Journal "Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya"ISSN 1562-322X
Contents (№7 2015)
to russian


Khorev A. I. — Fundamental and applied investigation of the composite materials based on titanium

Fundamental and applied research aimed at the advanced composite materials creation (KM) on the grounds of high-strength constructional titanium alloys for high temperature applications were carried out. KM intended for the manufacture of aircraft parts and assemblies. The problems of the complex alloying, thermal, thermomechanical processing and texture strengthening, composite materials creating were considered. "Pseudo" α-alloys BT18, BT38; α + β-alloys BT23, BT23M, BT43; β-alloys BT-19, BT19-1 and another were developed, recommended for use at the creation of the composite materials and structures. A composite material with an external reinforcement is developed, consisting of thermally hardened alloy capacity BT23 braided with plastic VNIVLON and showing high structural strength and specific strength. Created new titanium alloy BT43 and new reinforcing fibers will improve the specific strength of KM.
Key words: composite material, titanium alloy, structural strength, the specific strength


Shashok A. V., Kutyshkin A. V. — Cutting forces valuation at high speed turning operation of the constructional steels

The application of computational and analytical model using the plasticity theory methods, in particular the upper valuation method, for valuation of the cutting force components during high-speed turning is considered. Analytical dependences/expression for the tangential and radial components of the cutting force, taking into account the technological features of the orthogonal turning are adduced. Resistance of the workpiece material deformation is described by the Johnson—Cook model. Blank machining from steel 45 (AISI l045), steel ShX15 (EN-3l), steel 30 (AISI l030) is considered. The calculated values or the cutting forces components compared with the experimental and calculated values obtained through the use of packets LS-DYNA, ABAQUS and SiMPLe and published in the open press. For equivalence degree valuation of the calculating and experimental values of the cutting forces components used the relative error. Analysis of its values showed that calculating and analytical dependences, used in this article, give a better approximation to the experimental values of cutting force components at high-speed turning.
Key words: high speed steels machining, orthogonal turning, cutting force, Johnson—Cook model, the theory of plasticity

Iznairov B. M., Vasin A. N. — Reinforce methods of the screw surfaces. Review of research

Provides an overview of the most common methods of hardening responsible spiral surfaces on the basis of the analysis of patent and technical literature.
Key words: spiral surface, hardening, methods, research, technology

Makarov Yu. N., Khomenko V. V., Mukhamedzyanov A. I. — Creation and integration experience of information support systems for design and manufacturing processes of machining parts

The problem of creating unified information space engineering and design companies are considered to work. Requirements and recommendations for enterprises to build, implementation and integration of information support systems design and production of are shown.
Key words: machining, information space, production design


Ragrin N. A., Samsonov V. A., Aynabekova A. A. — Appropriateness influence definition of the twist drills sharpening errors on their durability

Types or errors of sharpening of drills are given, the reasons their defiant and ways of elimination, are defined regularities of influence of errors of sharpening on firmness of drills depending on parameters of the mode of cutting and other conditions of processing by drilling.
Key words: a drill, a beating, firmness, the cutting edge, corners, giving


Adigamov N. R., Lyalyakin V. P., Solovev R. Yu., Sharifullin S. N. — Plasma technology in the efficiency improving of the high pressure fuel pumps for diesel engines

The paper present the comparative technical characteristics of domestic and foreign fuel pumps of high pressure (fuel pump) diesel engines. A number of technologies based on plasma methods for recovery of plunger pump. Based on the developed theoretical models of the performance of the fuel pump shown that the proposed technology allows 3 times to increase the resource of a fuel injection pump diesel engines.
Key words: diesel engine, fuel pump of a high pressure, plasma technology, plunger pair, resource, durability


Volodin V. A., Bratukhin V. A. — High-performance fastening system with a calibrated tightening in the competitive aviation engineering

Application of the fastening systems with a calibrated tightening in civil aviation aircraft permits to reduce the aircraft assembly laboriousness. The choice features of materials for the fastening systems manufacturing are analysed. Comparative analysis of domestic fastening systems with foreign counterparts is adduced.
Key words: fastening systems, calibrated tightening, aircraft, high strength fasteners


Bigus G. A., Chernykh M. V., Churilov A. A., Xhurevlev A. E. — Sensors test intervals determination of the combined diagnostic monitoring system of structures stress-strain state

Indicator intervals of sensors of complex diagnostic monitoring system are defined.
Key words: rectification column, monitoring system, indicator intervals, strain-stress state, danger zones


Beshchekov V. G., Zheleznyy A. G. — A mathematical model development of the material volumetric nanostructuring method for aircraft parts through the use of the sferodynamics effect 

The article presents the analytical method according to the technological parameters of volume nanostructuring of the parts of aircraft using sferodinamics effect, which together are a mathematical model of this method.
The dynamics of the implementation mechanisms of deformation of the workpiece two power sources drive — flow forming punch; non-fluctuation module.
Key words: nanostructuring, sferodinamics, mathematical model, rolling action punch


Zaytsev S. A., Martishkin V. V., Feofanov A. N. — The value of expert systems for the products quality improvement in the automobile and tractor industry

Describes an expert system for selection of baseline samples and make recommendations for product improvement at the stage of design and construction. In the basis of the expert system is based on the evaluation, which describe the degree of similarities and differences between estimated and basic products. The magnitude of these estimates is the basis for making the identified product as a base. Developed expert system allows to identify the underlying products not only for the product as a whole but also for individual components and assemblies. The algorithm of functioning of the expert system gives the possibility of developing a computer program for automated determination of basic products.
Key words: algorithm, basic products, evaluate products, design, computer program, design, expert system, the expert evaluation


Sigov A. S., Bukharin S. N., Epishin K. V., Yushkov E. S. — Development "Road Map" of the technological component of national security strategy

This article is devoted to development of guidelines of road mapping in planning development of technological component of the national security strategy.
Making the "road map" contributes the optimization process which helps to achieve the aim in the severe limitations of the existing resources keeping in mind as controlled as uncontrolled factors.
Such findings (the road map) could be considered a scientific novelty.
Key words: roadmap, national security strategy, military-industrial complex (MIC), scientific-technical and technological spheres, expert forecasting


Lisova L. P., Alibekov S. Ya. — The development features of tests to check students’ knowledge

The article describes features of working out of test tasks taking into account the open plan of each lecture, including topics sub-themes and units, connecting them with each other according to the working program of discipline "Technology of constructional materials". It is shown in detail how the frontier control of students allows to solve problems of a phased transition from one level to another indicators of assimilation by students of the stated training material are called, formulas of their calculations are given, their specifics are opened. While studying this discipline the corresponding conclusions of attendance, progress and interest of students are presented too.
Key words: frontier control of students, the module, test materials — cases, the working program


Potapova G. S. — Content of foreign journals


Suslov An. A. — 12th International Exhibition and Conference "Coatings and surface treatment" — Expo Coating Moscow—2015

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