Journal "Economika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii"ISSN 2072-0890
Contents (№4 2009)
to russian


Anikina O. V., Zinchenko A. S., Udina O. V. —Working out of investments and financial cycles at the production organization at the enterprises of aviation rocket production

The article issue some questions of the model of financial and investment cycles in the enterprises of aviation rocket branch under the modern financial conditions. The model determines essential principles of budgeting process of manufacturing activity in the enterprises of this branch. The main peculiarity of financial and investment cycles is manufacturing calculation and planning which are determine budgeting process in the enterprises of aviation rocket branch.
Key words: budgeting process, financial planning, financial cycle, investment cycle

Miknis V. I., Sorokin A. E. — Economic risks estimation methods at formation of the aircraft engineering enterprise production programme

The article problems are considered with respect to the concept and the methods of estimate the risk of the production of scientific-technical products in the aviation Russia industry. Suggested the classification or risk is suggested.
Key words: aviation Russia industry, risk, the methods of estimate the risk

Voronin U. A., Chugunov V. S. — About the theory of the organizations with reference to subsoil using

Organization theory can play a pivotal role for success activity increasing, connected with oil and gas. Authors of article consider the basic features and nuances of formalization in subsiol using. In article are resulted criteria organization descriptions, their kinds. Conclusions that working out of the description of counts, distances and measures of similarity for them — a necessary of construction of the theory of organizations become.
Key words: organization theory, formalization, subsoil using, description criteria


Dzotsenidze T. — The concept of the national innovative program "Creation of the new export-focused car industry of Russia"

On the basis of the conclusion the author made after deep consideration of problems of Russian motor industry, in article the concept of the national innovative programm which will allow to realize a problem of creation of the new export-focused motor industry of Russia the next years is offered. Thus, it is fairly noticed that it is necessary to develop not only commercial production, but also to create a technical reserve on the automobile technics for Armed forced.
Key words: technological synthesis, technological policy, technical progress, technological designing

Tochilin O. V. — About the uncertainty and risk account in calculations of the innovative-investment projects efficiency on creation new AT

Article is devoted to features of the innovative-investment designing and investment projects efficiency estimation on creation of high technology production in the aviation industry. Account question uncertainty and risk in calculation of innovative-investment projects efficiency on working out and manufacture new AT are considered. For the business plan in efficiency calculation it is recommended to consider uncertainty, i. e. incompleteness and discrepancy of the information on conditions of the project realization, and risk, i. e. possibility of occurrence of such conditions which will to negative consequences for all or separate participants of the project.
Key words: innovative-investment designing, business plan, financial and economic efficiency, estimation, uncertainty, risk

Golov R. S. — Innovations and investments integration problem in industrial production innovative-investment activity

The situation in economy of our country is characterized with structural changes in pricing, inflationary processes. In connection with the aforesaid, in the course of planning and the analysis innovatively-investment projects in Russia the standard methods in the international business practice, based on the classical analysis of monetary streams are used. Thus features of formation of the monetary streams, a consequence influences of the factors characterizing surrounding economic environment should be considered.
Key words: complex innovations, investments, functional features, innovative-investment activity, industrial enterprise

Pushkareva M. B. — Using of the virtual enterprise as functional model of financial business processes reengineering

Instability of the economic environment conditions of the organization’s functioning demands new approaches to the management, allowing to increase competitiveness. Using of the virtual enterprises within the frames of financial business process reengineering becomes the new form of the economic organizations. The virtual enterprise represents the group of the economic subjects uniting the forces for granting of certain service which are traditionally given by one enterprise. Such possibility, finally, seriously influences strategy of development both all economy, and the separate enterprises that is especially actual for the enterprises of a machine-building complex.
Key words: virtual enterprise, financial business process reengineering, business process, network associations


Burtsev V. V. — Theoretical bases of the marketing control

In article the basic theoretical principles of the marketing control are considered. The special place is given to the structural levels or elements of the marketing control, its procedures, the environment of the marketing control and account, aspects of budgeting and technology of formation and the analysis of the marketing control according to the life cycle concept.
Key words: marketing control, marketing account, budgeting, life cycle

Dobrinski E. S. — The Russian car industry in the conditions of systems crisis

The author of article considers the questions connected with the reasons, problems, possibilities and other features of financial crisis for the automobile companies. In article the material illustrating results of the enterprises and the Russian car industry in 2008 is resulted. Also in article find reflexion strategic measures which are undertaken by the state and the companies for decrease in negative consequences of system financial and economic crisis.
Key words: system crisis, car industry, financial and economic crisis, strategic measures


Rodionova N. P. — Condition and prospects of the Russian light industry development

In modern economic conditions the light industry is one of the basic branches of the economy bringing the considerable contribution to formation of the budget of the developed countries. From the point of view of a work cycle the light industry is connected with use of production of agriculture, the chemical industry and mechanical engineering, and its development promotes development of other branches of economy. The author describes the basic tendencies of development of light industry and makes practical recommendations.
Key words: light industry, work cycle, investments, management

Korolkova M. M., Datshenko O. A. — Reconfigurated industrial systems

The review of existing industrial systems spent in article, shows that systems possess a number of lacks and not always correspond to requirements of the modern market. In modern conditions when demand for the goods and services all time varies, and the companies are in conditions of a rigid competition, the industrial systems, essentially new type are necessary. It is necessary to use configurationess — engineering technology which is economically effective and quickly reacts to all market change.
Key words: industrial systems, competition, modern market


Nosov V. K., Uvarov V. N., Mamonov S. A. —Vocational training increasing of high schools graduates in assistance to their employment

The complex approach to perfection of engineering preparation with through use of the information technology, offered in article, leans against profound economic and organizing preparation in a combination to presence of practical professional skills. It leads to increase of competitiveness of young experts on a labour market.
Key words: engineering preparation, professional skills, labour market, employment


Pushkareva M. B. — Modern approaches and methods of management technologies perfection (the review of foreign journals)

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