Journal "Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya"ISSN 1562-322X
Contents (№01 2018)
to russian


Krushenko G. G. — Improving the disks quality of the turbo-pump unit from the alloy GSZ-DK obtained by electroslag remelting

Application of the technology of electroslag remelting of alloy ЖС3-DK has improved the quality drives the turbopump of liquid rocket engine molded into the ceramic form.
Thus it became possible to use the furnace charge with a high content of oxides and defective parts.
Key words: disks the turbopump, liquid rocket engine, electroslag remelting, furnace charge, casting in the ceramic molds, improving the quality


Ivanov D. V. — The model development of the cycloidal shaping of polyhedral details in double-rotor technological systems 

The forming process a spatial composition of cutting tools trajectories that limit the profile of a polyhedral part is adopted as the object of modeling. When creating a model, an approach is used that is associated with the evaluation of the transition procedure of the modeled object from the initial to the current state for a certain period of time. The forming process a spatial composition of cutting tools trajectories that limit the profile of the polyhedral part is schematized. Variated geometric and kinematic factors of the treatment process are formalized in the vector form. The model is presented in analog form and reflects the functional interrelation of these factors with the integral output parameter — the spatial composition of trajectories.
The solution of the model is proposed on the basis of analytical methods of reduction transcendental functions to algebraic form, methods of successive approximations and mathematical packages with a graphic editor. The model realization in the graphical form of the polyhedron cycloidal formation is given.
Key words: birotary technological system, math modeling, cycloidal shaping, multi-faceted detail, the scheme of a technological gear, transcendental functions


Kazakov Yu. V., Tabakin Е. М., Andreev S. A., Kaplin A. V. — Influence of assembly quality on the welding process of thin-walled products for nuclear equipment

The influence research results of the welded edges gaps and displacements on the end welded joints quality of thin-walled articles from aluminum alloys at pulsed laser welding are presented. The maximum permissible values of gaps and displacements when assembling weld joints are indicated. Technological methods that allow to improve the welded joints quality of atomic engineering products are proposed.
Key words: laser welding, end joints, aluminum alloys, thin-walled articles, clearances, edge displacement, connection quality


Varukha E. N. — Calculation of the wire fusion rate in accordance with the actual value of the welding current with short circuit of the arc gap

The relationship between the effective current and melting rate (feed speed) of welding wire when welding in a carbon dioxide withcurrent of reverse polarity. It is determined that the formula previously used to calculate melting rate of the wire when welding with a long arc, suitable for calculations when welding with short-circuiting of the arc gap.
Key words: welding, consumable electrode, carbon dioxide, short circuits, calculation of electrode melting rate, empirical formula, effective current


Kurikhina T. V., Simonov V. N. — Features of the ionic conductivity investigation of ceramic materials for solid oxide fuel cells 

In this paper dense composites Bi2O3—xB2O3 for fuel cell membranes with the goal of transformation chemical energy into electrical energy in electrochemical separators is researched. The existence of a liquid-channel grain-boundary structure in Bi2O3—B2O3 composites in the range from 630 to 750 °C, which is due to the high selective permeability in oxygen, is established. This phenomenon permits to use these composites as an ion transport membrane in electrochemical oxygen separation devices.
Key words: сеramic materials, fuel cell, membrane, pure oxygen, ionic conductivity, electrochemical separators

Pakhomov I. I., Nefedov A. Yu., Denisov Yu. V. — Improve technology and reduce losses at the production of small-sized housings

This article deals with the technological process of manufacturing of small-scale boxtype parts used in assembling during the furnishing of precision devices. In order to improve the manufacturing process and reduce losses, an integrated model has been offered, which accounts for the technological effectiveness enhancement of the parts, the improvement of technology, and the use of state-of-the-art equipment and tools of the Rosatom production system. This model allows reducing the production cycle time, and decreasing stocks and losses.
Key words: small-scale box-type parts, Rosatom production system, process improvement, operation improvement, Rosatom production system tools, value stream mapping, work cell, multistation equipment, technological effectiveness enhancement


Nikolskiy А. А., Korolev V. V. — The precise measurement features of cross-section profiles of non-circular products on circular meters without preliminary centering and alignment of the device axes 

Consider a method of accurately determining the parameters of the middle circle, allowing without centering and alignment of the axes of device perform measurement of cross-sectional shapes as a nominally circular profiles, and profiles of complex harmonic structure. The method can be used for measuring the shape of shafts and bores, pistons, cams, shells and other items.
Key words: circular meters, cross-sections, middle circle, centering, alignment of instrument axes


Tyurbeeva T. B., Volkova G. D. — Conceptual modeling of the life cycle processes for automatic systems

The conceptual modeling of the processes of the life cycle of automated systems in accordance with the methods of conceptual modeling on the methodology of automation of intellectual labor is presented. The basic conceptual structures for the process of management of functioning of automated systems in the form of a system of binary relations between the subject categories of different classes were developed — from the class "Process" to the class "Attribute".
Key words: automated system, conceptual modeling, life cycle, methodology of automation of intellectual labor


Feofanov A. N., Vasilev A. V. — Improvement of graphical interfaces and access organization to databases of operational support systems for telecommunications operators

We develop information systems (is) in the development of ACS are now their characteristics. First, it is fast changing requirements to such systems. As a consequence, in practice the development of IP, there are many approaches to support this statement: agile development (Agile software development), model-oriented approaches to software development (Model Driven Architecture). All of these approaches have the same goal — reducing development costs (by minimizing the risks due to errors requirements autogeneration of program code, etc.). Secondly, this is a significant increase in the volume of information which required a fundamentally new approach to information storage (hardware) and handling of the information system).
Key words: information systems, interface, model-oriented approach, software


Pisarenko O. V. — Grade system as a tool for managing human resources at the enterprises of the rocket and space industry

In this article evaluation of the system grades application effectiveness and its influence on the staff performance in the modern production enterprise of the RSI based on the study and analysis of statistical data and documentation is carried out.
Key words: grades system, grade, management tools, personnel, wage system


Potapova G. S. — Content of foreign journals


Suslov An. A., Suslov D. A. — 3rd International Specialized Exhibition "Import substitution — 2017"

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