Journal "Economika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii"ISSN 2072-0890
Contents (№5 2009)
to russian


Oleinik A. V., Stavrovski M. E., Kuznetsova L. V., Nikolaev A. V., Semkin A. V. — Mathematical model creation of the enterprise material streams optimization

Now the increasing value is given to decreasing in costs for the account optimization processes of production life cycle. It is possible at the expense of perfection of processes of movement of material and information streams which carry to logistic processes. In article the method of optimization of material streams movement is described, which allows to reduce costs at the expense of reduction of material recourses moving and length of a way at transportation in the course of manufacture.
Key words: production life cycle, logistic processes, cost reduction, optimization


Kashirin V. V., Oreshin V. P. — Enterprise innovative development strategy

Innovations should be considered not only from the point of view of manufacture function, but also from the point of view of an estimation of their qualitative level by consumers. It is necessary to notice that innovations always are the appendix of new knowledge for the purpose of its further practical application. In the conditions of the innovation market it is necessary to define also from the point of view of the innovative product intended for sale. However not all workings out become the innovative product ready to realization. In article classification of innovations is spent, the analysis of types of innovative behavior of the enterprises is resulted. The attention is given questions of practical working out and realization of innovative strategy of the industrial enterprise.
Key words: innovations, innovative strategy, innovative product, innovative strategy realization, innovative development

Benderskiy G. P., Fedorov V. K., Kislukha A. E. — Innovative process management in the conditions of the state defensive order action

Authors of article consider the basic features of management of innovative process in the conditions of action of the state defensive order. Thus, the stage of innovative process is offered to be divided into three stages of scientific and scientific and technical activity. Management passes in frameworks of life cycle of the innovative process which each stage possesses certain specificity.
Key words: innovative process, state defensive order, life cycle of the innovative process

Golov R. S. — Innovative-investment development of the industry in conditions of innovative economy

The organic interrelation of a realized complex of methods and tools is not only with branch of innovative-investment currents, but also with substantive provisions of a federal policy of the state in the field of development and introduction in manufacture of high technologies and innovative decisions at all levels of industrial system of Russia becomes one of the basic requirements to the innovative policy formed by the enterprise.
Key words: innovative policy, industry, innovative economy, innovative-investment currents


Ezhov G. P. — Modern industrial management and prospects of its development

The purpose of industrial management is the realization of corporate strategy of the firm based on its corporate mission, by means of rational use of resources and production potentialities for achievement by firm of competitive advantage. Article systematizes approaches to research of industrial systems and focuses attention to the role of industrial managers.
Key words: industrial management, production potentialities, competitive advantage, industrial systems


Dzotsenidze T. — Research of creation technology for agriculture new vehicles

The problem of maintenance with modern agricultural machinery of the enterprises of agrarian and industrial complex is now enough difficult. Many agricultural productions are unprofitable and have no possibility to buy the new technics, and the technician which is available in economy, on 60—70 % has developed the resource. The author of article studies problems of creation of new vehicles for agrarian and industrial complex and the practical model for the task in view decision is offered.
Key words: technological synthesis, technological policy, technical progress, technological designing

Klaptsova T. S. — Mathematical model of operators' activity at the homeostatic management problems decision

In work on the basis of experimental data the mathematical model of activity of group of the operators solving homeostatic problem with push-button management is offered. The vector criteria, characterizing offered activity of operators in group is recommended.
Key words: homeostatic management model, mathematical model, human factor


Zvonnikov V. I., Nefedov V. A. — About priorities of the State university of management at the quality system perfection of specialists' preparation

Base for continuous improvement of quality of educational process is introduction of systems of monitoring of key parameters of the educational process providing flowing and prognostic information, necessary for the statistical control, continuous perfection and strategic planning of educational quality. Being integrated into uniform information field of SUM, the system of monitoring of quality of a university education will allow all participants of educational process of university to raise efficiency of the activity and will provide a continuity of education quality perfection processes.
Key words: quality system, specialists’ preparation, quality of educational process, key parameters


Pushkareva M. B. — Prospects of global development after crisis

The paper is devoted to questions of an overcoming the crisis by means of attention strengthening to the industrial policy of the countries. Research is based on work of Deny Rodrik, the professor Harvard Kennedy School Cambridge, named "Growth after the crisis".
Key words: industrial policy, crisis, developing countries, tradables

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