Journal "Economika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii"ISSN 2072-0890
Contents (№1 2010)
to russian


Asaeva T. A., Soloveva I. P. —Technique of machine-building manufacture optimum resources distribution

The technique of various kinds of resources distribution for modernization of material resources of machine-building manufacture, including financial which can be used and in other branches of an economic complex for distribution of investments and budgetary funds is presented. Working out of the presented model was based on combination of results of processing of the statistical data and results of expert estimations with use of mathematical toolkit. Application of the given technique allows to establish priority using of resources.
Key words: machine-building enterprise, material base, distribution technique, model (mechanism), optimum resources distribution, expert estimation, statistical method of data processing, integrated factor, criterion of an optimality

Selivanov S. G., Nikitin V. V., Drudjinina M. A., Shipilova V. G. —Technological preparation of economical manufacture in mechanical engineering

In article problems of the technological preparation automated system of economical manufacture creation are considered. Models of its functions in the form of complexes of solved problems are resulted functional model of CAM. For automation of the decision of the named problems methods of mathematical modeling and design-technological decisions optimization on the basis of use of means artificial intelligence in the form of artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms are offered.
Key words: CAM, design-technological decisions, manufacturing resource planning, manufacturing accounting

Kapitanov A. V., Mitrofanov V. G., Negrimovskaya N. P., Feofanov A. N. — Risk indicators and methods of risk estimation

Article is devoted to the questions of risk estimation in the organization. Thus authors result the scheme of zones of risk, give their description, and also describe interrelation of a risk level and certain level of losses of profit according to a typical curve of distribution of probabilities of occurrence of certain level of losses of profit.
Key words: risk indicators, methods of risk estimation, probability, curve distributions of probabilities


Fateev A. E. — Some questions of the processes intensification of domestic production

In article some methodical and organizational questions connected with development of offers in intensification of processes of domestic production are considered.
Key words: intensification of processes, domestic production, market economy, social-economical reform

Kazakova N. A., Khlevnaya E. A., Frantsusova 1.1., Nasedkina T. I. — Innovative development model of the Russian economy: problems and social-economic results

The article discusses Russian and world point of view in analysis of factors and stimulus of implementation of innovative activity. The author discusses problems of financing Science investigations and elaborations; investigates factors of business, regional and state innovative activity. The authors analyses results of social- economic monitoring of innovative Russian business activity.
Key words: innovations, innovative model, social-economic results

Fedorov V. K., Benderskii G. P., Belevtsev A. M., Epaneshnikova I. K. —About potential possibilities of "tree of objectives" method application in forecasting of innovative processes development

The paper is considered the modern theoretical treatment of features of application of methods of knowledge of the theory of the innovations, known early as a method "a tree of the purposes". Thereupon it is offered to apply not only usual traditional "tree of objectives", and possible family various "knowledge trees". Examples of their practical realization, and also possibility of application of these approaches in forecasting of innovative processes are resulted.
Key words: innovative process, knowledge tree, structural construction, classification, forecasting, methodology of the theory of knowledge


Olshanskaya O. M., Lavrinenko D. V. — Methods of sales increasing of the mass demand goods at the expense of using modern mobile systems

In the conditions of a competition the great value gets management of products advancement on the market. Paper considers features of using methods of increasing sales of the goods of mass demand in light industry. One of variants is the use of modern mobile systems.
Key words: competition, products advancement, goods of mass demand, modern mobile systems

Kuchin B. L. — Franchise structures efficiency of gas supply systems management

The paper offers the original design procedure of franchise structures key parameters of management for the industrial-marketing system providing gas supply of vehicles. The technique of franchise structures analytical calculation which has the generalized character is given and can be used for calculations in any industrial-marketing system.
Key words: franchise structures, suppliers, industrial-marketing system, deductible, gas service

Bondar A. V., Melnikov V. P., Murtazin D. A. — Rocket and space technology quality assurance control at the testing, operation and operation phases

Scientifically substantiated approach to quality control at the product life phases is considered, which raises the level of product demand, reduces negative influence on the nature and the man, this also ensures financial gain as a result of environment punitive measures elimination.
Key words: product life, testing, operation, recycling


Nazarov U. F., Ivanaiskii A. V., Sorokina I. V., Tochilin P. V. — Efficiency of high technologies

The technique of efficiency estimation from application of the high technology technological decisions considering the basic estimation criteria of compared technologies and their priority is offered.
Key words: economic benefit, high technologies, machine-building manufacture, estimation criteria

Shuteev V. A. — Multiagent systems application for life cycle management problems of high technology production

The paper describes problems connected with following stages of life cycle of a product: preparation and working out of technological processes, manufacture material support, production, carrying out of control, acceptance and other tests, packing, marks and storage of.
Key words: multiagent system, life cycle, manufacture preparation, manufacture, packing, storage, distribution, after sale maintenance service, high technology manufacture

Dobrinskii E. S. — "Manufacture mounting" in Russian car industry: "for" and "against"

The Russian experience of use of industrial assemblage of ready import models of cars shows that formal carrying over of its principles on manufacturing of completing products can lead to destruction of the majority of domestic completing factories.
Key words: financial-economical crisis, car industry, motor pool, development fore-cast

Kaperin P. A. — Quality managment systems international standarts: new edition

Emergence and development history of the International Standard Series 9000 on the quality management system is described. Basic notion of each three standards of the series are stated in short. Amendment analysis in new issues of the Standards ISO 9000:2005 and ISO 9001:2008 is given.
Key words: international standards, management, quality, development trends


Popov V. V., Svetlikov A. S. — Economic aspects of the labour education and refresher training at enterprises

An approach to solve the most important economic and social problems, i.e. efficient use of manpower resources, upgrading of all levels and forms of education, as well as training of personnel, is considered.
Key words: training of personnel, production and educational processes, enterprise


Pushkareva M. B. — New in approaches and methods of innovations in modern economy (the review of foreign journals)

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