Journal "Economika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii"ISSN 2072-0890
Contents (¹2 2011)
to russian


Pakhomova A. V. — Cooperation process management in a machine-building complex on the basis of logistics

Methodological bases of decision-making in management of cooperation process in a machine-building complex are considered. The feature of key function of logistics at the enterprises at realization of cooperation deliveries, in particular, supply, manufacturing, sale and logistic operations, such as transportation, warehousing at maintenance of the enterprises with material resources are studied.
Key words: management, process, cooperation, machine-building complex, logistics, supply, manufacturing, sale, optimization, efficiency, industrial communications, material resources, costs, managers, motivation

Zubarev U. M., Kosarevsky S. V. — Manufacture coordinate measurements’ integration — one of the structure enterprise transformation factors

Efficient application of coordinate measurement in the domestic industry is constrained by many issues. In this paper an overview of the problem is presented and several solutions are proposed intended to optimize internal business processes related to the integration of coordinate measurements in industrial production.
Key words: management, coordinate measurements, integration

Aleksandrova A. V. — Industrial enterprises’ development management based on controlling methodology

Business dealing on the basis of sustainable development principal is considered as the major competitive factor of the modern industrial companies. World and Russian practice of informing stakeholders about social, ecological and economic productivity of activity is shined. Application of controlling for perfection of management by a sustainable development will locate.
Key words: management of the industrial enterprise, a sustainable development, indicatory productivity, controlling


Golov R. S., Milnik A. V. — The innovative-synergy approach as one of the basic scientific theories of mechanical engineering modernization

This paper is devoted to questions of the mechanical engineering innovative development based on innovative-synergy approach application. The role and usage if industrial structure for the purpose of branch innovative system formation is defined.
Key words: innovations, investment, innovative-investment activity, modernization, mechanical engineering, innocative-synergy approach effect

Kovalchuk U. A. — Tendencies and laws of the industrial enterprises modernization at transition to innovative economy

The urgency of the industrial enterprise development management within the limits of its modernization in connection with competition increase for resources, internationalization and globalization, development of information technology and wide availability of modern production technologies is underlined. The current state analysis of the industrial enterprises’ technical and economic environment and modernization directions within the limits of innovative development of economy as a whole is given.
Key words: modernization, industrial enterprise, innovative development, management

Shebarov A. I. — Management organization methodology structurization of industrial production innovative development

Structurization and ordering of management organization methodology of industrial production innovative development by means of filling and detailed description all four specified base component of management methodology is presented.
Key words: innovative development, industrial production, management organization innovative development, administrative methodology, methodology structurization


Petrosyan A. D. — Foreign trade state regulation perfection of mechanical engineering production in Russia

On the basis of the foreign and domestic experience of foreign trade state regulation analysis the new conceptual approach to formation of foreign trade indicative state regulation criterion model by the mechanical engineering production, directed on maintenance and the Russia’a economic sovereignty increasing in the economic relations globalization conditions in offered.
Key words: foreign trade, mechanical engineering, regulation, quality management


Vuchkovich A. A., Sorokin A. E. — Methodical maintenance of the mechanical engineering enterprises’ industrial potential personnel component estimation

The article provides system design human resources efficiency indicators of production capacity of companies, developers and manufacturers of aircraft, as well as justified role impact production capacity to produce competitive aviation equipment of new generation in modern economic conditions.
Key words: aircraft production personnel, production capacity, a new generation of aircraft, scorecard

Kutin A. A., Lutsuk S. V. — Machine-building enterprises’ technological reequipment on the production efficiency estimation basis

In the article authors suggest matrix approach to the manufacturing process stages analysis, including costs of manufacturing resources. Under system approach made estimation of manufacturing effectiveness.
Key words: factory resources, manufacturing potential, effectiveness parameters, manufacturing effectiveness

Mirosh U. M., Kapinos D. E. — Potential of Open Source Software influence on Russian aerospace

The paper review main trends and mechanism of Software industry. There are stated historical and economic roots of Open Source Software (OSS, Open Source) — the new production paradigm in the Software industry. The NASA and ESA appreciations of OSS potential are given. Special emphasis is put the overall review of potential of OSS influence on Russian aerospace industry, taking in consideration industrial and national specificity.
Key words: software, progress, strategy, mechanism of development, trends, innovations, Free Open Source Software, Open Source

Kablov E. N., Tshetanov B. V., Shavnev A. A., Nyafkin A. N., Chibirkin V. V., Eliseev V. V., Martinenko V. A., Muskatinev V. G., Emikh L. A., Vdovin S. M., Nitshev K. N. — Metal composite material AlSiC raises reliability of IGBT modules

The heat-removing bases used in present on the basis of copper and its alloys, no more correspond to constantly increasing requirements of power electronics new devices. Authors of article prove that metal composite material AlSiC raises reliability of IGBT modules.
Key words: metal composite material, IGBT modules, power electronics


Yablonskikh E. K. — On the issue of professional training for mechanical engineering

Problem of training personnel of all levels for machine-building is considered. Necessity of updating the whole educational system is noted. Regulatory and legal support of the problem is given.
Key words: machine-building, personnel training, modernization


Pushkareva M. B. — Specificity of cash flow and financial business processes management (the review of foreign journals)

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V. V. Milnik is 70 years old

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Òåë.: +7 (495) 640-7903

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