Journal "Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya"ISSN 1562-322X
Contents (№02 2018)
to russian


Kim S. L., Steklova Е. О. — Receipt of the interatomic potential analytical form for bimetallic compounds

The total internal energy of bimetallic compound is shown as pairwise interaction of atoms. Distribution of charge densities of atoms electronic shells is supposed to be stationary, nondeflecting at atoms interaction and is represented in the form of the hollow sphere. Density of a shell is approximated by exponential function. The analytical type of the corresponding interatomic potential is deduced.
Key words: interatomic potential, bimetal, self-diffusivity


Mubarakshin R. М. — Optimization of option technologies and grinding methods of gas turbine engines blades

In this article the grinding technological processes analysis of typical surfaces of gas turbine engine (GTE) blades typical surfaces is adduced and recommendations on optimal shaping variants depending on the type of production are given. The main methods of the blades grinding are considered. The application examples of the considered variants of grinding blades from heat-resistant nickel alloys on new design grinding centers with continuous and cyclic dressing and automatic change of grinding wheels are given.
The results of the blades surface quality study (roughness, residual stresses) are given.
Key words: gas turbine engine blades, grinding methods, productivity, quality


Androsov S. P. — Model of sharp-cut milling cutters with a two-angled tooth shape

Questions of mathematical modeling of sharp-cut mills with a two-angled form of teeth are considered. It is shown that milling is a three-dimensional process; therefore the modeling of the milling cutter should be carried out in a spatial display. At the first stage of the model development in the vector-matrix form, equations describing the tooth profile of the mill are defined. At the second stage, the equations describing the helical surfaces of the milling cutter tooth are obtained. In the third stage, the equations of the helical surfaces of all teeth and chip flute are determined. The simulation results are used at calculating the geometric parameters of mills, while studying the cutting process and shaping the surfaces of workpieces. An example of calculating the area of the tooth helical front surface for a cylindrical mill is given.
Key words: milling, tooth profile of the mill, modeling, equations of tooth surface


Volkov S. S., Konovalov A. V., Vybornov A. P., Golov R. S. — Technological features of the cover ultrasonic welding to the battery house made from polyethylene

The paper presents the analysis of various existing methods for welding housings of automotive batteries from polyethylene of low pressure. The choice of the method of ultrasonic welding, the advantages of this method of welding. As a result of the analysis of the properties of various plastics for the manufacture of batteries was chosen as lowpressure polyethylene possessing higher in comparison with polypropylene frost a small tendency to cracking in low temperatures.
Key words: polyethylene, rechargeable battery, ultrasonic welding, amplitude, frequency, welding pressure, temperature, time of welding


Syasko V. A., Nikazov А. А. — Development of the hardness standard according to category Lieb 2

The article describes the technical principles of the Leeb hardness measurement method and the current state of metrological assurance in Russian Federation. A review of possible principles for the construction of Leeb hardness calibration machines is conducted.
A proposal for the structure of velocity measuring system with two inductors is made. The analysis of the proposed system parameters influence on the reliability of the measurement results is carried out. Test results of Leeb hardness calibration machine layout for HLD scale confirmed that it can be used to to equip the standardization and metrology centers.
Key words: hardness, dynamic hardness, Leeb, hardness calibration machine


Pegashkin V. F. — Design optimization of the control and measuring devices

Process of control of a relative positioning of surfaces (beating) when basing a shaft on roller support is considered. The analysis of influence of geometrical errors of basic sections of a shaft and basic rollers on a measurement error is carried out. On the basis of modeling of process of measurement recommendations about the choice of geometrical parameters of the control device for minimization of an error of control are offered.
Key words: measurement error, beating, harmonious analysis


Musaev Z. N., Khanakhmedova S. A. — Mathematical analysis of the three-phase power transformer operation with a low network voltage

The questions of research of the short circuit characteristic of the three-phase transformer at lowered quality pressure — in fragment of symmetry on phases and distortion of the form of a voltage are considered. A mathematical method of imposing is applied. Currents of a direct, return and zero sequences with the help of parameters for high harmonic components are determined. The parameters are received on the basis of losses in windings of the transformer from all harmonics of a spectrum, included in non — sinusoidal curve. An analytical expressions for factor of capacity is also received.
Key words: three-phase power transformer, short circuit, higher harmonic, additional losses


Vyacheslavova O. F., Parfeneva I. E. — The condition analysis and problem aspects of the Russian Federation normative base in the field of hardware production

The article discusses the issues of harmonization of normative-technical documentation in the field of hardware production with foreign experience in the part of unification of the design used grades of materials, interchangeability and standardization of precision, confirmation of compliance.
Key words: harmonization of standards, interchangeability, tolerances fasteners, conformity


Galkin N. A., Pozhidaev S. S., Fomin E. Yu. — Evaluation of the planned, actual and directive labor costs for the manufacture of missile equipment

This article presents methods of planned, actual and directive labor intensity evaluation for LV and space crafts. There are several factors to determine labor intensity: type of labor intensity, new unites ratio to analogue units, technological development, line item number, co-operation and etc.
Key words: rating, labor intensity, rocket and space industry


Pisarenko O. V. — Non-traditional methods of personnel selection at manufacturing enterprises

The actual problem, both theoretical and practical, of the various non-traditional selection methods utilization and features of their application in the process of personnel selection at domestic manufacturing enterprises is considered. The development and implementation of non-traditional personnel methods in the management system, along with the classical methods, should be carried out on the basis of the existing technologies thorough analysis of the personnel management system, identifying its shortcomings and opportunities, and taking into account the requirements and the latest trends in personnel management area and enterprise development specifics.
After studying the various methods used in the selection process, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the possibilities of application in domestic science-intensive enterprises are determined.
Key words: process of personnel selection, production enterprises, enterprise management system, personnel management, science-intensive production


Potapova G. S. — Content of foreign journals


Suslov An. A., Suslov D. A. — 20th Anniversary International Exhibition of Equipment for Sheet Metal and Pipes Processing and Metalware Production "Mashex Moscow — 2017"

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