Journal "Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya"ISSN 1562-322X
Contents (№4 2015)
to russian


Shatrov A. K., Mikhnev M. M., Baranov M. V. — Determination of the anisogrided design residual resources from polymer composite

The residual recourcese determining method of the conical adapter bearing capacity for the spacecraft through the use of the strength kinetic concept is considered. Adapter represents a conical mesh structure obtained by winding through the use of the high modular carbon fibers and the polymer matrix EKhD-MD. The experimental verification results of the long-term strength demonstrate the effectiveness of the strength concept kinetic application.
Key words: composites, mesh structure, analysis of production, residual recourcese


Rogov V. A., Kokarev V. I., Velis A. K. — Research of the sintegran processing by carbide drills

The paper presents the experimental results of researches done, to establish the relationship of processing parameters with mechanical characteristics when drilling holes on synthetic granite (sintegran) with carbide drills at Moscow State Technological University "STANKIN" with the use of the CNC machining center, based on a milling machine 24K40SF4, equipped with the system FlexNC-70 software from the company "STANKOTSENTR". This program environment allows to record the torque and axial force in real time. The research process was conducted in two stages, varying input parameters affecting the technical characteristics of the CNC machining center. The first stage was carried out at constant axial feed (at two levels), while we varied the cutting speed. The second phase was carried out at constant cutting speed (at two levels), while we varied the values of axial feed, Graphics were plotted with the mechanical characteristics obtained in real-time.
Key words: drilling synthetic granite, sintegran, carbide drill bits, processing modes of sintegran, torque, vertical force, computer diagnostics

Cherepakhin A. A. — Features of the forces calculation during cold finishing rolling spur gears

In the article the analytical method for calculating forces during finishing cold roll forming cylindrical gears. It is shown the influence of geometrical and physical-mechanica; characteristics of rolling and the processed wheel on the magnitude of the radial and tangential force of rolling. Experimental verification of the calculated dependences showed good agreement between the results.
Key words: rolling, gear wheel, power rolling, physical and mechanical characteristics

Chudin V. N., Sobolev Ya. A. — Forming gas tanks shells

A gas forming process of the ball and torus capacity shells and calculation technology parameters calculation are proposed. Creep state of a hot material is accepted. Variational calculation method is used. Results of technological operations and articles samples are adduced.
Key words: creeping, deformation rate, voltage, power, pressure

Korolev A. V., Tyurin A. N., Korolev A. A. — Energy-saving relaxation technology of residual stresses

One of the main factors leading to a decrease of the original product accuracy at their utilization, is uncontrolled relaxation of residual stresses that inevitably arise in accordance with the creeping theory laws. In this paper an effective technology of the residual stresses ultrasonic relaxation in parts such as rings is considered. This technology essence is that the workpiece is exposed to elastic deformation by a certain amount. The special ultrasonic facility superimposes ultrasonic vibration by means of additional contact method. In such a case more efficient reduction of residual stress and less detail deformation during the relaxation and its original geometric shape preservation are provided.
Key words: residual stresses, creeping theory, ultrasonic relaxation, elastic deformation


Chernyanskiy P. M. — Calculating method of the precision machine tools basic characteristics

Of the three main characteristics of precision — the power, thermal and dimensional, by now developed a methodology for calculating the power characteristics of precision (precision component).
The article reveales a general property of all characteristics — the need to consider the friction forces, and the development possibility, by analogy, of the calculating methods the other characteristics of precision is shown.
Key words: accuracy characteristics, accuracy force characteristics, accuracy heat characteristics, accuracy dimension characteristics, machine tools precision

Simsive D. Ts., Simsive Zh. V., Kutyshkin A. V. — Adgesive wear valuation of the cutting tool from the polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (CBN) in the high speed machining

The physical and probabilistic model of the gutting tool adhesive wear at the high speed machining is considered. Formation and destruction of adhesion of metallic bonds on the contact surfaces of the cutting tool and the workpiece was simulated by functioning the operation of single-channel mass service systems, whose parameters are determined taking into account of these processes specificity. The developed model testing was carried out on experimental wear data of the cutting tool from polycrystalline cubic boron nitride.
Key words: high-speed machining, orthogonal turning, cutting tool wear, adhesive wear, front surface wear, flank wear


Matvienko V. N., Leshchinskiy L. K., Stepnov K. K., Shchebanits E. N., Omelyanenko N. I. — Hard-facing deposit of rollers by doped strip electrode under ceramic flux

The development of strip electrode composition for hardfacing of hot mill rolls has allowed the enhancement of impact toughness, ductility and thermal fatigue fracture resistance of deposited layers. For additional alloying to increase the hardness and wear resistance of deposited metal the ceramic flux is used. The composition of new ceramic flux improves the welding characteristics of the process and has low relative chemical activity compared to deposited metal. Rolling performance of the restored hot mill rolls in terms of rolling amount per 1 mm diameter reduction becomes greater.
Key words: arc hardfacing, strip electrode, ceramic flux, chemical activity, deposited metal, alloying, impact toughness, ductility, wear resistance, roll for hot rolling, performance


Moskvitin G. V., Birger E. M., Polyakov A. N., Polyakova G. N. — Laser methods of the detail pad weld manufacturing

The possibility of the detail pad weld forming by means of laser radiation is shown. Various methods of details manufacturing through the use of this method are considered. Various lasers types and this technology application methods in industry are considered.
Key words: laser radiation, prototyping, mold for the founding industry, a layewise synthesis

Belousov V. P., Dianova N. G. — Stress relaxation at continuously varying cross-section

The stress relaxation on the rods with a continuously varying cross-section is considered. Relaxation is characterized by a sharp stress drop at the process beginning. There are known dependencies between strains and stresses. Numerical relationship is obtained at known relaxation kernel R(t – τ), and for the constants specific values, which shows that the rod destruction time is determined from the condition σ(tp) = σB. Thus, received results indicate that the stress relaxation at continuous reduction of the cross-sectional area is observed only at the process beginning, and the opposite occurs subsequently, i. e. the stress increase to the natural sample destruction.
Key words: stress relaxation, cross section, tension, tensile load, strain, tensile force

Shilov M. A., Berezina E. V. — Influence of structured gels in the liquid-crystal phase on the lubricating layers rheology

Surface active substances (surfactants) play major role at the surface interaction processes with a substance, at adsorption regulation, adhesion and wetting. The gelling and mesomorphism effect of some nonionic surfactants on their rheological properties is studied. The dependence of viscosity on shear rate and the concentration and temperature intervals are derived.
Key words: tribology, lubrication layers, rheology, mesomorphism


Markov A. A., Antipov A. G. — Magnetodynamic control method of the rails


Yangirov I. F. — Linear track counter rolling stock

The structural and functional features of the trip meter on the basis of a linear asynchronous motor are considered. The counter model is adduced, mathematical expressions for definition of the meter sensitivity are derived. When the meter sectional arrangement along the railway may accurately determine the rails defects locations, which eliminates the emergencies occurrence.
Key words: linear track meter, asynchronous motor, magnetic resistance, running magnetic field, the information system


Ponomarev B. B., Nguen Van Nam — Technological process feature at sculptural surfaces milling on the CNC milling machines with three work axes

This paper presents an auxiliary time optimizing method of the tool movement during complex parts milling on CNC milling machines. An algorithm for idle movements minimizing by changing the machined area and the optimization algorithm of the individual sections processing sequence is described. Calculations on the test parts with complex surfaces are carried out.
Key words: idle movement; auxiliary movement; spherocylindrical cutter; conic cutter; end cylindrical cutter; complex surface


Sudnik V. A. — Modeling standardization and simulation at welding

The problem analysis results of the welded joints mathematical formation development are stated. Modern advances in modeling and simulation of welding processes are adduced. The appearance chronology of the standards in the field of mathematical models and terminology is considered.
Key words: mathematical model, the welding process, the verification and the adequacy terminology


Chaykov M. Yu. — Licence payment dimensions of the machine-building enterprise at products export

The existing basis for determining the state share in the documentation used for the export production manufacturing is considered. The inventory РИД inventory unacceptability as the main and the only method that exists at this time, for the rights distribution for РИД and calculating the license fee amount is substantiated. It is proposed to replace the mechanism for determining the Russian Federation rights share and enter the calculation method instead of inventory realization.
Key words: military equipment export, inventory of the intellectual activity results, license fee distribution rights for IAR


Potapova G. S. — Content of foreign journals


Ivanov A. N. — Advanced Automation Technologies 2014

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