Journal "Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya"ISSN 1562-322X
Contents (№6 2015)
to russian

Rogalev N. D. — National research university "NRU MPEI" 1930—2015


Matyunin V. M., Karimbekov M. A., Marchenkov A. Yu., Volkov P. V. — Express control of the metal processing quality on the mechanical properties in the manufacturing process of engineering products

The possibilities of kinetic indentation at the quality control of the metal processing on the grounds of mechanical properties in the manufacturing process of engineering products are considered.
The developed methodology and automatic device MEI-TA for registration of the indentation kinetic diagrams with their transformation in tension diagrams in the uniform strain area and the determination of the mechanical properties are adduced. The application of the method and device is demonstrated as an example of the express-control of the steel heat treatment quality on the grounds of mechanical properties.
Key words: indentation, mechanical properties, express-control, heat treatment


Rogov V. A., Koshelenko A. S., Zhed O. V. — Research of the burnishing hole deformation

We investigated the process dornovanija cylindrical hole mnogozubyh mandrel. Character of change of the surface texture of the metal fibers layer in a longitudinal section along the axis of the cylindrical hub hole team studied by separating nets. The resulting distortion of the pitch grid and compared it with the original parameters allowed to determine the nature and depth of the elastic-plastic deformations.
Key words: burnishing, mandrel, dividing net, elastic-plastic deformation


Beshevli O. B., Duganov V. Ya. — Machine tool for internal cylindrical surfaces processing of large plain bearings for self-grinding mills

This article presents the development of a machine for milling babbit inserts of large-size bearings of autogenous mills. Also an experiment was conducted on a milling Babbitt, to determine the optimal cutting conditions, which are compared with the recommended design.
Key words: repair of mills of self-crushing; babbit milling; the equipment for babbit processing

Polyanchikova M. Yu., Polyanchikov Yu. N., Kraynev D. V., Egorov N. l., Vorontsova A. N. — New method features of the carbide tools receipt

The article describes the new technology of carbide tools receipt by shock compression, subsequent high-temperature sintering and impregnation with liquid cobalt. It is shown that this technology allows to increase significantly the carbide tool hardness regardless of the cobalt phase content in the tool.
Key words: carbide tool, tungsten carbide, impact pressing, the liquid cobalt


Lukin V. I., Kovalchuk V. G., Golev E. V., Khodakova E. A., Rassokhina L. I., Gribkov M. S., Mosyagin A. S., Khavanov V. A. — Electron beam welding ot high-strength foundry nickel alloy VZH72L

Selected technological modes of electron beam welding of high nickel alloy ВЖ172Л in the same combination and in conjunction with the deformed alloy ВЖ172, investigated the mechanical properties of welded joints of the structure.
Key word: electron beam welding, welding parameters, short-term durability, long-term durability, structure, resilience


Kumenko A. I., Suminov I. A. — Dynamic behavior features of the high-temperature rotors with residual bending flexure

The paper deals with imbalance compensation of the high-temperature rotors with bending flexure. It is shown that for a complex system of rotors on plain bearings there is no enough expressed precession that phenomenon of "self-braking" creep will be arise. The proposed solutions can be used in modern systems diagnostics systems for timely detection oh bending flexure, for prediction of its development rates and a limiting condition approach.
Key words: imbalance, rotor with bending flexure, plain bearing, self-braklng

Samogin Yu. N., Serkov S. A. — The rotor forced oscillations study in the process of rotation speed increase to idle

The application of the finite element method (FEM) is consider for trancient forced oscillations calculation of the symmetric single-disc rotor on the viscoelastic anisotropic bearings with imbalance in the shaft middle section at the mode of the angular rotation velocity increase and its idle by taking into account the nonconservative quasi-elastic forces in the bearings, depending on the shaft angular rotation velocity.
It is shown that the steady oscillations resonance amplitude in the middle of the shaft exceed the mass eccentricity of about thirty times, and at the points of support bearings are equal to the mass eccentricity. During the frequency increase and idle the straight precession is observed in a range of angular velocities up to first and after second natural frequencies, reverse precession — in the interval between two critical speeds.
Key words: natural frequencies, visco-elastic anisotropic bearings, dissipation, forced oscillations, FEM, quasi-diagnolization, nonconservative quasi-elastic forces, angular acceleration, instantaneous frequency of the generating force

Kumenko A. I., Timin A. V. — Dynamic behavior features of the turbo-unit shafting K-1000-60/1500 and stress calculation in the half-coupling bolts

The modelling results of forced vibration shafting 1,000 MW for permitted technological imperfections half-coupling assembly — cranked and break under the simultaneous action of rotors operational misalignments on the half-coupling. Calculations were carried out in connection with the bolts breakdowns on the number of power plants. In general case, at turbounit operation the bolts experience both variable and constant load. It is shown that with good shafting tuning oscillation form of the shafting is such that it performs movement in a shape of straight synchronous precession. Shafting rotates curved in the area of coupling joint and is subjected to influence of constant stresses like half-coupling bolts. In this case bolts resources is also reduced via the tensile stress increasing.
Key words: shafting, half-couplings, imperfect assembly, rotor, tensile stresses


Zhdanov A. G., Kryukov A. S., Lunin V. P., Chegodaev V. V. — Non-destructive controlof the rail head surface by votexcurrent method

Problem identification and parameterization or surface contact fatigue cracks for railway tracks rails is particularly acute in view of ensuring the rail grinding safety and economic validity. An interaction mathematical simulation of the simplex superimposed parametric converter electromagnetic field with control object for the feasibility definition of this type defect detection by vortex-current method is carried out. Multi-element transducer is manufactured from simplex differential transducers, which parameters are preliminarily formed. The signals obtained by means of the developed control system are analysed and conclusion is drawen about the application possibility of non-contact vortex-current inspection method of the rail heads surface.
Key words: nondestructive control, vortex-current method, multi-element transducer, rails control


Samogin Yu. N. — Valuation of the gyroscopic effect influence on the vibration natural frequencies and shapes of the single-disc rotor on the basis of qussi diagonalization method

A calculation method of the oscillation natural frequencies and shapes from given frequency band, based on the special combination of decomposition with condensation is proposed. This approach has two significant advantages. Firstly, the matrix is the diagonal or block-diagonal. Secondly, the order of permitting equations systems is reduced significantly. Condensation on the basis of the frequency sign leads to counting stability improvement as the matrix conditionality defining the stability depends on the ratio of the system highest natural frequency to the lowest. To illustrate the effectiveness of the quasidiagonalization method the influence valuation of the gyroscopic effect on oscillation natural frequencies and shapes of the single-disc rotor was carried out.
Key words: quasidiagonalization, decomposition, condensation, natural frequency, error, oscillation, frequency range

Samogin Yu. N., Chirkov V. P. — Quasi diagonalization method in the unsteady oscillations study of the multimass rotor on the viscoelastic bearings at its sudden unbalance on the operating rotation speed

The forced vibrations calculation method of linear dissipative systems, based on a special combination of dynamic equations decomposition and condensation is proposed. The solution includes two summands the quasi-static and dynamic components. Two discharge methods of the quasi-static component, with and without dissipation, are considered. Dynamic solution is finded from the equations of vibration which natural frequencies belong to the specified frequency range.
This allows to use system equations with significantly smaller dimension for the dynamic component definition. Investigation of the transient oscillations multimass rotor on the viscoelastic bearings at his sudden unbalance on the operating speed was carried out as an illustration of the quasidiagonalization method application.
Key words: quasidiagonalization, decomposition, condensation, the quasi-static component, the dynamic component, visco-elastic bearings, dissipation, the natural frequency, rotational speed, unbalance


Tarasov V. N., Kumenko A. I., Kuzminykh N. Yu. — Experimental analysis and probable reasons of the Sayano-Shushenskaya emergency

The complex tests results of the restored unit SShGEC are adduced. The physical causes of the emergency on 17.08.2009 are analysed.
Key words: fastener pins, hydraulic unit, emergency


Serkov S. A., Gribin V. G., Rumyantsev M. Yu., Sigachev S. I., Cruzkov S. A. — The technology of distributed cogeneration from a steam turbine multifuel energy machinery of low power

Problem aspects of electricity distribution in Russia are revealed. The variants of distributed cogeneration installations with capacity of 50—100 kW, developed SIC MEI, are proposed.
Key words: system for electricity and heat generation, multifuel installations, power cogeneration


Vybornov A. P., Maslov B. G., Spiridonov O. V. — Measurement and control materials (KIM) for the knowledge quantitative valuation, skills and practices of technicians in the field of mechanical engineering

Currently, qualified personnel are required for employers in mechanical engineering. It is expedient lo establish a quantitative valuation of specialist knowledge, skills and practices to guarantec the employer correct relationship with technician specialist. Developed measurement and control materials allow to make such valuation for personnel of the "hot" professions (casting welding) and for personal of the "cold" specialties (machining, machine assembly). The general structure of such materials is considered KIM features for "hof" and "cold" specialties are adduced.
Key words: quantitative valuation, qualification, test, "hot" treatment, "cold" treatment


Potapova G. S. — Content of foreign journals


Suslov An. A., Suslov D. A. — 14th International Exhibition "Nondestructive testing and technical diagnostics in industry" — NDT Russia—2015

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