Journal "Economika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii"ISSN 2072-0890
Contents (№1 2012)
to russian


Zhmaeva I. V. — Balance securing of hi-tech production manufactures

The article gives a definition high technology products are marked features and trends in its production. Reveals the ineffectiveness of the existing planning system from a position of balance. In conclusion presents the results of the study. Proposed the conceptual statements of organizational-economic mechanism of management of open innovation.
Key words: high technology products, production planning, balance, innovation

Aleksandrov B. Yu. — Modern approaches to the enterprises functioning efficiency analysis in the conditions of uncertainty

The paper is devoted to the enterprises functioning efficiency analysis basic approaches review in the conditions of risk and uncertainty. The author considers works of native and foreign scientists and makes conclusions about necessity to take into account a considerable quantity of factors, including social communications.
Key words: efficiency analysis, enterprise, conditions of uncertainty, social communications

Volchkevich I. L. — Working capacity estimation of numerical program control machine tools in the conditions of multiproduct manufacture

A problem of research of working capacity of modern CNC machine tools and technological complexes on their basis is put forward in the article. Information on the actual utilization of highly productive equipment in the conditions of multipart manufacturing and market uncertainty is cited therein. The necessity of development of methods of research of CNC machine tools’ technological complexes working capacity is justified.
Key words: technological complex, working capacity, CNC machine-tools, equipment, multiproduct production

Serbinovsky B. Yu., Gusenko T. G. — Resources distribution at the R & D network organization

The approach to the solution of recourse allocation problem in the process of activity planning for research and development organization having sufficient scientific and design capacity is considered. This approach enables to solve complex resource allocation problem in the context of designing division of work and network team building and project implementation technology, using software intended for solution of traditional linear programming tasks. Database modeling technique with account of specific characteristics of this approach is described.
Key words: research and development, optimization, project team composition, resource allocation, economic-mathematical modeling

Burdina A. A., Brusilovskaya E. A. — Intellectual capital usage efficiency estimation of the aviation industry enterprises

The effective management of aviation enterprise’s intellectual capital becomes very important at the modern stage of development. This is connected both to the general economic and technical development and to the peculiarities of aviation industry. The aspects of usage effectiveness valuation of aviation enterprise’s intellectual capital are considered in the article.
Key words: intellectual capital, effectiveness of intellectual capital, transformational matrix

Fedorov V. K., Gvozdarev R. S., Ryzhov D. A. — Labor input definition technique of the design documentation updating in special machinery

The article deals with current problems as regards design documentation adjustments based on the evaluation of their type, complexity and novelty of products under development. Calculation procedure for labour-intensity adjustments is given too.
Key words: design documentation adjustment, labour-intensity, stages


Chursin A. A., Rusinov A. A., Volkov V. A. — Risks estimation of industry hi-tech areas sustainable development while innovative technologies adoption

High-tech industries risk management problems represent a multicruterial decision-making sum in the conditions of diverse information and polytypic objects great amount presence, including incomplete information presence.
Key words: risk management, innovative technology, sustainable development, hi-tech industry

Pushkareva M. B. — Intelligent industrial production systems synergetic development

This article is devoted to consideration of such an actual direction, as synergetic development. Synergy is a new enough direction in the field of human knowledge. Novelty of this direction is reached at the expense of nonlinear thinking usage and various sciences achievements synthesis at various level images designing. To achieve synergy development first of all it is necessary to define a type of intellectual industrial production system and to consider its basic features.
Key words: synergy, intellectual industrial production system, attractor, open system, synergetic development

Kashirin V. V., Burhanova A. A. — Innovative technologies in modern Russian aircraft engineering

This article contains a development review of aircraft building in Russia along with future development prospects of the modern domestic aircraft industry. The complexity of competition for te world leadership in aircraft building and the need for innovative technology in all areas of aircrafts and aircraft engines manufacturing are illustrated using the example of world aircraft industry development by leading aircraft firms (Boeing, Airbus, Embraer and Bombardier). Examples of innovative technology implementation (e. g. the composite wing, new constructional materials) into recent samples of aeronautical engineering are given. The analysis of the examples visually demonstrates a serious lag of the Russian Federation as compared with the developed countries both scientifically and technologically, which cannot be caught up by fragmentary innovative decisions and separate scientific and technical programs, which are typically not harmonized to each other. Their actual effect on the economy is usually restricted by prototypes. Therefore, a full-scale solution of all problems at the state level, and also well-defined science-manufacture consolidation for industry implementation of all innovative solutions is required. This may ensure recovery of our innovative industry in the world market.
Key words: aircraft industry, innovative technology, aircraft, technical programs, business competition, manufacture, United Aircraft Corporation


Bernadsky V. N., Makovetskaya O. K. — Welding manufacture and the welding equipment market in modern economy

The data, concerning the welding manufacture current state, the welding equipment market and its sectors, and also the major factors influencing their development tendencies is cited. The welding role in modern economy is shown; complex research results of the welding contribution in economy of the USA and Germany in particular are resulted.
Key words: economy, welding, manufacture, welding equipment market


Rastorguev G. A. — Technological systems reliability increasing at a design stage

The direction and methods of improving the reliability of technological systems in the development of design documentation are given. Simple and complex reliability indices, their selection and application are considered. The principles of designing which provide the reliability of the developed systems are offered.
Key words: technological system, process equipment, designing, seach designing, design decisions, reliability, operating life, operation safety, reliability indices, simple reliability index, complex reliability index, survival probability, redundancy, structural redundancy, reliability principle

Zmievsky V. I. — Management quality systems estimation of foundry

The existing requirements analysis to foundry quality management systems certification procedures and offers of their performance checking by quality management systems certification in activity are given.
Key words: welding processes, quality, conformity estimation


Tibabisheva L. A., Saburov S. A., Tibabishev A. J., Boitsov I. V. — Multimedia modeling as a basis of innovative educational technologies

It is established that it is distance e-learning that becomes an integrator of advanced technology variety and is the motive force of implementing it into training. Process and phenomena multimedia modelling techniques are developed aimed at visual representation and higher adaptability of the courseware to natural-science branches of learning.
Key words: technology, multimedia modelling, natural-science discipline


Pushkareva M. B. — Foreign higher education tendencies (the review of foreign journals)

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