Journal "Svarochnoe Proizvodstvo"ISSN 0491-6441
Contents (№05 2017)
to russian


Poletaev Yu. V., Poletaev V. Yu., Khubiev A. E. — One-pass arc welding of thick sheet structures from steel 22K under a thin layer of slag

Shows the effectiveness of single-pass method of automatic arc welding under a thin layer of slag, forced the formation of weld metal (AST) weld thickness 70 mm, stainless steel 22 K. Moderate heat when AST allows for one pass to form a weld with more fine-grained structure and high mechanical properties compared to elektroslag welding. Recommendations on the use of method of AST in welding production.
Key words: method of arc welding, rate of heat input, heat cycle weld, steel 22K, weld joints, metalloqraphic test, мechanical properties

Labur T. M., Taranova T. G., Kostin V. A. — Influence of high-speed constricted arc welding to seam metal structure change of the aluminum alloy 1201

The studies results of the seams structures changes features of the welded joints aluminum alloy 1201 at various speeds of constricted arc welding are represented. It was found that the reduction in the residence time of the liquid metal in the respective temperature ranges determines the metal crystallization rate and the diffusion propagation completeness degree of the alloying elements and impurities, as well as the nature of the structural transformations.
Key words: aluminum alloy, welding process, the constricted arc, welding joints, the seam metal, crystallization, structure, researches

Lukin V. I., Skupov A. A., Ioda E. N. — Research weldability of aluminumlithium alloy 

The influence offiller materials chemical compositiononresistance to hot cracking and mechanical properties welds at welding Al-Mg-Li alloy was investigated. The influence of metallurgical factors on defect formation in melting zone was investigated using spot tests for weldability. The alloy 1420 chemical composition was been optimized, that significantly reducednumber of defects. The work is executed within the frames of the complex scientific direction 10.8.: Fusion welding technologies of new structural materials ("The strategic direction of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030").
Key words: welding, aluminum-lithium alloys,weldability, spot tests for weldability

Shtrikman M. M., Kornevich A. P., Pinskiy A. V., Todin Yu. N., Vasilev P. A. — Friction welding with mixing at the manufacture of airplane airframe ribbed panels

The standard design of the pilot ribbed panel from aluminum alloy grade 1561 is selected for the development of its manufacture technology, taking into account the analysis results of the ribbed panels used in the airplane airframe design and the production experience for their manufacture through the use of the welding ribs method with encasing and burning hole of the encasing. An assembly and welding equipment is developed, special tools is used for T-shaped joints ribs and panel encasing at through immersion of the welding tool in encasing. The welding mode parameters are established and pilot full-length welded ribbed panels are welded.
Key words: ribbed panel, through immersion welding, encasing, rib of stiffness, rotary tool, accessories, pilot panel


Chigarev V. V., Golub D. M. — Analysis testing systems of the deposited punch tool for metal cold deformation (Review)

Two die steels alloying system were analyzed (with a carbide and intermetallic hardening). The analysis showed high metal characteristics of the different alloying systems. Heat resistance 100Х4M5Ф2 (Zr) alloy is not inferior to high-speed steel P18, and the hardness of 58—62 HRC at the expense of the carbide strengthening. The 8Х4ГСВ2M5Ф2T alloy obtained relative durability (ε = 2,65), impact strength (0,28 MJ/m2) and hardness (HRC 55). The highest wear resistance has K15M15Н5Х3Б2 alloy having a combination of properties after heat treatment toughness (0,1 MJ/m2) and hardness (39 HRC). Durability is 2—2,5 times higher than that of high speed steel and P18 in 6—6,5 times higher than X12 and X12M steels.
Key words: intermetallic hardening, carbide hardening, flux-cored wire, surfacing, heat resistance, wear resistance, hardness, toughness

Baraev A. V., Ilinskiy A. M., Kulik V. I., Nerovny V. M. — Welding equipment and technology in a vacuum via an thermoemission hollow cathode

The physical features and the essence of the welding method by thermoemission hollow cathode are considered. Details are set out. The technological capabilities of the welding methods are stated in details, practical recommendations for the practical use of this method at welding of the machine-building products are given.
Key words: thermoemission hollow cathode, straight polarity current, the plasma generating inert gas, pulse mode

Kryukov N. E., Kozyreva O. E., Kryukov R. E., Kozyrev N. A., Usoltsev A. A. — The production of new welding fluxes based on silicomanganese slag

Pilot studies of development of structure of welding gumboil on the basis of slag of silikomarganets are conducted. For production of gumboil used slag of production of silikomarganets of various ratio of slag fractions and various content of liquid glass in flux additive. Introduction in structure of gumboil to 20—30 % of dust-like fraction of slag of silikomarganets provides a favorable complex of mechanical properties of the samples which are cut out from the welded plates. Entering of FD-UFS additive reduces impurity level nonmetallic inclusions, reducing their size and quantity. Optimum content of liquid glass in gumboil (to 20—30 %) that allows to receive a favorable complex of mechanical properties of the samples which are cut out from the welded plates.
Key words: welding, fluxes, technology, welding joint, samples, nonmetallic inclusions, microstructure, grain size, mechanical properties

Petrov S. Yu. — An analysis of the terms and definitions used in the welding standarts (GOST) Terms — weldding bath, welding joint, pass, run

The terms weldding bath, crater, welding joint, pass, run are considered and statement to adjust their definitions are given.
Key words: branch of industry state standard, term, weldding bath, crater, welding joint, pass, run


Golov R. S., Myl'nikov A. V. — Systems approach to management of energy saving at the enterprises of mechanical engineering

The research of authors is devoted to a problem of increase in power effectiveness of machine-building enterprises. In the context of a research authors carry out the analysis of dynamics of activity of machine-building enterprises for various subsectors, and also structures of their energy consumption. On the basis of the carried-out analysis authors defined two comprehensive approaches to energy saving: power service and power management. The structure of a control system of energy saving of the enterprise including the managing director and operated subsystems is formed. Also use at machine-building enterprises of the informational and analytical systems which are carrying out monitoring of power indexes of the enterprise, continuous on time, is considered.
Key words: power effectiveness, mechanical engineering, energy saving, informational and analytical system

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