Journal "Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya"ISSN 1562-322X
Contents (№06 2017)
to russian


Andreyashchenko V. A. — Creation of structural materials by the method of intensive plastic deformation

A study of the multi-axis forging process by the method of computer simulation and the setting of a physical experiment was carried out. It is indicated that multi-axial forging can be realized in two different ways. At the same time, the shape change and the structure formation essentially depend on the chosen means of deformation. The distribution character of the accumulated deformation during deformation on both routes with a degree of single reduction of 10, 30 and 50 % is shown. Three deformation cycles were performed for all means and degrees of single reduction. The results of the studies show a good correlation between themselves. The increase in the total degree of deformation contributes to the growth of accumulated deformation, to the breakage of grains, but also to distortion of the shape of the billet.
Key words: intensive plastic deformation, multi-axial forging, deform


Pavlov N. A., Beshchekov V. G. — Devices and methods for manufacturing waveguides by bending

The work is devoted to methods of manufacturing flexible waveguides. Produced the review of the equipment and devices manufacturing of waveguides.
Key words: waveguides, plastic deformation, flexible moulding

Ablyaz T. R., Shlykov E. S., Zhurin A. V. — Study of the bimetal electroerosive processing

In this paper we consider the process of copying-piercing EDM bimetal steel-copper by electrodes, made of materials with different mechanical and physical properties. We obtain a theoretical model that allows to assess the speed of electrical discharge machining of bimetal steel-copper. Experimental data confirm satisfactory agreement with the results of theoretical calculations of the occurrence on the bimetal surface after processing steps. It is shown that the amount of material removed during one pulse depends on the pulse energy as well as thermal constants of the material being processed.
Key words: EDM, the electrode-tool, electrode-piece, performance, bimetal, accuracy, a plasma channel, precision, single hole, modeling


Rosinov A. Ya., Logunov V. V. — Technologies and mechanization of the connection assembly for ship covering reinforced by a set

The article presents the traditional schemes of covering and beams junction assembly of reinforcing set and their shortcomings are indicated. The assembly process improving model, as well as graphs of the edges deviations relative values the connected covering and the beam ends of the reinforcing set are introduced. The calculated expressions for the assembly forces of the covering junction as well as the application scheme of the assembly efforts and the calculated expressions for the assembly forces of the reinforcing set beams are given. The computational diagrams of the assembly effort values and the variants of the mechanized application of these forces are adduced. Three design versions of the means for performing the mechanical assembly of the reinforcing set covering and beams are introduced.
Key words: assembly, temporarily welded elements, technology improvement model, thickness variation, measurements, relative values of deviations, physical models of bending, assembly efforts, schemes for applying assembly efforts, calculation expressions, models of the assembly process mechanization, technological parameters of joints, means of mechanized assembly, pneumohydraulic jacks


Novitskiy A. F., Shvedov K. M., Emelyanov V. V., Potapov S. V., Plakhuta S. I. — The butt resistance welding machine MSO-750 for building reinforcement joining

The article presents data over the machine for fusion resistance welding of the compact section products designed by Technology Centre "Tehnosvar" (Pskov) and equipped with the latest hydraulic and electric equipment, providing semi-automatic positioning of the welding workpieces, automatic welding and the burr cleaning possibility directly in the mfchine after joints deposition. The machine meets all modern requirements for welding equipment, versatile and high-performance that allows its use not only in construction but also in machine building and metallurgy.
Key words: rreinforcement ends joining, mobable and fixed clamps, electrodes welding machine electrodes, carbide or deposited inserts, semi-automatic blanks positioning, automatic welding, burr cleaning

Erofeev V. A., Pyankov I. B. — Analysis of the pulsed preheat efficiency at flash butt resistance welding

The article considers the problem of determining the preheating parameters before flowing when reversing the movement of the machine moving plate. The physics-omathematical model of pulse heating is described. The numerical solution of these model equations allows determining the oscillations optimal period of the machine moving plate, the compression force, the duration of the joint closure, the supply voltage and the number of heating periods. Optimum are the duration of joint closure that are slightly shorter than the oscillation period of the machine moving plate, the compression force at which the electrical resistance of the joint is equal to the internal resistance of the welding machine, and the heating duration provides a temperature at which the hardness of the metal is equal to the pressure created by the compression force of the joint.
Key words: flash butt resistance welding, preheating before flowing, machine plate reversing, physics-mathematical model, optimal parameters


Trofimov V. N., Raev I. K., Shiryaev A. A. — Checking the mechanical properties of roll stock from steel 08UU through the use of the Barkguazen noise recording method

For operational monitoring rolled mechanical properties under production actual use non-destructive testing methods, such as registration method Barkhausen noise. In the article the question of the applicability to control the mechanical properties of low carbon steel tape 08U on value magnitoshumo parameter (MP).
Experiments were conducted to determine the correlation between the MP and the yield strength. Samples for the experiments were cut out from the end of the steel strip coil after each pass. Shows the measurement circuit MP in the samples. It is showing the close correlation between the MP and the yield strength of steel 08U. The formula for determining the yield stress as a function of MP.
Key words: non-destructive testing, the Barkhausen noise, magnitoshumovoy parameter, yield strength, mechanical properties


Feofanov A. N., Petrov P. S. — The knowledge base creation of universally-assembled devices elements, as a basis for automatic synthesis

In this article, the authors share their experience by creating a system of computer-aided design tooling elements of universal modular fixtures. It talk about the creation of models and content knowledge base about them. It is also indicated ways to interact with the knowledge base of the software component of the automated system. Speak, very briefly, the prospects for development of this area.
Key words: universal jigs, knowledge Base, design synthesis, database, communication, subject area


Ragrin N. A. — Methodology for building physical models of tools reliability

Research methods of creation of physical models of reliability of tools are presented. On concrete examples techniques of laboratory and production researches, and system of consecutive actions of creation of physical models by their results are considered. The physical model of reliability of tools is constructed and possibility of decrease in labor input of researches is considered.
Key words: model, method, drill, experiment, research, reliability, tool


Budkin Yu. V., Barykin A. N. — Main questions of improving the national standardization system

The problematic questions analysis of the standardization national system and development of the Federal Law on Technical Regulation was carried out. A methodology for improving and updating the standards of the standardization state system is proposed.
Key words: state standard, law on technical regulation, standardization infrastructure, normative-legal acts


Kulikov V. N. — Criteria of an electric current danger for the person depending on conditions of injuries (experiment)

On the basis of studies on location and of published dat analysis, it has been established that dangerous values of current (voltage) and resistance of the human body depend on the conditions of electric injuries (experiment) and lie in a wide range. Existing normative materials are developed only for one condition, therefore, according to the author; do not reflect the true current danger.
Key words: electric injury, electrical safety, electrical resistance of the human body, conditions and mechanisms of injury, heart fibrillation, asphyxia, reflex action of the current


Chavdarov A. V., Lyalyakin V. P., Milonov D. A., Artamonov S. N. — Analysis of the market of MAO-products in Russia and abroad

The analysis of the market for equipment and services in the field of microarc oxidation in Russia and abroad. The prognosis for 2017.
Key words: microarc oxidation, market analysis, market forecasts


Potapova G. S. — Content of foreign journals


Suslov An. A. — 10th Anniversary International Exhibition of Composite Materials "Composite-Expo" 2017

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