Journal "Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya"ISSN 1562-322X
Contents (№7 2016)
to russian


Goltsev V. Yu., Grigorev E. G., Osintsev A. V., Plotnikov A. S. — Evaluation of product material homogeneity obtained by methods of impulse high-voltage resistance welding and electropulse sintering

The assessment methodology of the sintered materia heterogeneity, based on the method and technology utilization of digital image correlation is proposed. Examples of the material structure heterogeneity detection, leading to premature failure of the ring samples loaded through the compressive force in a diametrical plane, cylindrical disk samples loaded on a "Brazilian test" scheme, and cylindrical specimens tested for compression in accordance with State Standard GOST 25.503 are adduced.
Key words: circular sample, impulse high-voltage welding, digital image correlation, compression test, the deformation field, electropulse sintering, "Brazilian test"


Mazurin V. L., Priemyshev A. V., Yakovlev S. N. — Experimental work through of polyurethane grinding modes by means of highly porous abrasive wheels

In this paper description of the grinding head with an adjustable rotation frequency of the grinding wheel for work through of round external grinding modes of the polygraphic printing shaft with elastic polyurethane coating is adduced. The recommended grinding modes of the different hardness polyurethane via a highly porous abrasive wheels are introduced.
Key words: grinding of polyurethane, highly porous grinding wheels, polygraphic shaft, dynamic toughening coefficient, recommended grinding modes

Popkov V. M., Kalmykov V. V., Bysov S. A. — The investigation of the parts accuracy, produced by hydromechanical extraction, by means of experiment planning statistical methods

In this article the study results of the parts accuracy produced at the initial stage of hydromechanical drawing out, using an experiment planning methods are presented. The workpiece thickness changes, as well as the force change during the cylindrical parts drawing are studied. Varying factors and their varying levels were selected, the experiment plan was made. After experiment implementation the regression an equation, reflecting a change of workpiece thickness and the total force at the hydromechanical drawing initial stage, was derived. An assessment of the models adequacy is carried out, the conclusions are formulated.
Key words: hydromechanical drawing out, blank thickness, experiment planning, varying factors, the regression equation, models adequacy

Kornilov V. A., Dolgopolov M. I. — The pipe bending by pushing on the tube bending machines

The model of thin walled tube push bending on the pipe bending machine is developed with the support roller nonideal contact with the pipe. Are calculated impact factor nonideal contact, optimal initial angles bending roller, minimum bending angles. The model may be useful for programming control of the long tubes spatial bending on the pipe bending machines.
Key words: thin walled tube; nonideal contact with the pipe; pushing; pipe bending machine, pipe stiffness profile, reaction to the support rollers; simulation of the tube spatial bending


Rosinov A. Ya., Beskrovny A. Yu. — Evaluation of the structural and technological improvement efficiency of the portable means for an assembly realization of the ship hull plating joining

In In this article distinctive features and technical specifications of the structurally and technologically improved means for the plating joining assembly are described. The timing results of the plating joining assembly duration through the use of assembly wedges, screw assembly devices, rotary-percussive and pneumohydraulic jacks are adduced. An advantages analysis of the plating joining assembly through the use of improved means for its implementation is given.
A labour-intensiveness comparative calculation of the deck overlap joints assembly, sides and bottom plating of the atomic icebreaker via a traditional as well as improved means are represented.
On the grounds of this an efficiency assessment of the assembly means improvement of the ship hull plating joining is presented.
Key words: assembly devices, flexible electromagnetic fastening, changed elements of temporary fastening, U-shaped hull, installation, application and movind off operations, labour-intensiveness, thickness, plating, assembly duration, flat, planar and curved construction, nuclear-powered icebreaker hull, length, width, height, floor deck, side and bottom plating, bilge transition, norm-hour


Zhetesova G. S., Zharkevich O. M., Pleshakova Е. А. — Application of the gas-thermal sputtering for worn parts repairing and rebuilding

Various methods of details restoration are considered, preservating the surface properties of metal coatings by taking into account the selection of optimum technological modes.
Key words: gas-thermal spraying, coating powder recovery modes

Goltsev V. Yu., Kashirin V. S., Osintsev A. V., Ochkov K. Yu., Plotnikov A. S., Bashlykov S. S., Grigorev E. G., Yudin A. V. — Annular test specimens obtained by impulse high-voltage resistance welding

The bending test methodology of the ring samples obtained by impulse high-voltage resistance welding thin circular plates package from alloy 49K2FA. The ring was loaded by compressive force applied in the plane of the ring. The test results of the 4-th ring samples with simultaneous application of the image digital correlation method, which allows to register the displacement field and visualize the deformation field in the loaded object are adduced. The recived test results indicate the manifestation of separation effects on individual elements at the samples destruction and stability loss at the elastic-plastic loading phase. The achievment possibility of a sufficiently high level stength and steadiness against exfoliation at the elastic loading phase. The ring bent task is determined by FEM method through the use of ANSYS software. A good agreement between experimental results and numerical analysis results is shown.
Key words: circular sample, high-voltsge impulse welding, image digital correlation, compression in the plane of the ring, FEM solution, deformation field in a circular sample


Akilin V. I., Denisov S. Yu., Smirnov А. А. — Technological methods for the accuracy increasing of the precision pendulum accelerometers

The principle activities of dry precision quartz pendulum accelerometer used in the composition of traffic management systems of different maneuverable objects. Describes a method of processing the collected burnishing devices of this type is exposed to successive temperature cycles of the medium okra, that allows for mass production to achieve a significant reduction in the spread of instability values of technical parameters from run to run the device. The technique of the algorithmic compensation of systematic errors in component temperature quartz accelerometers, can significantly improve their accuracy when using the composition and control systems.
Key words: accelerometer, processing technology, thermal cycle, the instability of output parameters from run to run, algorithmic compensation of temperature errors


Bigus G. A., Schastlivtsev A. B., Sabrekov M. A. — Application of acoustic emission method to identify operational faults in the heat networks pipelines of Norilsk industrial region

The problems of modern technical condition of pipelines of heat networks in the Norilsk industrial region are district. Application of acoustic-emission technique (AE) during hydraulic testing of pipelines of heating systems is investigated.
Key words: Norilsk industrial region, pipelines of heat networks, corrosion damage, acoustic-emission technique, hydraulic testing


Skhirtladze A. G., Feofanov A. N., Grishina T. G., Polyanchikov Yu. N. — Modelling of the costs change during the machine manufacture

The paper deals with determining the costs in the manufacture of engineering products in different years they are in production. Shows the factors affecting costs, as well as models of change.
Key words: рroduct engineering, manufacturing, business, costs, completion, design, process, violation, equipment, reduce, increase, model, static, time, pace, the year coefficient


Shokhrina N. V., Feofanov A. N., Grishina T. G. — Organizational-methodical bases of the setting mechanism for product priority technical specifications

The organizational and methodological ensuring of the appointment mechanism of product priority technical specifications in order to optimize the predesign study process is presented. The operating instructions and questionnaires for the expert groups participants are considered.
Key words: quality function deployment methodology, decision-making method, hierarchy analysis method, expert assessment, expert questionnaire, work instructions

Feofanov A. N., Yudin G. V., Turapin M. V. — The applicability of risk analysis methods in different stages of the product life cycle

In the context of a rapidly changing international open market the highest profit to the manufacturer can bring a project with a high degree of risk. For successful implementation of such projects to the manufacturer must be timely, at all stages of the product life cycle, use a variety of methods of risk analysis.
This article examines the main risk factors, provides an overview of methods for predicting risk, consider the possibility of their application in different stages of the product life cycle.
Key words: risk, process, forecasting, risk management, life cycle, standard, methods of analysis, risk management, design, manufacture


Bichurin Kh. I., Mashkov V. N., Silaev V. V. — The innovative system of the specialists training and staff development of the machine building enterprise

In this work are presented the innovative system of training the specialists and increasing the qualification of the personnel of the machine-building enterprise.
Key words: training, specialist, qualification; machine-building enterprise


Potapova G. S. — Content of foreign journals


Suslov An. A. — 15th International Exhibition of the means and technologies for non-destructive testing in the industry — NDT Russia-2016

Press release — Information assistant for professional services — "NormaCS: PromExpert" entered the market

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