Journal "Svarochnoe Proizvodstvo"ISSN 0491-6441
Contents (№5 2016)
to russian


Valiulin I. R., Solovmev E. A., Fik A. S., Elagina O. Yu., Nikolaeva N. N. — Influence of welding technology on the mechanical property characteristics of the pipes welded joints for deep sea gas pipelines 

The dependence studies results of the pipes welding joints mechanical properties from welding parameters welding parameters are presented. In particular, it is determined that a linear energy value renders the greatest influence on the mechanical properties of pipes with strength category K60 (X70) and K56 (X65). The fracture toughness of the high-strength category pipe connections less by 30—35 % than that of the pipes K56 (X65). The hardness of the weld seam is higher in the upper layers by 15—17 % for the automatic submerged arc welding (ASAW) and in the lower layers for argon arc welding in shielding gas (ASAWSG). Longitudinal seams of pipes need attention under the control of mechanical welded joints.
Key words: sea gas pipeline, welded joints mechanical properties, automatic hidden arc welding, automatic protective gas arc welding, weld crack

Kozyrev N. A., Kryukov R. E., Kryukov N. E., Kovalskiy I. N., Bendre Yu. V. — Carbon-flux additives for welding fluxes

A comparative evaluation of restorative properties of carbon with other elements — reductants the system liquid weld metal — oxide melt — gas thermodynamic probability of reactions. It is shown that carbon has a high reduction properties at T = 1950—2200 К and influence on the oxygen content in the system.
The calculations of the thermodynamic characteristics of reactions removing hydrogen by reacting with metal fluorides. It is shown that the use of Nа3АlF6 compared more favorably with fluorite to remove hydrogen submerged arc welding.
Technological aspects of the introduction carbon-fluorine containing additives in fluxes AN-348, AN-60 and AN-67 welding 09G2S are considered. It is shown that the use of supplements reduced the total oxygen content in the weld, reduced pollution oxide non-metallic inclusions and the level of gas saturation of the weld metal, the complex increases the required mechanical properties and toughness of the weld with the concentration of carbon in the weld remains at the base metal.
Key words: submerged arc welding, welding flux, reduction, thermodynamic characteristics, nonmetallic inclusions, oxygen, hydrogen, mechanical testing

Govorun T. P., Lyubich A. I. — The theoretical substantiation of metal deposit producing with a spherical graphite shape for compressors parts

The metal deposit, which is similar in structure and properties to the basic metal, obtained at rewelding defects on castings from high-strength cast iron with spherical graphite, usually comprises in its structure scarce and expensive elements. It is more preferable to use calcium for the combustion stability of the welding arc at low heat input and for the spherical graphite formation in the metal deposit It is more preferable to use calcium. When carrying out experimental research work is established that as a result of the calcium oxide or other calcium-containing ingredients introduction in the flux-cored wire in vermicular, spherical or mixed form graphite can be formed in the metal deposit.
Key words: metal deposit, experiment, transition zone, cast iron, calcium, carbon, Gibbs energy, spherical graphite, structure

Kopaev B. V., Tolochkov P. D. — The mathematical model identification measuring task of the spot welding joints strength

The measuring problem of identification of mathematical model of durability of welded connections according to measurements of parameters of dot electric welding in three-factorial measuring experiment is considered.
Key words: dot electric welding, three-factorial measuring experiment, multidimensional polynomial model, method of joint repeated measurements, structurally-parametrical identification

Grinberg B. A., Pushkin M. S., Patselov A. M., Inozemtsev A. V., Ivanov M. A., Slautin O. V., Besshaposhnikov Yu. P. — The structure of the melted zones at explosion welding (aluminum—tantalum, copper—titanium)

A topography both plain and wavy interfaces was investigated for aluminum — tantalum and copper — titanium joints obtained by explosive welding. A sequence of the typical interface structures alternating as the welding mode becomes more intensive was identified for such systems which have sufficiently high mutual solubility of the initial elements. An unusual shape of cusps was found on the plain interface. They look like splashes occurring on the surface of a liquid, though they are solid phase. A vortex structure of the local melted zones is observed. An unusual form of waves was found: in the presence of mutual solubility of the initial elements, these waves consist of spatially ordered set of cusps. It might to be due to the formation of intermetallic compounds on the surface of the cusps. The processes of self-organization which provide the evolution of interface as the welding mode becomes more intensive were revealed. The role of intermetallic compounds in the above processes of self-organization was identified.
Key words: explosive welding, mutual solubility, interface, local melted zones, cusps, waves, intermetallics


Zvereva I. N., Kartunov A. D., Mikhaylitsyn S. V., Shiksheev M. A., Sychkov A. B., Emelyushin A. N. — Welding electrodes for oil and gas complex

The research results of the welded joints structure and properties carried out through the use of the new electrode identification LB-52MK. It is found that the metal of the seam and heat affected zone characterized by a structural heterogeneity along joint height owning to automatic heat treatment effect. The types and morphology structures are defined. A comparative analysis of the mechanical test results with regulatory requirements was carried out. The electrodes type is defined on the grounds of the research results in accordance with the domestic and foreign standards.
Key words: piping, coated electrode import substitution, welding joint, heat-affected zone, the metal structure, diffusive hydrogen, tensile strength, toughness, hardness

Krushenko G. G. — Aluminum alloys welding via a nanobeam electrodes

The technology of "beam" electrodes manufacture and application at welding aluminum alloys, containing nanopowders of the high refractory chemical compounds, as modifiers, are developed.
As a result the welding joint structure enlargement is prevented and the welded article mechanical properties are increased.
Key words: aluminum alloys, welding, nanomodification

Lukin V. I., Kovalchuk V. G., Golev E. V., Khodakova E. A., Rassokhina L. I., Gribkov M. S., Mosyagin A. S., Khavanov V. A. — Electron-beam welding of high strength cast nickel alloy VZH172L

Selected technological modes of electron beam welding of high nickel alloy ВЖ172Л in the same combination and in conjunction with the deformed alloy ВЖ172, investigated the mechanical properties of welded joints of the structure.
Key word: electron beam welding, welding parameters, short-term durability, long-term durability, structure, resilience

Goltsev V. Yu., Kashirin V. S., Osintsev A. V., Ochkov K. Yu., Plotnikov A. S., Bashlykov S. S., Grigor’ev E. G., Yudin A. V. — Test of the annular specimens obtained by impulse high-voltage resistance welding

The bending test methodology of the ring samples obtained by impulse high-voltage resistance welding thin circular plates package from alloy 49K2FA. The ring was loaded by compressive force applied in the plane of the ring. The test results of the 4-th ring samples with simultaneous application of the image digital correlation method, which allows to register the displacement field and visualize the deformation field in the loaded object are adduced. The recived test results indicate the manifestation of separation effects on individual elements at the samples destruction and stability loss at the elastic-plastic loading phase. The achievment possibility of a sufficiently high level stength and steadiness against exfoliation at the elastic loading phase. The ring bent task is determined by FEM method through the use of ANSYS software. A good agreement between experimental results and numerical analysis results is shown.
Key words: circular sample, high-voltsge impulse welding, image digital correlation, compression in the plane of the ring, FEM solution, deformation field in a circular sample


Shibalov M. V., Kurkov A. A., Kuznetsova A. Yu. — Valuation of the laborious structure at the welding production

By method of statistical control of welds quality a distribution of labor expenditures is defined for execution of major and repair works. A definition of time margins is given which shall be taken into account for planning of welding activities in pilot-line production.
Key words: AMg6 alloy welding; quality statistical control; maintainability; time margins


Kopoteva E. — 12 propagated myths about Kemppi

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