Journal "Economika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii"ISSN 2072-0890
Contents (¹4 2011)
to russian


Shorokhov M. S. — State economic strategy and Russian industry’s modernization problem

This article concerns the problem of the choice of national economic strategy for industry’s modernization. The author describes the crucial factors of different strategies. Besides, he analyzes the features of the Russian economic development in the beginning of twentieth century.
Key words: state regulation, economic policy, the structural policy, state economic development strategy

Arsamakov A. A. — Features of the mechanical engineering enterprises’ financing in crisis conditions

The article presents the theoretical concept and gives proof of the necessity of bank competition. Dependence of development of mechanical engineering on external financing is estimated. It is proved that concentration of bank sector should conduct to concentration of production in real sector of economy. It is underlined that priorities of an anti-crisic policy of the government of the Russian Federation in the field of mechanical engineering branches mainly associated with support of motor industry and agricultural mechanical engineering.
Key words: bank competition, dependence of mechanical engineering on external financing, concentration in bank sector, priorities of an anti-crisis policy of the government of the Russian Federation

Dronov E. A., Barakhov V. I. — Commodity-money flows’ crisis management in the corporation created on the military enterprise basis

In this paper we present one of possible approaches to commodity-money flows’ crisis management in the corporation, based on scientifically proved method, with its modeling application, and optimization of distribution of an overhead charge between business units. The basic dependences of the developed model are resulted, allowing to receive the closed algorithm of crisis management.
Key words: crisis management, commodity-money flows, military enterprise, modelling, business unit

Michailova T. S. — Outsourcing economic efficiency calculation through the cost functions estimation

The paper’s purpose is to show problems which industrial enterprises face, at stages of functions expediency definition transferred in a outsourcing, the algorithm of economic efficiency calculation and principles of cost functions estimation transferred in outsourcing are offered.
Key words: outsourcing, economic efficiency calculation, cost functions estimation, industrial enterprises

Krasnopevtseva I. V. — The motivation analysis of industrial enterprises’ workers labor activity

Are carried out researches of motivational structure of the working two industrial enterprises on the basis of which dominating motives of labour activity are revealed. The analysis of results of research has allowed to reveal features of motives of labour activity of workers from a level of their formation, qualification, age, a sexual accessory and the experience of work on a speciality and to define the basic directions on fastening the personnel at the enterprise.
Key words: motivation, effective work, labour behaviour of the worker, dominating motives of labour activity, internal motives, external positive motives; external negative motives, motivational structure, fastening of the personnel


Petrov V. V., Ribnikova V. A. — Effective innovative projects’ choice in the industry on the basis of the functional and cost analysis

The authors put forward approaches and methods of selection of effective innovative projects in the modern context of industrial undertaking. To begin with it is evaluation criteria and stages of selection mechanism on the ground of cost analysis (cost-benefit analysis).
Key words: evaluation criteria, innovative project, choice step, cost-benefit analysis

Yaroslavtsev V. M. — Operative search of technological problems innovative decisions

The methodology of innovative highly effective technologies search and new technological methods creation of manufacturing production with competitive technical and economic indicators, based on construction and analysis of perfection ordering basic directions based on processing method (molding, processing by pressure, welding, cutting, thermal processing, etc.) — an orientation of technological influences is resulted. The method of processing by cutting productivity of its application in practice is shown.
Key words: new methods, ordering, innovative technologies, operative search, competitiveness, cutting, cutting workability


Maslova L. I., Ribnikova T. A. — Experience of functional and cost analysis implementation in Ural, Siberia, Udmurtiya

The article summarizes theoretical background and application of the functional Value Analysis (FVA) in the Urals Region. LVA methodology is supplemenled with the concept of ’function’ and ’anti-function’, which allows the spectrum of I’VA application to be modified. The range of techniques for function performance search is expanded (Theory of Inventive Task Solution, morphology etc.). The newly designed forms of FVA performance and application ensure a broad scope of enterprises.
Key words: functional value analysis (FVA), FVA application

Karpova S. V. — Ecological marketing as a strategy of innovative activity increasing of automobile building companies

Definition of ecological marketing as is made of strategy of application of the innovations based on an effective utilization of the international ecological norms. Necessity ecological making as priority basis of innovative development of the car-making companies is proved.
Key words: ecological marketing, innovations, the ecological aspect of innovation activity of the car-making companies, the international ecological norms, the system of the ecological management, the marketing policy

Kovalev A. P., Zakshevskaya N. N. — Marketing research of the assortment accessible to manufacture on the hi-tech industrial equipment available in the scientific organization

One of directions of research organizations activity commercialization is additional use of the expensive hi-tech equipment available in the organization for best-selling production releasing. In the paper the marketing research technique of production assortment carrying out accessible to manufacture in the conditions of the research organization is considered. High useful return from the equipment, economic support of the research organization activity at preservation of normal conditions of the planned research works performance is provided as a result.
Key words: marketing assortment research, hi-tech industrial equipment, research organizations activity commercialization

Goriltchnko M. A., Dolinsky S. V., Davletshina M. U. — Functional and cost analysis application for competitiveness increasing of automated rotor parking places in Tushin machine-building factory

Authors give an experience of the usage of functional and cost analysis in the design of automated rotor motor-car parking. According to mythology the object has been selected and proved, the specialized team has been formed, has been made an analysis on stages and has been proposed marketability arrangements of motor-car parking. Calculation of economical efficiency has been given.
Key words: functional and cost analysis, engineering, multilevel parking, marketability


Chepenko V. L., Andreev V. G. — Economy modernization: foreign experience

Authors analyze socio-political situation in the country during Russia’s exit from the economic crisis to get the tasks of the widely large-scaled modernization of the economy. In the article it’s shown that in the prevailing situation of the ruling elite, it objectively does not have any other alternative, besides the fastest production of innovation strategy, which to affects every side of the economy and society. The analysis of the stages of the modernization that occurred in the last century in successful countries like China and Germany was done. The authors showed the tasks that were the same for both models of the carried out reforms, which may be and should be used in Russia.
Key words: economic crisis, modernization of the economy, innovation strategy, reform

Lukashin S. A., Mitrofanov V. G., Feofanov A. N. — Computer quality control system development at the machine-building enterprise

Creation of the automated control system by quality at the machine-building enterprise is considered. It is supposed to use as base software the Russian workings out 1Ñ PDM and 1Ñ ÓÏÏ, coordinated with the international quality standards.
Key words: quality management, quality standards, computerized control system, machine-building enterprise


Pushkareva M. B. — The accountability of risks and inflationary processes at the industrial organizations (the review of foreign journals)

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