Journal "Economika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii"ISSN 2072-0890
Contents (№6 2011)
to russian


Shmidt A. V. — Economic stability estimation criteria formation in a context of industrial enterprise development management

The article deals with the modern theoretical-methodological approaches to evaluate the economic sustainability of industrial enterprises. The development of a long-term strategy to achieve set social-economic figures should include the analysis of their dynamics and provide for the minimization of expenses to achieve the objective. The entitative and inherent in principle uncertainty of the enterprise environment stipulates the disturbing influence in the process of achieving the object view and provides different figures of the efficacy of its achievement. The evaluation of economic stability of the goal-directed economic environment is suggested to be made in terms of probabilistic-statistic methods.
Key words: economic stability, mini-economic system, economic and mathematical models

Kolke G. I. — Resource potential estimation indicators of the mechanical engineering enterprises

This paper proposes an algorithm of formation of indicators to assess the resource potential of mechanical engineering on the basis of the financial statements. Disclosed the technical and economic features of machine-building enterprises, as well as indicators for the components of the building.
Key words: resource potential, valuation, engineering, profitability, profit

Volchkevich I. L. — Process equipment quantity calculation bases in the market economy conditions

The article examines the problem of estimation of uncertainty factors in calculation of required machinery quantity. Possible uncertainties and their influence on equipment configuration have been analyzed. A new approach and mathematical technique of machinery quantity calculation has been presented.
Key words: design of machinery manufacturing facilities, uncertainty, redundancy, production program, equipment configuration

Igonin V. V. — The machinery and mechanisms physical deterioration and obsolescence aggregate

Estimated machinery cumulative deterioration is recommended to count by means of additive model according to which influencing factors are independent from each other and undertake in a dale (percent) from uniform base — the machinery overall cost. The Multiplikative model has an essential lack: there is a coherence of factors among themselves, and their contribution, depend not only on factor size, but also a place in the formula. It is shown, how by means of additive model it is possible to check up curves of deterioration (obsolescence) on monotony depending on chronological age.
Key words: machinery and equipment, physical deterioration, functional and economic obsolescence, cumulative deterioration, cost estimation


Eroshkin S. J., Mikhalko E. R. — Information approach methodology as basis of investment projects economic safety system formation

The general idea of the information approach application as a basis of investment projects economic safety system consists of developing, generating and introducing the administrative mechanisms, capable to reorganize works and business processes within the limits of projects and further stimulation of processes realization leading to planned effective result and risks minimization.
Key words: information approach, economic safety, investment project, business process, effective result

Chursin A. A., Dranaeva A. A. — Organization’s innovative potential estimation

The article analyses the advantages and disadvantages of the existent methods of the estimation of the capacity for innovation of the object. The author suggests the method of the estimation of the organization capacity for innovation based on the principle of diminishing utility, as well as the calculation of the aggregated index of the capacity for innovation of the organization that is the basis for ranking organizations by the level of the capacity for innovations and selecting three groups of organizations: with high, middle and low capacity for innovations. This method is recommended to use while choosing the organization for state support. As an example, the author shows the calculations of an internal factor of the capacity for innovation — the factor of the estimation of the research and development resources of the organization — and an external factor of the capacity for innovations — the factor of the estimation of state support.
Key words: capacity for innovation, method, aggregated index, weight, factor


Zagorodskikh B. P., Anikin A. A. — Reliability standard indicators establishment value for the base reliability tariff size optimization

Necessity of reliability concept approach changing is not only a scientific product, but also a market category. Concepts of the base, actual and delayed tariffs for reliability are presented. It is shown that a principal cause of refusals occurrence while service is creation, owing to any circumstances, the delayed tariff at the stages of product working out.
Key words: tariffs for reliability, service, reliability, refusals occurrence


Volovikov В. P. — Product competitiveness analysis on the basis of hierarchies analysis method in conditions of defence — industrial enterprise conversion

In article the results of researches intended for formation of optimum competitive strategy of the oboronno-industrial enterprise are presented. In article the technique of working out of competitive strategy of the industrial enterprise, based on an estimation of competitiveness of a product with application of a method of the analysis of hierarchies and resource potential of the enterprise is presented.
Key words: competitive strategy, competitiveness of a product, method of the analysis of hierarchies, expert estimation of resource potential of the industrial enterprise

Volkov V. A. — Factors influencing a technological level and competitiveness of hi-tech production of hi-tech industries

In article the analysis of the factors influencing a technological level and competitiveness of hi-tech production, let out by hi-tech industries is carried out. Such analysis is necessary for a choice of competitive strategy by the enterprises hi-tech of industries is carried out, and the model of hi-tech industries taking into account these factors is constructed. The constructed model will allow the enterprises of hi-tech industries to improve methods of long-term planning of output.
Key words: hi-tech industry, modeling, enterprise, planning


Nikiforova T. G. — Perspective-thematic planning technique as the factor of future experts professional competence formation

A long-range planning method favouring arrangement of the students work in compliance with goals and objectives of the educational process, working conditions and students’ abilities are considered. The offered method provides reasonable means of part training of skills and habits when studying general technological and special disciplines of the educational activities, improving training, clear bringing special instructions to the students' notice of carrying out standard activities when solving educational tasks.
Key words: planning, professional competence, standards of new generation, technique, vocational education


"Greenwood" is the largest investment project of China in Russia


Pushkareva M. B. — Modern control systems features at the industrial enterprises (the review of foreign journals)

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Index of articles of 2011

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