Journal "Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya"ISSN 1562-322X
Contents (№5 2011)
to russian


Krushenko G. G., Filkov M. N. — Modifying rods with higher content of compound nanopodwers

Practice of obtaining modifying rods with higher content of crystal-nucleating agents in the form of nanopodwers of refractory chemical compounds is describe illustrated by an example of titanium nitride TiN nanopowder with particle size of 40 nm. This technology ensures pre-processing of the compositions of aluminium particles + TiN nanopowder in the ball planetary-type mill followed by rod pressing.
Key words: modification, alloys, nanopowders, compound


Salova D. P., Vinogradova T. G., Salov P. M. — Thermal process analysis at internal grinding of critical parts

Theoretical model of quasisteady grinding process at calculating temperature occurring under the action of individual abrasive grains is developed. Working surface cooling-down law at lubricating fluid usage is established.
Key words: grinding, source strength, coolant supply, pulse temperature, aerobic disk

Vladykin A. V., Makarov V. F. — Efficiency of pinholes electric erosion drilling in the parts from refractory alloys

Comparative analysis of pinholes electrical discharge machining using rotating tubing EDM electrode with machining medium flushing under high pressure through internal cavity and of a standard pattern using solid rod-shaped tool electrode is given. Practical application is considered and machining efficiency of pinholes in heat-resistant alloys using advanced electrical erosion drilling circuit design is confirmed.
Key words: refractory alloy, electroerosion drilling, pinhole, modern constructions

Boyko A. F. — Operational analysis of the discharge plasma channel expansion at EDM operation

In process of erosive processing was given on experimental the exponential model of the expasision of the category channel, with correlirts by debyewsk restriction of the plasma channel radius and allows with pinpoint accuracy to forecast the geometric parameters erosive small hole and value the specific power, selected in interelectrode gap also.
Key words: electroerosive processing, channel of the category, small erosive hole, plasma, radius of the category channel


Lobanov D. V. Yanyushkin A. S. — Structural decision analysis of the built-up milling tool for composite machining

Modelling and comparative analysis research results of the structural solutions for composite machining interlocking side mills are covered.
Key words: assembled cutter, modelling, data base, comparative analysis, preproduction

Kim V. A., Schelkunov E. B., Breev S. V. — The influence of rounding of a cutting edge on a roughness of surface after milling

Results of an experimental research of influence of radius of a rounding of cutting edge of a mill on a roughness of processed surface submitted.
Key words: mill, radius of a rounding of cutting edge, roughness


Iznairov B. M., Iznairov O. B., Vasin A. N., Mukatova G. Kh. — Ball screw gears hoisting capacity increase by working the process of their assembly

A possibility of ball screw gears hoisting capacity increase by 35—45 per cents as a result of assembly set efficient formation for assembly procedures is substantiated analytically.
Key words: screw gear, hoisting capacity, engineering process, assembly, mathematical expectation


Khromov V. N., Korenev B. N., Barabash V. V. — Coatings’ physical-mechanical properties at hydrogen- oxygenic flame spraying

Metallographic study results of flame coatings obtained at powder materials sputtering by oxy-acetylene and oxy-hydrogen flame are given. Features of joining sputtered and parent metals of the part are shown up; also porosity structural changes in the surface layer of the part are analysed.
Key words: sputtering, coating, physical-mechanical properties, joint


Kiseliov Ye. S., Blagovsky O. V. — Ultrasonic machining at critical parts production

Research results of critical parts perfection factor ensuring are described taking into account technological heredity. It is established that introduction into the engineering procedure a combined processing method of turning and grinding together with ultrasonic hard-alloy burnishing, as well as stress ultrasonic relaxation significantly influences subsurface characteristics of the noncorrosive steel components and on the process duration as a whole.
Key words: ultrasound, quality, technological heredity

Gafarov A. M., Suleymanov P. G. — Wear resistance of heavy-loaded machine components and mechanisms running in extreme cases

Component friction surfaces wear resistance formation of machine and aggregate kinematic pairs operating under extreme cases is considered. Equipment critical parts failure root causes are established. Research results of surface layer qualitative variables effect on the component wear life are given.
Key words: wear resistance, running-in, surface condition, stress, microhardness

Beschekov V. G., Dolzhanky Ye. Yu. — Modelling of spherodynamic material processing of pneumohydraulic multiplane pipe-lines

Non-linear spherodynamic system mathematical modelling basic foundation of machine pneumohydraulic units' multiplane pipeline tube stock deformation is developed using possibility theory. Tubing stock material spherodynamic processing characteristic which allow to increase efficiency of the required structural state designing are determined from the point of pipeline material plasticization.
Key words: computer-aided pipeline layout, spherodynamic blocking, mathematical model, possibility theory, nonlinear dynamic system

Fetisov I. V. — Effect of drum speed-up transient condition on the level of vibration displacement peak value

Examined the impact of the transition regime to disperse the drum at the level of its peak values vibro.
Key words: dispersal of the drum, washing machines, drum, vibro, decreasing oscillations


Lovchev V. N., Gorbachiov V. I., Polkovnikov A. V., Krusser T. B. — Certification of personnel who controls equipment and pipelines quality at operating nuclear power plants

Issues of personnel certification who controls equipment and pipelines quality at operating nuclear power plants are considered. Certification types, experience levels and personnel general and special training requirements are given. Certification procedure at a attestation body is described.
Key words: certification of personnel, quality control, examination, system of non-destructive testing


Sountsov S. B., Klimkin O. A., Safarov A. V., Fen A. M., Khudonogov D. Yu. — Engineering analysis at electronics end-to-end computer-aided design of modular rocket and space engineering

Method of changing electronics designing business processes based on CALS-technology is considered which allows implementing a smooth adoption of new methods and conservation a number of methodological advantages of standard approach and introducing airborne electronics designing state-of-the-art technology applying mathematical modelling and product life control system.
Key words: method, technology, mathematical modelling, rocket and space engineering


Nikolayenko A. A. — Modelling of the working accuracy assurance at flat deep peripheral grinding

Process of deep grinding of a circle is investigated. Imitating models of influence of forces of cutting and a pliability of technological system on accuracy of the sizes, straightforwardness and parallelism of surfaces of a detail are developed.
Key words: elastic moving, a pliability, technological system, accuracy of processing, mathematical model


Bor V. N. — Integral index design procedure of a nonmaterial small-scale enterprise efficiency and stability evaluation

Effectiveness and stability estimation procedure of a small-scale enterprise in the activity of Quality of Service under crisis conditions is developed.
Key words: management, enterprise, analysis, structure, metrics, monitoring

Dzotsenidze T. D., Vinogradova M. L., Kritskaya S. S. — Updating federal state-run unitary enterprise aimed at stimulating industry innovative development

It is shown that activity of a federal state-run unitary enterprise (FSUE) is not effective and there are no necessity criteria of unitary enterprises' foundation and functioning. An outline of FSUE activity systems analysis is given, methods of formation, distribution and use of the enterprise financial resources is considered. A conclusion is drawn that Russia today has an unfavourable medium for FSUE development, particularly in the scientific field.
Key words: industry innovative development, updating federal state-run unitary enterprise, administrative structure of state

Davydova O. V. — Approaches to managerial decision making in the diversification process

Approaches to managerial decision making in the diversification process are considered. It is established that application of shortcut methods of amortization makes it possible to vary components of the cash flow for the purpose of improvement of the financial performance and increase of the investment opportunities of an enterprise.
Key words: managerial decisions, enterprise, amortization, profit


Potapova G. S. — Review of the foreign journals


Dobrinsky Ye. S., Sein V. A. — The automotive industry of Russia in the post-crisis year: new tendency

Exhibitions in July—September, 2011

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