Journal "Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya"ISSN 1562-322X
Contents (№3 2010)
to russian

Grigoryev S. N. — The 80th anniversary of the MGTU Stankin: innovations in education and science

The article is devoted to the 80th anniversary of the foundation of the Moscow state technological university Stankin. It is shown that the university has become a leading centre training of scientificand-teaching and engineering personnel both for Russia and for the near and far abroad.
Key words: MGTU Stankin, training of personnel, scientific development, academics-teachers

Solomentsev Yu. M. — Prospects of the technological development of industy

Creation of a modern machine-building computer-aided manufacturing is considered which is based on the product life concept and CALS-technologies. This will allow for a fundamental advance towards efficient technological development of the industry.
Key words: computer-aided manufacturing, product, life cycle, CALS-technologies


Sosionushkin Ye. N. — Component alternative production techniques for tube fittings

Forged piece new manufacturing techniques from round billets made of cast iron, structural and alloyed steels, non-ferrous metals are considered.
Key words: alternative technology, component, plumbing fitting, blanking


Verescheka A. S., Anikeyev A. I., Dacheva A. V. — Tough machining effectiveness increase by application of tooling with nanostructured wear-resistant coating

Results of improvement of non-free-cutting materials properties by using composite tooling material with nano-structured coating, by introducing rhenium to the cobalt couplant of the WC-Co alloys and of the ВРК-type are given.
Key words: tool, non-free-cutting materials, composition, nano-structured wear-resistant coating

Skhirtladze A. G., Yurkevich V. V. — On the issue of milling accuracy

Factors influencing on the accuracy of the work surface at making chips are covered.
Key words: milling, vibration, cutting tool motion, accuracy of the work surface


Grechishnikov V. A. — Mainstream advanced effectiveness of the tool engineering

Main concepts to advance effective operational capability of cutting tool are considered.
Key words: cutting tool, nanocrystalline diamond tool, operational capability, drilling, core drilling, reaming

Saldadze A. D., Feofanov O. A. — Database of the NC-contolled multifunctional machine characteristics

A database development task is considered to store information on assemblies and constructional elements of the NC-controlled multitasking machines, as well as database management systems requirements to describe image data specification of these assemblies are formulated.
Key words: database, NC-controlled multitasking machines, relational model, arrangement, clone, information technology


Timiryazev V. A., Khazanova O. V., Gololobov D. V., Korniyasov S. Yu. — Modelling of the bases for set-on accuracy calculation at the machining and assembly processes

Issues of mathematical formulation and base modelling allowing for grounding location optimum alternative choice are covered. A deflection calculation procedure of the mounting components’ surfaces relative positions is given; the deflections are due to errors of the component mounting at machining process and assembly operations.
Key words: processing procedure, metal-working, identification method, component locating chart


Timiryazev V. A., Sazykin A. A., Shagalkin A. Yu., Korniyasov A. Yu. — Computer-aided calculation of the machinery dimensional accuracy

Issues of calculation automation of the textile machinery dimensional accuracy by computer are considered. This allows for substantiating requirements for the accuracy of components and units and for excluding performing tedious manual calculations of the accuracy of the created equipment.
Key words: designing, equipment, computer, programmes


Grigoryev S. N., Gribkov A. A. — Determination of the general requirements for the accuracy of the metering system elements

Taking into consideration parameters interdependence of the optimum metering function a metering time reduced error estimation algorithm is suggested, i.e. a new summarized characteristic, on the assumption of which minimum requirements for the accuracy of the metering system elements may be formulated.
Key words: metering system, reduced error of metering, optimization, componentry accuracy


Feofanov A. N., Karasiov K. S. — Enterprise comprehensive automation

It is established that implementation of ERP system and CAD/CAM/CAE-systems simultaneously favours products upgrading, reduction of production period and wage fund, proper management and accurate information storage.
Key words: workflow automation, flexible production complexes, planning systems

Mitrofanov V. G., Uteshev G. V. — Study of the processing systems design automation problem

It is shown that by application of the investigated design procedures taking into consideration specified objective functions of optimization it is feasible to obtain a quasi-optimal structure of a computer-aided processing system from a set of variants.
Key words: engineering industry, data-processing systems, graphs, hypergraphs, control, cycle, product

Kosov M. G., Sobolev A. N. — Computer-aided design on the basis of non-solid modelling methodology

A prospective computer-aided design procedure for the machine-building objects is given.
Key words: procedure, modelling, computer-aided design, data

Voronenko V. P., Ryazanov D. Yu., Gorsky S. S. — Effectiveness increase of the neuronet controlled production of the components of the body-of-revolution type

A prospective trend in automatic control systems application is considered, which are constructed by artificial neural networking. Cutting process control procedure upgrading dimensional and geometrical form accuracy of a machined workpiece is described.
Key words: component, prediction, neural network, control, working accuracy


Chekanin V. A., Kovshov Ye. Ye. — Evolutionary-algorithm-based modelling and optimization of the processing steps in industial production

Basic approaches and principles of coding and object placement in containers are considered. Optimal parameters of the evolutional algorithm are determined to solve object packing problem. Prospects of the evolutional algorithm usage at solving packing problems aimed at processing steps optimization are covered.
Key words: optimization, evolutionary algorithm, genetic algorithm, object placement


Kutin A. A., Lutsyuk S. V. — Structure analysis of the machine-building production interim communication

An approach to productive potential management on the base of temporal communication structure analysis is described. This approach allows for considering concrete conditions of production at carrying out manufacturing re-equipment of a machine-building plant.
Key words: productive potential, temporal communication, production re-equipment

Volkova G. D., Novosiolova O. V. — Study of the machine building plant management loop

A procedure and development of the organizational and functional arrangement at a machine-building plant are described. The plant’s operation model is built, the formation of which allows for registering in normative documents experience and knowledge systematized in accordance with specified rules and forms.
Key words: machine-building plant, control model, intelligent and information systems

Kirillova Ye. A., Alioshin V. I. — Scientific-and-engineering community in machine-tool school

Working data of the scientific and engineering communities in the field of machine tool industry are given.
Key words: machine-building plant, experts, scientific and engineering communities, machine tool industry

Chervyakov L. M. — Intellectual processes at design and engineering decision making

Intellectual processes at making a design engineering solution are described. The notion of the term “intellect” is considered as it is given in different works.
Key words: intelligence, design engineering solution, paradigm, intelligent base procedure


Potapova G. S. — Review of the foreign journals

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Exhibitions in April—June, 2010.

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