Journal "Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya"ISSN 1562-322X
Contents (№06 2020)
to russian


Olshanskaya T. V., Fedoseeva Е. М. — The predicting method development of the welded joint microstructure as applied to temperature-time regimes of electron beam welding

The research is devoted to the prediction methods development of a welded joint microstructure applied to the temperature-time regimes of electron beam welding (EBW).
An analysis of models and modeling methods for the kinetics of the decomposition of austenite during cooling, existing in the practice of heat treatment, was carried out for prediction method selection of the molding microstructure in a welded joint during EBW.
One of the methods for predicting the microstructure of welded joints during EBW based on these models is offered in this article.
Key words: electron beam welding, welded joint, welded joint microstructure, weld quality, heat treatment


Anakhov S. V., Pykin Yu. A., Matushkin A. V. — New principles of gas-vortex stabilization in the technology of air-plasma metals cutting 

Application of new principles of gas-vortex stabilization allows to increase efficiency and quality of air-plasma cutting of metals. The use of symmetrical supply of plasma-forming gas to the gas-vortex system, the use of two expansion chambers and swirlers with a step distribution of gas through the channels of the gas-air path and tangential gas supply to the nozzle makes it possible to increase the uniformity of the gas flow distribution over the section of the plasma torch nozzle, improve the kinematic and energy parameters of the plasma arc (jet) for single-flow plasmatrons of the PMVR-5 series. Additional compression of the plasma flow due to the secondary gas flow in the PMVR-9 series plasma torches ("narrow-jet plasma" technology) makes it possible to further increase the uniformity and kinematic characteristics of the plasma flow at a small distance from the plasma torch nozzle. The developed plasma torches can significantly improve the performance and energy efficiency of cutting technology, as well as improve the quality of cutting seams. When cutting with new plasmatrons of structural steels of medium thickness, subsequent welding can be performed without additional machining of the cutting seams.
Key words: plasmatron, designing, gas swirl stabilization, a welded seam, quality, efficiency, acoustic safety, finishing cutting


Gafarov А. М., Gafarzade Kh. V., Kalbiev F. M. — The error type formation research of high-precision non-rigid thin-walled parts during elastic rolling, the errors evaluation by methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics

The article deals with the formation of errors in the shape of high-precision non-rigid thin-walled parts of machines and mechanisms during elastic rolling. The regularities obtained are analyzed. The results of experimental studies show that during elastic rolling the nature of the dispersion of the dimensions of the surfaces of the parts does not change significantly and there are some increases in the diameters of the elastic-rolled surfaces. However, the intensity of changes in shape errors in the longitudinal section is comparatively greater than in the cross section. With elastic rolling, the nature of the dispersion field of the dimensions of the surfaces of the parts does not significantly differ from the dispersion of dimensions before rolling, and the pattern of manifestation of technological heredity in accuracy is clearly observed.
When rolling with a hard tool, some corrections of the errors in the shape of parts are possible. However, this is weakly manifested by elastic rolling.
Thus, during elastic rolling, the change in the size of the surfaces of the parts occurs mainly within the limits of the possible deformation of the initial microroughness, and under the influence of temperature and dynamic effects on the surface being treated. The latter usually manifests itself when processing non-rigid thin-walled parts.
Key words: process, elastic rolling, shape, error, taper, ovality, curvature, accuracy, quality


Makarov G. I., Kapustin O. E. — Modern scientific trends in the use of various welding methods at the construction and repair of pipelines

The article discusses the modern scientific trends in the application of the pipelines construction and repairs various welding methods. The characteristic is given to the new generation main pipelines and the pipes types used. It’s shown how the increased pipes products requirements are influencingfor welding technology at the main oil pipelines construction and repair. Scientific and practical tasks on improving methods for assessing themain oil pipelines technical conditions and repairs technologies are formulated.
Key words: main pipelines, new generation pipes, pipes automatic welding, pipelines repair welding, factory-made repair structures


Anferov V. N., Zaytsev A. V. — Prediction of the service life of spiral gears based on the wear and taking into account equivalent torque

A brief analysis of the causes of lifting, construction, road machines in the mechanisms and drives based on gearing and worm gears, contact damage of the active surfaces of the gear teeth, leading to malfunctions, breakdowns, failures in the form of wear and tear, is given. A cyclogram is given that characterizes the operating mode of a gear pair, taking into account the effect of the maximum load on contact endurance and endurance of teeth during bending and which is used in calculating the fatigue strength of spur and helical gears.
The necessity of creating a calculation method for the wear of spiroid gears is substantiated, taking into account the variable loading mode and the duration of the load.
A method for calculating spiroid gears is presented, which allows taking into account the equivalent torque and actual operating modes of hoisting-and-transport machines, equipment and mechanisms, using the experimentally obtained dependences of the wear rate of the teeth of the spiroid wheel on the values of the torque on the output shaft of the spiroid gearbox, determine the values of the wear rate and predict spiroid gear life, taking into account the duration of the values of the torque in accordance with established schedules for alternating loading of mechanisms of hoisting, construction and road machines.
Key words: wear, wear rate, gearing gearing, resource, spiroid transmission, variable load schedule, equivalent torque

Baluev R. O., Nesterov B. A., Shaydurova G. I. — The thermal and contact fields researches of an elastomer in the process of vulcanization at the boundaries of dissimilar materials

During the study, work was carried out on the practical determination of the vulcanization influence on the object-during heating and exposure for a given time. When carrying out the vulcanization regime special techniques are used since the temperature on the surface and inside thick-walled products is not identical and the distribution of the thermal field does not occur evenly in the material massif. At the same time the degree of vulcanization also depends on many parameters (heat carrier temperature, thermal resistance, product configuration, etc.). In this regard, there is a need to study the distribution of thermal and force fields over the entire cross section of the product.
In the course of the research work, the following studies were carried out:
— The analysis of various vulcanization versions of thermal insulation coatings (TIC);
— The working through vulcanization technology with control of pressure and temperature distribution over the massif of the TIC.
The implemented studies are evidence of the uniform distribution of thermal fields, the correct choice of the vulcanization regime, which guarantees the required quality of the coating.
Key words: vulcanization, thermal field, pressure, heat-protective coating, macromolecules stitching, distribution


Rozinov A. Ya. — Acoustic control of the cargo closures tightness, impermeable doors and covers

The article describes the existing control scheme of closures cargo hatches tightness, impermeable doors and covers. This scheme disadvantages are indicated; the acoustic control methods of these compounds are considered; a methodology for studying acoustic control thresholds used for this equipment and measuring instruments is given; the results of the studies, including graphs of sensitivity thresholds and spectra of the acoustic field are given; design solutions of existing waterproof closures of cargo hatches, impermeable doors and covers, as well as their seals are presented; the physics of the acoustic pressure perception by these structures is modeled by a calculation module of overlap with a large number of cross-links. The oscillation process formalization of this overlap is presented by an algorithm for calculating the sound pressure required to control the tightness by the acoustic method, the implementation of which is presented by the layout of acoustic control devices.
Key words: cargo hatches, watertight doors, covers, water spraying, visual evaluation, low efficiency, lack of accuracy, acoustic leak detectors, acoustic control, sensitivity threshold, sound pressure, metrological stand, acoustic field spectrum, sealed joints, overlapping cross-connections, law of vibrations, natural vibrations, sound wave power, sound emission scheme, calculation algorithm, tightness control schemes


Monastyrskiy V. P., Morozov V. A., Monastyrskaya E. V., Rozhkova M. K. — The experience of using computer simulation of technological heating at the development of the soldering mode 

The process simulation of the soldering mode indicating for the guide apparatus (GA) of an aircraft gas turbine engine (GTE) is considered in the article. The design, materials and soldering technology used to create gas turbine engines are described. As a result of the conducted work, a mathematical model of the temperature distribution in an industrial induction shaft furnace with a protective atmosphere was created, the adequacy of which is confirmed by experimental heating by soldering.
Key words: soldering technology, gas turbine engine, induction shaft furnace, soldering process simulation


Frolov V. A., Fedorov S. A. — Interrelation of educational and professional standards

The article deals with the history of creation, fundamental differences, problems of harmonization and approaches to combining the norms of professional standards and Federal state educational standards.
Key words: educational and professional standards, professional competencies, the main educational program, problems of interconnection of standards, approaches to pairing


Zharkevich О. М., Nurzhanova О. А. — Improving the quality management system in the conditions of Maker LLP — KLMZ on the basis of improving the internal audit procedure

A histogram was compiled based on the results of external and internal audits for 2017—2019 of LLP "Maker" — KLMZ. The tasks of internal audits of Maker LLP — KLMZ are determined. An analysis of the existing problems of the "Internal Audits" process with the help of quality tools (Isikawa cause-effect diagram, Pareto diagram) is made.
Key words: internal audit, quality management system, process, documented procedure, Pareto diagram, cause-effect diagram of Ishikawa


Potapova G. S. — Content of foreign journals

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