Journal "Svarochnoe Proizvodstvo"ISSN 0491-6441
Contents (№5 2013)
to russian


Labour T. M., Ischenko A. Ya., Taranova T. G., Grigorenko G. M., Kostin V. A., Chaika A. A. — Interrelation of fracture strength and structural transformation when welding 1422 alloy

A dependence of fracture strength behaviour at crack initiation and propagation on the structural state of certain weld zones of 1422 alloy is established. It is shown that metal overheating during welding of a pulsating form results in heterogeneity development of alloying elements and impurities in the structure in consequence of their segregation along crystal boundaries, as well as it brings to formation of brittle intergranular gaps from the specified above phases, especially on the alloying boundary.
Key words: aluminium-lithium alloys, thermal cycle of welding, fracture strength

Kozyrev N. A., Igushev V. F., Kryukov P. Ye., Roor A. V., Kovalsky I. N. — Development of welding flux additions at welding low-alloyed steel

The work shows the possibility of reducing the oxygen content in the welds by automatic arc welding flux with the introduction of carbon-fluorine containing supplements, thus reducing the content of nonmetallic inclusions, and increased mechanical properties and impact strength (especially at low temperatures) of welds. It was determined that the introduction of additives into the flux AH-60 to 6 % of the carbon-fluorine content in the weld when welding low-alloy steel does not exceed the allowable values, and no significant effect on the hardness of the metal.
Key words: automatic arc welding, electrode wires, flux, CF-containing additive, mechanical testing

Tsumarev Yu. A., Ignatov Ye. V., Tsumarev Ye. N., Latypova Ye. Yu. — Stress concentration reduction in permanent T-joints

A deflected mode finite-element analysis of soldered and welded T-joints is carried out. It is shown that certain constructions of soldered joints and of a welded T-joint, which lacks full penetration of a vertical sheet, are characterized by a considerable irregularity of operation stress distribution. New constructions of permanent joints enabling reduction of stress concentration are offered.
Key words: T-joints, stress concentration, fillet of soldered joint, hybrid soldered-welded T-joint, full penetration

Sidorov V. P., Astashin M. V., Borisov N. A. — Control possibility estimation of current type and polarity, base metal fraction in the seam at submerged arc welding

The experimental data of the wire speed feed and weld penetration of base metal for automatic surfacing under flux layer was analyzed. The share of the base metal in the weld metal was calculated. It has been established that by changing the time balance of polarities in the one period, it is possible to change the share of base metal in the weld joint by 50 %.
Key words: arc, automatic surfacing, flux, share of the base metal, the time balance of polarities

Yeltsov V. V., Ditenkov O. A., Khurin S. A., Kharitonov P. S., Zelenkov A. S. — A three-phase inverter as an innovative designing in welding equipment

New welding equipment is designed and manufactured. It is a three-phase inverter allowing for putting into practice welding processes with any constructional materials, showing high stability of heating capacity evolved by an arc in the whole range of the welding current control. Software and special microprocessor-based control unit to define and control real-time welding conditions using specified programmes are developed.
Key words: welding equipment, three-phase arc, innovative designing, worldwide power supply, inverter, programming, driver, control, arc stability, two-electrode torch, nonconsumable electrodes, constructional materials

Zenin V. V., Peshkov V. V., Podoprikhin M. N., Bokarev D. I. — Gaseous medium control at diffusion welding

Gaseous medium control procedures at diffusion welding are considered. A control method by using film gas analyzer is suggested, which allows to improve accuracy, to show up distribution of the gaseous medium composition along the cross-section of the contact gap. The method ensures a possibility of determining oxygen concentration at close gaps of the joint parts.
Key words: diffusion welding, gaseous medium, oxygen, roughness parameter

Bazhanov A. V., Frolov V. A., Fedorov S. A. — Local vacuum housing seal of devices by the light rays soldering technique

Manufacturing features of aneroid chambers vacuum sealing by light-beam soldering are considered. Soldering modes and special-purpose machinery to conduct the process are given.
Key words: soldering, light beam, vacuum sealing, device case

Selivanov S. G., Nourgaliyev A. A. — Use of artificial intelligence techniques and fuzzy logic methods to choose coating deposition techniques

Development automation problem of hardening coating deposition techniques is considered. The suggested solution is based on usage of combined mathematical models providing for application of artificial neural networks, of models of a fuzzy logic system, and of tree graph of the parameter-link method.
Key words: artificial intelligence, neural network, coating deposition techniques


Frolov V. A., Nikitina Ye. V. — Influence of backing runs on the properties of welded joints from aluminium-lithium alloys

Effect of the backing runs modes’ and added metal composition on the properties of the weld metal and heat-affected area is considered. It is shown that weld metal porosity in the welded up zones essentially depends on the welding mode, and strength and plasticity is higher at using Св-1557 wire as compared to the Св-АМг6 filler wire.
Key words: aluminium-lithium alloys, arc welding, backing run, plasticity

Kryukov A. V., Pavlov N. V., Zelenkovsky A. A. — Special features of welding with electrode wire pulsed feed

Aimed at estimating usage efficiency of machine welding with wire pulse feed, research of the temperature fields’ distribution and of structural states of the obtained welds are carried out. It is established that in the process heat input is reduced and more favorable structures of weld metal and of heat-affected zone are formed; and it favours better mechanical characteristic.
Key words: machine welding, temperature field, welded joint, mechanical characteristic

Khramovsky Yu. V., Lepeshev V. Yu., Dobrynina A. V. — Thermal and physical characteristics of resistance spot of light alloys

When welding aluminium and magnesium-based light alloys it is necessary to take into consideration that an oxide film is formed on the surface of the stored components prepared for welding. Occurrence of such a film affects power-producing characteristic of welding and may result in weld spot nuclear diameter growth.
Key words: electrode, contact resistance, welding current, voltage

Ivanaisky V. V., Krivochurov N. T., Geltunov M. G., Koval A. V. — Hard alloy induction surfacing on the frequency of 880 kilohertz

Research result of the 880 kilohertz frequency influence on the production rate of surfacing and on the structure of the weld pad depending on the samples' thichness and carbide grade are covered.
Key words: facing, frequency, hard alloys, microstructure

Shtennikov V. N. — Soldering tool steady-state thermal conditions

The formulas are given in work, allowing to estimate temperature drop on length of a soldering core. Expression for thermal efficiency of the soldering tool is received.
Key words: soldering, soldering tool, soldering core, temperature, factor of heat conductivity, efficiency

Lazarson E. V. — Policy of labour expenditures large scale setting when manufacturing welded structures

Policy of large scale setting significantly simplifying job of rate setters is developed. The essence of the method is shown by an example of creating mathematical models of standard time for manufacturing standard building structures.
Key words: welded structures, labour-output ratio, policy of rate setting, calculation


Shestakova Ye. V. — Taxation and economics in industry

The industrial economy in mainly depends on the taxation. High rates of taxes are capable to force the companies looking for the ways of tax burden reduction, leaving from taxes, offshore zones searching. The preferential modes accepted for example at export of oil, are capable to support certain branches of economy, at the same time, these measures of support of one branches allow to speak about priority and not priority branches of economy. In this paper the authors try to consider aspects of the taxation, and also possibility of tax planning for the companies.
Key words: industrial economy, taxation, branches of economy, tax planning


Suslov An. A. — The 2nd International exhibition "The Ocean’2012"


Contents of the foreign journals on welding

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