Journal "Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya"ISSN 1562-322X
Contents (№02 2020)
to russian


Polishchuk V. S., Alekhov Yu. A., Sagdeeva F. N., Shavshina A. N. — Receipt of carbide-steel based on alloyed cast iron by hot pressing method in vacuum

The possibility of producing carbide steel based on high-chromium cast iron, iron powder and titanium carbide by hot pressing in vacuum is shown.
Key words: carbide steel, cast iron, iron, titanium carbide, hot pressing, hardness


Vaytsekhovich S. M., Baraev A. V., Zhuravlev A. Yu. — Innovative technologies for the production of pipelines for pneumatic-hydraulic systems

The article Deals with the influence of axial twisting of the pipe on the quality of the bend radius, which depends on the location of the neutral bending line of the pipe. To keep the neutral line in the equilibrium position relative to the initial position, it is necessary to continuously change the direction of the bending force vectors that form the moment of death and, consequently, the longitudinal tensile and compressive stresses. The addition of torque in the bending process contributes to the phenomenon of shear deformations in the center of deformation, the displacement of longitudinal tensile stresses on the outer radius of the die towards compressive stresses, and on the inner radius of the die-the displacement of longitudinal compressive stresses in the direction of tensile stresses.
In the work for the first time the influence of transverse twisting of the pipe on the quality of the bent knee, which had not been studied purposefully before, was investigated.
Key words: рipe, reveling in the moment, non-monotonic deformation, a neutral line, ovalization, thinning, homoopathie


Solovev A. I., Dzhafarova Sh. I. — Experimental estimation of error transfer in cross and longitudinal sections during deep hole drilling

Theoretical studies conducted previously by the authors found that the value of the error transfer coefficient when processing a deep hole depends on the elastic properties of the technological system, the resultant axial force and, therefore, on the cutting conditions.
An analysis of changes in the amplitudes of the deep hole shape errors harmonic components allows us to state that the magnitude of the force effect operator for odd harmonics is much larger than the corresponding operator for even harmonics. The obtained graphical dependences showed that with an increase in cutting conditions, the growth rate of the error transfer coefficient is slightly less than the axial force increase.
Key words: deep hole, single-sided cutting tool, harmonic components, size deviation, shape deviation, transfer coefficient, radial runout, cutting mode, productivity


Dorokhov A. S., Aulov V. F., Lyalyakin V. P., Ishkov A. V., Ivanayskiy V. V., Krivochurov N. T. — Improving the coating wear resistance obtained by high-frequency boron impregnation and modification of Fe-Al and Ni-Al systems with intermetallic compounds 

The wear-resistant composite coatings FeB-(Fe-B)-MexAly, where Me is Fe, Ni, are received at performing high-frequency boron impregnation of structural steel 65G under a charge layer based on fused borate flux P-0.66, boron carbide and intermetallic compounds FexAly, NixAly, where x, y = 1, 2, 3, 5 formed in Fe-Al and Ni-Al systems via selfpropagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS), are received. The coating thickness reaches 500...800 μm, the deposition time is 1—2 minutes. Using the methods of x-ray phase analysis, spectral analysis and metallography, the composition and structure of the coatings are determined. The hardness of the coatings by the standard method is determined. The microhardness distribution over the thickness of the coatings is studied.
In the coatings, new phases of intermetallic compounds and double superhard boride Fe2AlB2 are discovered. FeB is present in the coatings as the main iron boride, which leads to an increase in their hardness and wear resistance. Modification of the resulting boride coatings with intermetallic compounds with melting temperatures close to the technological temperature of the high-frequency deposition leads to a decrease in the number of cracks and the emergence of new consumer qualities of the material.
Key words: high-frequency heating, high-speed high-frequency boron impregnation, boron carbide, iron-boride eutectic, intermetallic compounds


Anakhov S. V., Pykin Yu. A., Shakurov S. A. — Structural and functional features and design principles in electron plasma technologies

System attributes of functioning in electroplasma technologies are considered. Principles and the methods of plasmotrons and plasma technologies designing are generalized. It is emphasized on necessity to account the conditions of safe plasmotrons application.
Key words: plasmotron, plasma technologies, designing, method, principle, safety, efficiency, quality, system approach, optimization

Gonchar A. G. — Formation of the characteristics set necessary and sufficient for monitoring the technical condition of technological equipment for launch and technical complexes

In the article the questions of development of technology of collecting information about the technical condition of object technology systems of launch and technical complexes to identify and justify the composition of the characteristics necessary and sufficient for identification of technical condition of examined objects from the standpoint of safety of their functioning.
Key words: information gathering, equipment of starting and technical complexes, composition of characteristics, technical condition from the position of safety and functioning


Kuzelev N. P., Sakhanov A. S., Chepaykin I. A. — The achieved level and possibilities of scientific and technological development of gamma radiography

In gamma-radiography — one of the methods of nondestructive testing, today there is a situation when enterprises use domestic gamma flaw detectors, developed in the days of the USSR and removed from production more than 25 years ago.
However, gamma radiography is evolving and improving. During this time, new sources of ionizing radiation have appeared, a number of improvements have been made to the design of gamma flaw detectors to improve safety and increase service life, new ways of recording and storing the images obtained, a line of products for gamma radiography for various industries has been formed. Today we need to pay attention to the automation of the process of radiography, to improve the information content of the control, obtaining quantitative and qualitative chatacteristics about the object of control.
The issue of improving the protective properties of materials of flaw detectors, for example, by the introduction of nano-additives. This process is at the stage of understanding and requires new solutions.
Key words: gamma radiography, digital radiography, radiametry, computed tomography, welded joints, quantitative characteristics, gamma flaw detectors


Ponomerev М. А., Kurkin A. S., Ponomarev P. А., Shimanaev М. А. — Computer simulation of the fatigue strength of weldolets taking into account residual welding stresses

T-joints are the most loaded sections of oil and gas pipelines, ring stresses along the branch edge increase 2.5 times. To compensate the stresses, whole cast T-joints with large wall thicknesses and huge mass are used. Recently, branch line pipe with the help of weldolet that reduce the mass of tee joints have become more and more often outlined.
In the article the features of the methodology development for calculating the wall thickness of weldolet at various pipe diameters and working pressures based on computer modeling of the fatigue strength of weldolet taking into account residual welding stresses are considered.
Key words: tee connections, weldolets, computer modeling, fatigue strength, residual stresses


Budkin Yu. V., Zhuravleva T. B., Kvasnitskiy V. N., Mistrov L. E., Zlydnev M. N., Morozov V. P. — The functional synthesis method of the engineering complex organizations

The decomposition of the goal of synthesis of organizations of the machine-building complex (OMK) in the form of an interconnected system of tasks and functions was carried out. It is shown that the basis for the synthesis of OMK is a functional synthesis based on the external and intrasystem levels of synthesis. Based on the structuring of the disaggregation levels and the sequential distribution (assignment) of resource units, the construction of the OMK functions tree in the form of a hierarchical interconnected set of actions is justified. The methodological basis for the presentation of OMK's methods of action in the form of a functional dependence on a combination of external factors, internal operations, the structure of functions and characteristics is proposed. The formalization of the physical statement of the problem is given and the method of functional synthesis of OMK is justified in the form of a set of hierarchical structures of aspects, levels of disaggregation and stages of their appearance.
Key words: organization of a machine-building complex, design, functional synthesis, goal, task, function, performance indicator, appearance, aspect, level, stage


Chaykov M. Yu. — Optimization of business processes to increase productivity

The main regularities of the development of business processes are considered. The focus of research is on the analysis of parasitic business processes that exist mainly on state funds. It is proposed to put a barrier to the formation of parasitic business processes in a special expertise.
Key words: business process, parasitic business process, competitive environment, labor productivity


Potapova G. S. — Content of foreign journals

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