Journal "Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya"ISSN 1562-322X
Contents (№3 2015)
to russian


Khorev A. I. — Theory and practice of microalloying β-welded titanium alloys by rare earth metals (REM), zirconium, hafnium and rhenium

System research results of the alloying elements influence in concentration broad interval enveloping α-, pseudo α-, (α+β)- and β-alloys are adduced. Microalloying limits of the base titanic material and welding joint by zirconium and hafnium are established. The research results allows to create more than 100 new titanic alloys for utilization in the flying apparatus design.
Key words: titanic microalloying, mechanical characteristics, rare-earth metals


Nikolaev P. M. — Building a smooth toolpaths for high speed milling ensuring

The basic aspects of constructing a smooth motion path of the cutting tool for high speed machining are covered. The proposed algorithm allows the use of standard procedures spline approximation to convert tool path defined as a polyline into a smooth spline. The accuracy requirement on straight segments is taken into account. Algorithms for constructing smooth approach and retraction cutter to separate sections of the path are discussed.
Key words: high-speed milling, smooth tool path, cutter lead-in

Enek M. — Investigation of the details surface layer forming at turning operation by means of carbide plate with nitride metal coating

The paper presents the scientific technical, both theoretical and experimental studies of this problem — linkages and interdependencies between technological parameters of cutting process and the quality of the generated surface layer of the material of the workpiece in the process of finishing carbide tool coated.
Key words: surface layer, modeling, cutting, coating PVD


Grigorev V. S., Mironychev N. A. — Interconnections of the applied resources at cutting tools shaping

The correlation of geometrical resources applied in geometrical bodies forming at hierarchical levels from point to spatial from a synergetics approach (position) is described. It is displayed that surface geometrical resources serve for blade cutting tools forming, but surface and volume resources for abrasive tools.
Key words: geometric body (solid), resource, correlation, hierarchy, synergetics, tool geometry, form-building elements, abrasive grain, abrasive tool

Vanin V. A. — Kinematical structure of the gear-shaping machine with hydraulic shape-generating connections on the grounds of stepping hydraulic drive

It is considered the building possibility of the internal (shape-generating) kinematic chains gear for gear-shaping machines of various technological purposes in the form of hydraulic connections based on stepping hydraulic drive in order to improve the accuracy, reducing specific quantity of metal, creating a rational design of the machine, using aggregate modularity principle.
Key words: desktop, gear-shaping machine, hydraulic, modular principle


Kopylov L. V., Petukhov S. L., Bukhteeva I. V., Feofanov A. N. — Improving ensuring accuracy of ensuring functional index rotor aggregate functional index

This article contains the data on the new method of assembling rotor units, which allows to minimize the radial air gap between the stator and the rotor and to ensure its regularity. The distinguishing feature of this method is the regulation of the gap in the assembly process with subsequent fixing it using the compound. The method provides a productive assembly of rotor units. An important difference of this method is the minimization of the additional requirement of improving the accuracy of the assembly units and the aggregates.
Key words: rotor, stator, assembly, regulation, radial air gap, compensator


Velichko A. A., Orlov V. V., Pazilova U. A., Sulyugin R. V., Khlusova E. I. — The structure and properties optimization of the thermal influence zone (HAZ) of the high-strength pipe steels welded joints

In order to establish ways of adverse effect minimization of the welding cycle we studied influence of the heat input at multiarc flux welding and of welding practices on the structure and properties of the high-strength pipe steel welded joints in the heat-affected area. The analysis of the obtained data allowed to ascertain a processing method which significantly reduced weld microhardness and step-up fraction of ductile fracture of percussion samples.
Key words: pipe steel, multiarc welding, flux, microhardness


Petrushin S. I., Saprykin A. A., Valter A. V., Saprykina N. A. — Layerwise synthesis technology of the products prototype by selective laser powders sintering

Layering synthesis methods of the article-prototypes are considered. Experimental facilities description is given. Efficiency increase possibility and process power intensity lowering through the use of the layers number and articles reinforcement shortening is shown. Mathematical dependences of the sintering technological modes influence on the thickness and roughness of the sintered surface layer are proposed. Guidelines over the sintered article surface quality increasing through the use of a sintering modes subdividing are given.
Key words: layering synthesis, process efficiency, surface layer quality, sintering mode, experimental facility, reinforcement articles


Vaynberg I. A., Vainberg E. I., Tsyganov S. G. — Scanning experience of the modern products from composites and ceramics


Sorokin V. M., Tudakova N. M., Mikheev A. V., Zotova V. A., Tanchuk S. S., Kraynov V. V. — Mathematical model of the tubular blanks burnishing in a condition of semifluid friction with counterpressure

There are presented substantiation, results building mathematical model and research combination processing burnishing with against-pressure technological fluids by providing half-liquiding friction. To show effectiveness such processing.
Key words: elastic plasticity deformation, burnishing, half-liquiding friction, hearth deformated, against-pressure technological fluid


Sudnik V. A. — Section "Principles of the welding modelling" in the reference book of the publishing house ASM International (USA)

Information on issue of the reference book the "Bases of Welding and Processes" volume 6A. 2011 is adduced. (Publishing house ASM, USA), contents of the section "Bases of welding modeling" is opened. Authors of the section are experts from Germany, India, Canada, Norway, the USA, Ukraine and Sweden.
Key words: welding modeling, modeling of a mass heat transfer, numerical aspects of modeling


Kulikov V. N. — Electrical safety of the welder at special dangerous work conditions

Conducted full-scale electrophysiological study of the effect of current on the human body in similar conditions, electrical shocks welders. Offers a rare glimpse of the dangers of welding voltage. Criticized by modern standards of electrical safety.
Key words: electrical safety, electrical accident, heart fibrillation, asphyxia, electrical injuries, reflex action of the current


Bukhalkov M. I., Kuzmin M. A. — The content and tasks of innovation activity at production enterprisces

The article describes the content and objectives of the development of innovation in modern machine-building enterprises, is a list of the main types of innovation projects.
Key words: innovation, innovation facilities, innovative processes, the effectiveness of innovation, innovation potential

Penner V. A. — Repair, control and assembly shop or the pumping-compressor tubing

Draft workshop repairs. Assembly and control of pump-compressor pipes. Is the main and auxiliary equipment. The structural scheme of control, repair and Assembly of pump-compressor pipes.
Key words: pump-compressor pipes, control Assembly


Potapova G. S. — Content of foreign journals


Ivanov A. N. — International exhibition "Heat treatment 2014"

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