Journal "Svarochnoe Proizvodstvo"ISSN 0491-6441
Contents (№05 2022)
to russian


DOI: 10.34641/SP.2022.1050.5.031
Davlyatshin R. P., Gerasimov R. M., Trushnikov D. N., Bayandin Yu. V., Saucedo-Zendejo F. R. — Simulation of the process of melting a vertically fed wire by an arc in vacuum with several symmetrically acting sources

The paper considers modeling of the wire cladding process when the wire is fed vertically by several symmetrically acting heat sources. A mathematical model is proposed to describe the above process, taking into account surface tension force, Marangoni force, vapor pressure force and heat loss on evaporation. The method of smoothed particle hydrodynamics is used to solve the mathematical model. A series of numerical experiments for modeling the melting process of vertically fed wire with two symmetrically acting heat sources at different power and direction of action of heat sources was carried out. It was found that the use of vertical wire feeding provides, uniform heating with the absence of shaded areas and flexible control of heat input into the metal. In this case, there is a dependence of the geometric characteristics of the cladding roll not only on the power of heat sources, but also on the direction of their action.
Key words: additive technologies, wire cladding, vertically fed wire, mathematical model, smoothed particle hydrodynamics method, surface tension force, Marangoni force

DOI: 10.34641/SP.2022.1050.5.032
Kasitsyn A. N., Danilin V. V., Leonov A. V., Karpov M. M., Agafonov R. Yu., Veremeeva N. O. — The use of an electron beam scan in the control system for the formation of a welded seam in the housings of REA KA devices

To ensure formation stability of welded joints in the process of sealing the radio equipment housings devices using electron beam welding (EBW), a welding method was proposed that combines usage of a control system based on an electron emission sensor with scanning of an electron beam across the joint. The signal that received from electron collector was investigated to assess the possibility of using the beam sweep in the control system. The metallographic studies were carried out to assess the quality of the resulting welding joint welded using beam sweep. As the optimal type of scan in the proposed method, a triangular-type beam sweep was determined.
Key words: electron beam welding, beam sweep, EBW control system, electron emission sensor, welding gaps, sealing of radio equipment housings

DOI: 10.34641/SP.2022.1050.5.033
Polyakov A. Yu., Koroteev A. O., Bolotov S. V. — Influence of the electrode compression force on the defectiveness and structure of relief joints with a dot core (low-carbon steel)

The article evaluates the strength characteristics, defectiveness and structural areas of overlap relief welded joints from low-carbon steel during their formation with metal melting, its interaction and subsequent formalization into the core of the point, taking into account the dynamics of the change in the ratio "resistance of the interelectrode zone—welding current" through the parameter of the electrode compression force.
Key words: projection welding, heat balance equation, compression force, Joule—Lenz law, metal melting, point core, defects, structural regions

DOI: 10.34641/SP.2022.1050.5.034
Medvedev S. V. — Structural and technological design and modeling of welded structures in distributed supercomputer environments

The existence of a scientific and methodological crisis in the design and modeling of general-purpose welded structures is noted, the reason for which is the lack of engineering methods for the operational prediction of residual welding phenomena at the development stage, as well as insufficient computing resources of personal computers.
Ways out of the crisis are proposed — a large-scale use of supercomputer resources created within the framework of the scientific and technical programs of the SKIF of the Union State of Russia—Belarus, as well as an original technique for supercomputer simulation of the interaction of a prestressed welded structure with external variable loads.
Key words: welded structures, design and modeling, prediction of residual welding phenomena, supercomputer resources, stress modeling of a welded structure under external variable loads


DOI: 10.34641/SP.2022.1050.5.035
Zharkevich O. M., Nurzhanova O. A., Bessonov A. V. — Determination of the optimal technological modes of surfacing when restoring parts such as bodies of revolution

The most common way to restore worn parts such as bodies of revolution is surfacing.
Semi-automatic surfacing with SV08G2S wire was carried out. A regression model for determining the hardness of the deposited layer on the conditions of surfacing has been obtained. The dependence of the change in hardness values on the surfacing modes is determined. The optimal mode for single-layer semi-automatic surfacing is determined.
Key words: hardfacing, stress, hardness of the deposited layer, regression

DOI: 10.34641/TM.2022.239.5.029
Chudina O. V., Zorin V. A., Brezhnev A. A., Bringulis P., Simonov D. S. — Chemical-thermal treatment of parts obtained by selective laser melting

Research has been carried out on the material of a gear made in an industrial production by the method of selective laser melting from a powder with a chemical composition: Fe — base; 0,12 % C; 0,8 % Si; 0,84 % Mn; 17,8 % Cr; 10,85 % Ni; 0,62 % Ti; 0,013 % S; 0,03 % P. Thegear was subjected to nitriding at a temperature of 570 °C for 6 hours in a nitrogen atmosphere. Metallographic and durometric studies have established that after nitriding an austenitic alloy obtained by selective laser melting, a weakly developed nitride zone of the ε-phase with a thickness of about 10 μm and a diffusion sublayer with a thickness of more than 300 μm are formed, which is 2 times larger in comparison with nitrided similar alloys obtained by traditional way. Increase of the diffusion rate into the interior of the metal is explained by the formation of a specific structure for selective laser melting, which has a cellular structurewith a high density of dislocations up to 1012 cm–2, facilitating the accelerated penetration of nitrogen into the interior of the metal, but preventing its diffusion inside the grain and the formation of nitrides of alloying elements. Therefore, the microhardness of the nitrided layer is low, 3500 MPa. It is possible to regulate the structure of the synthesized material and obtain the most effective strengthening phases in the diffusion layer by optimal technological solutions for the processes of laser alloying of powders and subsequent chemical-thermal treatment.
Key words: additive manufacturing, selective laser melting, chemical heat treatment, nitriding, structure, microhardness

DOI: 10.34641/SP.2022.1050.5.036
Epifanov K. I. — Modern development of friction stir welding of aluminum alloys in industry (review)

The article deals with the issues of technological development of friction stir welding (FSW) of aluminum alloys in the industrially developed countries of the world, namely: the generalized concept of the formation of a welded joint, the mathematical description of the welding process, the mechanism of mass transfer of the welded material during welding, the principles of designing the FSW tool. The issues of the metallurgical structure of the obtained FSW joints are considered with an analysis of the causes of the occurrence of defects that most adversely affect their quality. The main theoretical and practical tasks for the successful widespread introduction of the FSW process in the domestic industry have been determined.
Key words: friction stir welding, aluminum alloys, conceptual model, working pin design, welding defects, heat input, weld pitch, intermetallic compounds, lazy S, tunnel


DOI: 10.34641/SP.2022.1050.5.037
Frolov V. A., Fedorov S. A. — Corporate training: essence, features and development trends

The article discusses the goals and objectives of corporate training centers and universities, forms, methods, features and trends in the development of corporate training.
Key words: corporate training, training center, corporate university, company managers, employees, forms, methods, features, development trends

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