Journal "Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya"ISSN 1562-322X
Contents (№06 2022)
to russian


DOI: 10.34641/TM.2022.240.6.036
Zhdankova D. S., Timofeev P. A., Timofeev A. N. — Carbon and silicon carbide fibers used to reinforce ceramic matrix composite materials 

This article discusses the main types of foreign citizens intended for armament of ceramic composite materials (CCM) for products of rocket-space and aviation equipment. On the observance of methods for the formation of reinforcing preforms based on silicon carbide proteins.
Key words: reinforcement fiber, ceramic matrix composite materials, rocket and space and aviation technology


DOI: 10.34641/TM.2022.240.6.037
Ragrin N. A., Dyikanbayeva U. M., Ainabekova A. A., Kurganova D. M. — Development of a model for strengthening the surface layer of holes by drilling

It is known that more than 60 % of the details of products used in the industrial and household sphere have holes. A large number of high-precision holes are used in movable joints, where the wear resistance of the holes is of predominant importance, which significantly affects the reliability of products. In this work, the urgent problem of increasing the wear resistance of moving joints by hardening the surface layer of holes by drilling has been solved. The results of laboratory studies of the influence of the parameters of the cutting mode on the degree of work hardening of the surface layer of the holes are presented, the conditions under which such an influence takes place are determined, and the nature of this influence is determined. The solution to the problem by varying the parameters of the cutting mode is presented. An empirical model has been developed that reflects the dependence of the degree of work hardening on the conditions of drilling.
Key words: drill, hole, cutting speed, feed, surface layer, work hardening


DOI: 10.34641/TM.2022.240.6.038
Artemenko S. A., Orlik G. V., Orlik A. G. — The use of wear-resistant cord material for the restoration of worn teeth of a mining excavator

The article discusses the use of flexible cord materials (FCM) for the restoration of parts operating in conditions of abrasive wear. Russian-made materials (JV Technikord LLC) of the HR-2Sp brand were used as the FCM; powder of the PR-NH17SR4 brand was used as a filler. The use of such a filler material ensures the formation of a composite structure of the Ni—Cr—B—Si + WC—W2C system in the deposited metal. This article is devoted to the use of GShM with the use of an automated installation for surfacing teeth.
Key words: arc surfacing, wear-resistant coatings, flexible cord material (FCM)

DOI: 10.34641/SP.2021.1037.4.015
Makarov G. I., Alieva A. U. — Differentiation of regulatory requirements for welded pipes fracture toughness for main oil pipelines and oil product pipelines depending on the pipes strength class and the pipeline operating parameters

The article presents the results of the calculated assessment of the standardized fracture toughness indicators (CTOD) of welded pipes for main oil and oil product pipelines, depending on the pipes strength class and the pipeline operating parameters. As a similarity criterion for such a differentiated approach to assessing the fracture toughness CTOD, the value of the critical size of a conditional fracture-like defect characteristic of pressure vessels sheet structures is taken. The results obtained represent differentiated regulatory requirements for the crack resistance of welded pipes for main oil and oil product pipelines, intended for use in the development and updating of federal and industry-specific pipe regulation documents.
Key words: crack resistance, welded pipes, main oil pipelines, regulatory requirements differentiation


DOI: 10.34641/TM.2022.240.6.039
Vitol I. I., Dolzhansky Yu. M., Ilingina A. V., Kochergin S. A., Titkin A. V. — "BOBBIN-TOOL" for friction stir welding — prospects for improving the tool and digitalization of welding process control

The technological aspects of friction stir welding (FSW), the prospects for improving the "BOBBIN-TOOL" and building mathematical models problems to ensure digital optimization of the FSW technology are discussed.
Key words: friction stir welding, BOBBIN-TOOL, mathematical model, experiment design


DOI: 10.34641/TM.2022.240.6.040
Yangirov I. F., Safiullin R. A., Khalikov A. R., Garifullin A., Farvaev R. — Automation program for checking transformers for permissible heating and insulation wear

The article considers for the first time the issue of the process of automation of transformers in terms of permissible heating and wear. A specific example of such CAD is given. The work will find application in the energy sector and in the educational process for students.
Key words: transformer, automation, heating, wear


DOI: 10.34641/TM.2022.240.6.041
Ragutkin A. V., Stavrovsky M. E., Aleksandrov I. A., Yurtsev E. S. — Methods for improving the reliability of digital systems performance monitoring 

One of the main characteristics of operability control tools, along with speed (performance), reliability, cost, overall and mass characteristics, is the reliability of control, i.e. an indicator of the degree of objective reflection by the results of monitoring the actual state of the controlled product. The above mathematical calculations reasonably prove that the use of structural redundancy with a majority element, provided that this element is highly reliable, is a very effective tool for improving the reliability of digital systems.
Key words: technical condition, reliability, performance monitoring, reliability of results, majority methods


DOI: 10.34641/TM.2022.240.6.042
Budkin Yu. V., Frolov V. A., Knyazev A. V. — Method for selecting product quality indicators in conditions of incomplete information on the results of testing samples of similar functional purpose

A typical (unified) composition of product quality indicators has been developed and nine classification groups have been formed. A method for evaluating particular indicators that affect the adoption of a design and technological decision on the creation of a product and its technological support is determined, which determines the achievement of optimal costs in the preparation, development of production and manufacture of products, taking into account the specified quality indicators, output volume and conditions for performing work in conditions of incomplete information about the test results of samples of a similar functional purpose.
Key words: design documentation, informatization, standard, maintenance, repair, project and operational management


DOI: 10.34641/TM.2022.240.6.043
Zagidullin R. R. — Cost approach to project feasibility assessment

The article discusses the cost approach to assessing the feasibility of projects. A network with alternative arcs at the cost of project stages is proposed. The cost of the project is determined by two estimates of a non-linear nature. Ways of solving the problem in terms of finding the optimum according to some criterion are proposed as a sequential problem of determining the optimal values of individual functions, which are paths on the network and the subsequent solution of the general problem using the functional of the obtained values of the partial functions.
Key words: project management, project cost, network with alternative arcs, target functions, functionality


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