Journal "Economika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii"ISSN 2072-0890
Contents (№2 2012)
to russian


Solomentsev Yu. M. — Prospects of the technological development of industy

Creation of a modern machine-building computer-aided manufacturing is considered which is based on the product life concept and CALS-technologies. This will allow for a fundamental advance towards efficient technological development of the industry.
Key words: computer-aided manufacturing, product, life cycle, CALS-technologies

Gribkov A. A., Zakharchenko D. V. — Technical re-equipment of russian machine building

In this paper the problem of Russian mechanical engineering modernization is considered. In particular, the current condition of mechanical engineering technological base, a role of import and domestic machine-tool construction in modernization is considered. Besides, on the basis of the comparative analysis of machining equipment manufacture in Russia and the world leading countries the ability of Russian machine-tool construction to provide requirement of mechanical engineering in machining equipment is estimated.
Key words: mechanical engineering technological base, machine-tool construction, capital assets

Galkin B. I., Aksenova T. V. — The concept of the enterprises’ research-and-production complex reforming at the present stage

This day high-tech enterprises are joining in the most unreliable environment. Considering that there are proposed an intra-firm reforming method of industrial activity. The method consists of three levels and thus allows to orient and to control objects, recourses and terms of reforming process.
Key words: high-tech enterprises, integration, corporate structure, reformation

Buhalkov M. I. — Production program development and optimization at the machine-building enterprises

Methods of formation of the program are considered. The model of ranging of production is developed. Examples of calculation of optimum release are resulted.
Key words: program of production, methods of formation production, system of indicators

Vinogradova E. E., Barakhov V. I. — Investment activity optimization of the corporation enterprises in crediting use case as source of its financing

In the present work the model of commodity-money flows at the corporation enterprises is resulted, allowing to optimize their investment activity in case of crediting use as financing source. It is shown that leverage application in this case under consideration is unacceptable. The formulas are received, allowing connecting input parameters of crediting with criteria of decision-making at the analysis of investment projects.
Key words: commodity-money flows, corporation, financing source, leverage, crediting

Kutin A. A., Aleksandrov S. A., Feofanov A. N. — Evaluation of random events flows’ conformity to industrial logistics operations in small-scale manufacture

In article, approaches are stated, to a qualitative and quantitative estimation of applicability of streams of casual events to imitating modeling of operations of industrial logistics in small-scale manufacture and accuracy of received results are stated.
Key words: a streams of casual events, small-scale manufacture, imitating modeling

Kapitanov A. B., Kondratyev P. V., Feofanov A. N. — Subject-oriented database organization for the enterprise

In article it is considered the basic aspect which are necessary for defining in the course of the analysis of requirements to a modelled subject-oriented database.
Key words: data, business analysis, analysis of the requirements


Chursin A. A., Kokuitseva T. V. — Stimulation approaches of organizations’ innovative activity in the states-participants of the commonwealth of independent states

In given paper the offers connected with competitiveness management and highly effective innovative technologies selection, and also creation of conditions of the states-participants of the Commonwealth of Independent States innovative activity increasing for the Interstate program of innovative cooperation of the states-participants CIS for the period till 2020 realization are brought.
Key words: innovative technologies, competitiveness management, Commonwealth of Independent States, innovative cooperation

Obukhova I. A., Solovyova I. P., Asaeva T. A. — Innovative activity evaluation of the machine-building complex

In this paper the developed level of machine-building complex innovative activity of the Russian Federation and the Ryazan region is analyzed, their comparison is spent.
Key words: innovations, mechanical engineering, innovative activity, Ryazan region


Babenkova A. V. — Value approach to interfirm relationship establishing on machine and equipment market

The present paper contains the analysis of industrial market specifics. The classification of interfirm relationships as well as value approach to establishing relations between a supplier and a customer including relationship value chain on the machine and equipment market are presented in the article.
Key words: interfirm relationship, relationship marketing, industrial market, machine and equipment market, value, customer satisfaction, loyalty, supplier, customer, business partner

Dobrinsky E. S., Sein V. A. — Car ownership

Actual aspects of vehicles’ ownership cost evaluation are considered. Approaches to the general technique and separate criteria of car ownership efficiency evaluation at various stages of product life cycle are presented. Programs of domestic lorries and buses manufacture with the improved consumer characteristics are resulted.
Key words: car ownership, ownership cost, expenses, service center, consumer


Chajkov M. U., Chajkova A. M. — Personnel tranking multi-level system introduction increasing the enterprise competitiveness

In article the way of increase of efficiency of work of experts of the company, based that the behaviour of the person is defined not only rational, but also is considered by the instinctive beginning. The multilevel system of encouragements in which the significant share is made with a nonmaterial part is resulted. This system allows to increase considerably feedback from all employees and to increase competitiveness of the company where it is applied.
Key words: competitiveness, a social package, efficiency of the personnel, motivation

Zmievsky V. I. — Equipment management in quality management system

The analysis of existing requirements to procedures of quality management system certification of the divisions occupied with maintenance and core and auxiliaries repair and offers on check of their performance y certification of quality management systems in activity are given.
Key words: maintenance and equipment repair, quality management system


Yablonskikh E. K. — Economy modernization and professional training system perfection problem

The paper is devoted to professional training system perfection problems in conditions of economy modernization. The author of the paper makes the conclusion that all education system needs modernization, from primary to high.
Key words: education system, professional training system perfection, engineering education, economy modernization


Pushkareva M. B. — Green manufacture organization problems at the machine-building enterprises (the review of foreign journals)

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