

A new rating model of flattening-out strain rate with introducing torsional ultrasonic vibrations into the deformation area is suggested. The model is based on metal straining area change computing. Deformation mechanism at flattening-out introducing torsional ultrasonic vibrations into the deformation area is considered. Interrelation between strain rate and surface layer structure is established.
Key words: ultrasonic flattening-out, ultrasonic torsional vibrations, strain rate, strain rate calculation at ultrasonic flattening-out, surface layer structure

Gavrish S. V. — Spectral diagnostics of thermal physic processes in Cs—Hg—Xe-discharge lamps

Outcomes of the thermal physic processes spectral investigation of the plasma Cs-Hg-Xe channel formation at lamp operating typically are covered. Phases filling of the discharge gaps by mercury and caesium are considered. Relationship of the metal vapour pressure in the discharge, temperature of the lamp coldest point, electric power, pilot arc voltage and spectral range between wings of the self-reversed resonance caesium line as of 852.110 nm is shown.
Key words: thermal physic processes, cesium plasma, discharge channel, discharge lamp

Gayev A. S., Korotkov V. A. — Bucket and stick repair procedure advancement of the ЭКГ-5А excavator

The ЭКГ-5А excavator bucket and stick repair procedure ensuring higher resource of the repaired items and cost saving is considered.
Key words: machine welding, technology, brittle fracture, microhardness

Sokovnikov V. K., Strokov P. I. — Electrohydrodynamical engine as an environmental alternative for transport vehicles

The article is dedicated to electrohydrodynamic engine working without hydrocarbon fuel. Engine work is based on the electric discharge in the nonfreezing liquid located under piston volume of the cylinder. The engine efficiency can reach 72—75 %.
Key words: engine, piston, pressure, electrode


Yanguirov I. F. — Comparative evaluation of the helical vibration detector sensitivity by Q-factor change

The paper describes the design of the converter transformer with spiral cage conductive element analytically shown the need to determine its sensitivity to changes in quality than to change the inductance and losses.
Key words: transformer transformer, short-circuited electroconductive heating element, quality, inductance, loss of active and reactive


Bekayev A. A., Skoromnov V. M. — Surface quality forecasting on the base of broaching shaping mathematical modelling

Research results of the tool cutting teeth geometry effect on the obtainable surface quality of the parts made of steel 45 are given.
Key words: mathematical modelling, shaping, quality, surface, cutting tool


Boyko L. M., Nefiodov V. A. — System approach to the water-purifying technology selection

System approach to the water-purifying technology selection is considered. The approach ensures sufficient sanitary and ecological reliability of the water station, as well as economical expensive materials and equipment usage under conditions of heightened anthropogenic loading on water sources.
Key words: water-purifying technology, water quality, water-purifying complex operation


Nazarov Yu. F., Ivanaysky A. V., Tochilin P. V., Sorokina I. V. — High technology cost efficiency illustrated by laser production

Cost efficiency estimate method for high science intensive laser processing is given.
Key words: high science intensive technology, laser processing, saving rate, design life cycle


Nikiforova T. G. — Long-range subject planning methods as factor of specialists-to-be professional competence formation

A long-range planning method favouring arrangement of the students work in compliance with goals and objectives of the educational process, working conditions and students’ abilities are considered. The offered method provides reasonable means of part training of skills and habits when studying general technological and special disciplines of the educational activities, improving training, clear bringing special instructions to the students' notice of carrying out standard activities when solving educational tasks.
Key words: planning, professional competence, standards of new generation, technique, vocational education


Potapova G. S. — Review of the foreign journals

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N. P. Biryukova

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