Journal "Economika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii"ISSN 2072-0890
Contents (¹4 2012)
to russian


Agarkov A. P., Erokhin E. A. — Organizational and economic bases of machine-building enterprise’s production infrastructure system formation

The formation and the structure of the manufacturing infrastructure system at the machine building enterprise are considered.
Key words: manufacturing infrastructure, system, a block of functional modules

Lavrenova M. V. — Optimization of the enterprise’s fixed assets reproduction current activity on the basis of their market cost

Investigating modern position of the enterprises in the market, the author suggests to use the complex analysis of the enterprise’s property complex condition dynamics for its market cost taking into account carried-out repairs, commissioning of new objects and removal of worn-out objects from operation will allow to estimate influence of these processes on a condition of the enterprise’s property of and to carry out a choice of the most expedient option of fixed assets updating.
Key words: property complex, market cost, fixed assets, industrial enterprise

Markova M. V. — Analysis of the enterprise’s environment factors in the course of commodity and assortment strategy formation

The issue of changing the characteristics of the range of aircraft equipment and services for its maintenance and repair services or air freight, may have different solutions depending on the specific set of market conditions. Groups of political, economic and geographic, technical and technological factors have a positive impact on forming the product and assortment strategy by enterprises of aviation complex, creating the basis for improving the competitiveness of Russian aircraft in the domestic and foreign markets.
Key words: aviation complex, aircraft, structural and assortment policy, product and assortment strategy

Egorova N. E., Shilov V. V. — Formation of the enterprise’s development adaptive strategy based on scenary calculations for imitating model

The problems of the enterprise development strategy forming by using the methods of simulation are considered. The description of simulation model and methods of scenario calculations by means of given instrumentation are presented. The comparative analysis of calculation results (according to the optimistic, inertial and two variants of pessimistic scenarios) on the example of the concrete enterprise is carried out.
Key words: enterprise development strategy, scenario, simulation model

Chernyaev A. V., Banslova V. B. — Modeling of industrial production using virtual contours

Within the offered model the basis of a modern information complex for the technological enterprise consists in continuous reorganization of virtual systems creation algorithms. The more various virtual systems and communications arises, the more analogs appears on which the technological complex can self-learn and self-modeling. That is the main basis for intellectual production creation. The offered model is one of possible components of technological knowledge perspective systems in the industry.
Key words: virtual systems, technological knowledge perspective systems, technological complex, virtual contours

Galetov I. D. — Neural networks for the analysis and forecasting of the investments and capital market in mechanical engineering

It is proved that extensive possibilities neural modeling allow to analyze various processes to predict and predict the future condition of market parameters as well as allow to automate and facilitate process of acceptance of administrative decisions.
Key words: management, forecasting, neural modeling, financial-economic processes


Milnik V. V., Milnik A. V. — Problems of industrial organizations transition from chaos to the ordered industrial systems based on innovations

This article is devoted to analysis and study of the essence of chaos as an integral part of the evolutionary stage of socio-economic development of industrial systems. On the basis of the study showed that chaos is starting on Wednesday, on the basis of which the formation of a all types of systems. In this chaos is a necessary step in the development of the system, preceding and contributing to its evolutionary transformation in time and space. The authors introduce the concept of innovative chaos as a natural-term reaction of the socio-economic environment for the implementation of radical and other innovations. Formed an enlarged development of innovative chaos algorithm applied to the life cycle of an innovative product.
Key words: chaos, order, innovation, evolution, socio-economic, industrial organization, innovative chaos, radical innovation

Golov R. S. — Conceptual bases of technological and economic development of innovative-investment clusters

This article is devoted to consideration of conceptual bases of technological and economic development of innovative-investment clusters. The directions of innovative-investment clusters development represent the most important ways of its strategic growth, successful management with which in many respects defines degree of cluster long-term efficiency as the participant of the innovative sphere.
Key words: innovations, investment, innovative-investment activity, modernization, mechanical engineering, innovative-investment cluster

Pushkareva M. B., Khotimsky S. D. — Analysis of factors impeding the implementation of the innovative-investment projects

The innovative activity expressed first of all in creation of manufactures and structures on the basis of new and predicted scientific and technical resources which become a basis of economic development of the country in the nearest and long-term prospect. Simultaneously it is necessary to search and develop new conceptual approaches, create corresponding institutionally-legal forms of the innovative processes organization, corresponding administrative and financial decisions and schemes.
Key words: innovative-investment project, innovative-investment process, managerial decision, innovative idea


Maydanchik B. — 18 fundamental features of the functional and cost analysis in modern America

Revolutionary changes have happened in the second part of the twenteeth century and huge success has been achieved in the American system of corporate governance and project management. Among principal changes in management can be marked the following broad-based computer availability of projection system, wide and growing usage in engineering of mathematical methods as optimizing and statistical models, principal new approach to input from the perspective functions, which are needed to consumers. This method is more abstract and free from conservatism and has opened new possibilities for cost minimization on implementation of the function.
Key words: revolutionary changes, computer availability, function for consumers, cost minimization

Aleksandrova A. V., Lukyanova E. V. — Technologies of aircrafl science-intensive products promotion

The article considers the ways of promotion of science-intensive products for aviation purposes. Identified the most effective methods and means of marketing communications. An algorithm for the development of a communications policy of the manufacturer, with account of the specificity of the branch market.
Key words: aircraft engineering, science intensive production, promotion, marketing communications


Vasilyev V. A., Rozenkova E. D. — Investments efficiency assessment in industrial enterprises’s quality management system

In the following paper the problem of uniform integrated approach development of investments efficiency assessment in quality management system of the domestic industrial enterprises is opened. In a basis of the approach the following enterprise activity estimates are laid down: operative level effective assessment, quality management system audit, enterprise management assessment which all created the generalized efficiency index.
Key words: quality management system, investments into quality, efficiency, model

Aleksandrov M. N., Kalandarishvili S. N., Kobzar A. I. — Quality control system improvement based on the professional qualifications certification

The perspective creation of an assessment and certification qualifications system in spacerocket branch — formation and development of the appraisal center and qualifications certification and the expert and methodical center in space-rocket branch is considered. The developed methodological providing the project is considered and the further directions of assessment and qualifications certification development in space-rocket branch are described.
Key words: personnel certification, qualifications assessment, quality management


Dmitrenko V. P., Messineva E. M., Fetisov A. G. — Features of training on area base profiles 280700 "Technogenic safety" upon transition to educational standards of the third generation (FGOS-3) 

The paper substantiates the relevance of the educational system development in the field of safety. On an experience example of "Industrial ecology and production safety" and "Natural and technogenic safety and management of risk" departments of "MATI" — Russian State Technological University on formation of the main educational programme according to FGOS-3 competence character, features of two-level system of specialists training (bachelors and masters) are described on two main area profiles of 280700 "Technogenic safety": "Health and safety in a technosphere" and "Engineering protection of environment".
Key words: specialists training, educational standards, competence approach

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