Journal "Economika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii"ISSN 2072-0890
Contents (¹5 2013)
to russian


Polkovsky L. M. — IKIS — the effective instrument of the industrial enterprise management

At the present time, large industrial companies move to implement integrated enterprise information systems (IEIS). The most popular software products on the market are the developers of these systems: the corporation "Galaxy" and "1C". This article was first carried out a comparative analysis of functional IEIS, which enables users to select the priority of them for practical use.
Key words: IEIS, industrial enterprises, the corporation "Galaxy", "1C", a comparative analysis of functional IEIS

Gorish A. V., Gorish E. A., Dunaevsky V. P., Kirillov A. B., Makarov Yu. N., Ponomarev S. A. — Organizational structure of division management

The main types of machinery plant scientific and technical department corporate management are studied.
Key words: structure of management, collective nature of management

Korshunova Ye. D., Il’ichiova Ye. S. — An enterprise innovative potential management method based on system decomposition of the structure and componentry rating

An issue of enterprise innovative potential management is considered. A notion of innovative potential is defined more accurately, its structure is determined. A method of innovative potential management is developed, which is based on system decomposition of innovative potential structure.
Key words: enterprise, innovative potential, management

Yunin I. Yu., Feofanov A. N., Capitanov A. V., Mitrofanov V. G. — Information and analytical control systems of the industrial enterprise

One of the most important tasks of the industrial plant scheduling is actual data extraction from the accounting systems using data warehouse. The latter gives an opportunity for constructing reporting forms, multivariate analysis with different level of detailing, graphic representation of information, automatic deviation computation. The above mentioned functions allow using stored in the warehouse information for a better plant management control and business understanding. Analytical reports may be run over in different layout and by many devices: as a WEB-page from computer and mobile equipment, as spreadsheets, as formatted report with strictly settled order.
Key words: analytic control system of production profitability, manufacturing automation

Grishina T. G., Feofanov A. N. — Risk as criterion of a technical system assessment

The article on the definition of the characteristics of technical systems. Selected one of the criteria for the evaluation of technical systems — the risk. We consider the nature, identification, risk objects and instruments of influence on risk. The methods of risk analysis.
Key words: technical system, criterion, risk management, methods of analysis

Fedorov V. K., Gvozdarev R. S., Arkhiptsev S. A. — Updating of design documentation as risk factor of emergence of a work in progress

The article deals with the urgent problem which is related to the influence of the quantity of documentation corrections as the factor that determinates the occurrence of unfinished production and is very complicated for being regulated in the course of mastery of new production.
Key words: corrections, documentation, unfinished production, motivated and unmotivated errors

Barabash Zh. A., Molchansky A. V. — Methods of productions research for recommendations development about the combined production organization possibility

In work three methods of research of productions the mathematical, morphological analysis and neural networks are considered. As parameters for research of production structure parameters of the concept of general quality management (total quality management, TQM) were used.
Key words: productions processes, combined production, neural networks, total quality management


Grigoriev S. N., Gribkov A. A., Zakharchenko D. V. — Influence on domestic machine-tool construction of Russia’s occurrence in the World Trade Organization

In the following article the key factors defining influence of Russia’s occurrence in the WTO on domestic machine-tool construction are considered. The carried-out analysis showed the limited scale of influence on short-term prospect and possibility of substantial negative effects on medium-term and long-term prospect. In article the main problems arising in machine-tool construction in connection with Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organization are defined, and offers on machine-tool construction development in modern conditions are formulated.
Key words: machine-tool construction, World Trade Organization, competitiveness, assessment

Nefedov V. A., Lazukina A. O. — New model of innovative activity of the clothing industry enterprises

This article describes the current state of innovation in the form of garment manufacturing coupled model, provides the features and conditions of developing the industry. The work proposes a new Integration model of innovation, where introduced notions of commercial agent — retailer and made integration with the environment in the form of consumer goods and raw materials suppliers.
Key words: innovation, innovation activity, garment manufacturing, textile industry, coupled model, integrated model, dealer, retailer, vendor selection, material support, raw materials suppliers

Zvonnikov V. I., Nefedov V. A., Safonov A. A. — Innovations in modeling of the organizations’ management systems

The approaches of modern models, strategy of development models excellence quality of management company are given.
Key words: models, quality management, innovations, competitiveness

Tochilin O. V. — Calculation features of innovative investment projects efficiency on developing aircraft complexes

One of the most urgent and important issues in innovative investment projecting of aircraft complexes, i.e. risks management is considered.
Key words: innovative investment project, uncertainty and risk, aircraft complex


Tokhirov T. I. — Current planning of road freight transport

In article routine planning of freight automobile transportation at the motor transportation enterprise is considered.
Key words: plan freight, production program, plan for the operation, maintenance and repair of rolling stock


Karasev K. S., Feofanov A. N. — Strategy of company’s working quality indicators determination and implementation

Company’s working quality indicators determination and implementation is a very complicated part of firm’s development. Such a serious activity requires a serious strategic plan. In this article you can find the main points of such plan development and implementation. There is also described the main faults which can be made during the determination of the needed quantity and quality of indicators.
Key words: company’s working quality, firm’s development, indicators

Feofanov A. N., Belalov I. R. — Virtual enterprise creation on the basis of PLM-systems

Necessary mechanisms and structure of the virtual enterprise (design) creation.
Key words: PDM, PLM, CALS, virtual enterprise

Zmiyevsky V. I. — Quality management systems’ assessment (QMS) of machining production

Current requirements for the quality management systems certification of machining processes are covered, and suggestions on controlling the requirements by the executive bodies of quality management systems certification in their activities are given.
Key words: metal cutting, quality, conformance evaluation


Romanovich V. K., Teplishev V. Yu. — Conceptual approaches to the educational policy new vector formation in the field of service

Authors the following paper note that exactly in the educational sphere at the present stage exists possibility of the country sustained economic growth ensuring. The special attention is paid to a problem of experts’ absence in the field of power service.
Key words: power service, educational policy, competitiveness, professional education


Pushkareva M. B. — Energy management features abroad (the review of foreign journals)

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