Journal "Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya"ISSN 1562-322X
Contents (№07 2020)
to russian


Mukhmetrakhimov M. Kh. — Mechanical properties investigation of the metal matrix composites from titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V obtained under conditions of low-temperature superplasticity 

The applied research results of the three-layer metal matrix structural composite production at pressure welding under different temperature conditions are presented. The possibility of using a structural layer of a titanium alloy with a nanocrystalline structure Ti-6Al-4V as a reinforcing element is shown. Studies have shown that, when a composite is obtained at a temperature of 900 °C, grain growth to microcrystalline sizes in the reinforcing element is observed. With a decrease in temperature to 700 °C, a change in grain size in the reinforcing element was not detected, although the grain size of the phase slightly increased as compared to the initial one. The microvoid geometric changes in the zone of solid-phase compounds, the dynamics of growth and spatial arrangement of grains are described. It was confirmed that the strength of the composite obtained at a temperature of 700 °C can exceed the strength of the composite obtained at a temperature of 900 °C. The fracture scheme of the composite in the solid-phase compound zone during tensile testing at room temperature is researched. Three stages of destruction are distinguished and the nature and mechanism of the composite destruction are analyzed. The results of mechanical tests of the composite material mechanical tests showed that its mechanical behavior depends from the welding temperature. It is noted that the destruction begins under the action of the main stresses, developing along the normal to them.
Key words: three-layer metal matrix composite, pressure welding temperature, composite strength, composite mechanical properties, crack, principal stresses


Galkin V. I., Golovkin P. A., Fesenko S. A. — Improving U-shaped forgings from aluminum and titanium alloys from the criteria approach

The possibilities of improving the quality of П-shaped (in form of the Russian alphabetic character "П") die forgings made from aluminum and titanium alloys without changing the equipment, by controlling the mechanisms of deformation processes are being studied.
Key words: П-shaped die forgings, aluminum alloys and titanium alloys, target parameter, criterial approach, criteria, temperature, deformation mechanism, deformation heating, phase change, corrosion, crack resistance


Platonov V. I., Romanov P. V. — Deformation and force modes of settling at pressure welding

Relationships for calculating the kinematics and force regime at draft of the blank assembling during pressure welding processes are proposed. The energy calculation method of the plane and axisymmetric deformation of a visco-plastic material is applied. An integrity loss evaluation of the blank material is given.
Key words: visco-plasticity, power, pressure, material integrity


Maksimov Е. А. — Calculation of parameters during the modernization of the rolling machine for wheel rims

As the causes analysis result of the disk walls difference it is found that the cause of this defect is the insufficient frame rigidity of the machine for rotational drawing. The calculations showed that to increase the rigidity of the machine frame, it is necessary to install an additional upper bolster parallel to the existing upper bolster. As a result of the machine frame modernization, its rigidity will increase by 32.2 %, which will reduce the difference in wheel disks, as well as the radial runout of the wheels during operation.
Key words: rotary machine, disk walls difference, modernization of the machine frame, increase of the machine frame rigidity

Mastenko V. Yu., Volobuev Yu. S., Volosov N. A., Mitrofanov V. M., Simonova O. N., Komolov V. N. — Electroslag deposition with band under a ceramic flux of a homogeneous single-layer corrosion-inhibiting coating of the pipes inner surface with a diameter of 850 and 990 mm for nuclear power plants

Electroslag strip overlaying process with agglomerated flux using external magnetic field and without it is examined. Minimal strip size to use external magnetic field for improvement bead shaping quality is determined. The impact of external magnetic field’s parameters at bead shaping features is researched. Also as the optimal magnetic field’s parameters, the optimal mode parameters of the process (e.g. weld current, weld voltage, weld speed) are determined. Influence of displacement from zenith at bead shaping quality is examined. Proposed "slalom" and "spiral" realization of electroslag strip overlaying process provide incessancy of overlaying on pipe’s inner surface. Technology of electroslag strip homogeneous single layer corrosion resistant overlaying with agglomerated flux on pipe’s inner surface with a diameter of 850 and 990 mm is developed. These pipes are applied for main circulation pipeline’s manufacturing of nuclear power plant type V-1000 and V-1200.
Key words: electroslag overlaying, strip, flux, homogeneous single layer corrosion resistant overlaying, mode parameters, pipes, beads, "slalom", "spiral", displacement from zenith, technology, magnetic system, pipeline, nuclear power plant, bead shaping quality


Yangirov I. F. — Electromagnetic transducer for non-destructive testing

The work describes the original design of the electromagnetic converter for non-destructive testing (EMNs). A comparative analysis has been made of the existing EMNs in operation and the advantage in terms of techno-economic indicators has been shown. A mathematical model with further theoretical calculations and analysis of the obtained analytical expressions with graphic-analytical images has been developed. Experimental studies were carried out on model physical samples and it was established about the fairness of the obtained theoretical position. Perspective of implementation of initial structure in flaw detection in oil and gas industry is shown.
Key words: eddy current converters, longitudinal and transverse defects, error, magnetic field, mathematical model, signal windin

Vybornov A. P., Bigus G. A., Remizov A. L. — Uniform standards for defects in butt welds with inclusions

The article considers the approach to determining the quality standards of welded butt joints with inclusion, as well as issues related to determining the maximum allowable values of the stress intensity coefficient KI. The relation dependence of this coefficient to permissible stress KI/σ from the thickness of the joint with inclusion is obtained. The joints thickness of low-carbon and low alloy steels in which fatigue cracks will not develop are determined.
Key words: quality standards, performance, welding joints defect, pore, stress intensity coefficient


Ivanayskiy A. V., Asaev A. S., Asaeva T. A. — The theoretical foundations of vortex and associated cavitation modeling in technological equipment

The use of cavitation technologies is promising for increasing the efficiency and labor productivity in the implementation of many technological processes in the food, chemical, machine-building industry, agriculture, construction, water supply and the ecology.
At the same time, the analysis of the technical literature indicated the limited information about the methods for calculating the threshold values of mechanical influence on liquid media enabling to the effect of attached and vortex cavitation in a given volume of the working space without the formation of toroidal-screw flows.
Key words: efficiency increase, cavitation, mathematical modeling

Yaroslavtseva М. М., Torpachev A. V. — Modeling and modernization of a device for supplying communications to an aerospace engineering product

The results of the development of an upgraded device for supplying communications to the product are presented. The strength analysis of the power turning part of the structure under the action of wind action is also given.
Key words: launch complex, finite element method, wind load


Ragrin N. A., Dyykanbaeva U. M. — Development and justification of ways to improve the quality of the drilled holes surface

The results of laboratory studies aimed at improving the surface quality of holes machined by drilling by reducing the depth of their defective surface layer by varying the parameters of the cutting mode are presented. The possibility of significantly reducing the complexity of processing parts with high-quality holes as a result of the exclusion of the following technological transitions from the processing operation: drilling, roughing and finishing countersinking, normal deployment is shown. A mathematical model has been developed that allows with high accuracy to calculate the depth of the defective surface layer of holes machined by drilling depending on the cutting speed and feed.
Key words: drill, hole, defective surface layer depth, speed, feed


Irzaev G. Kh. — The control system organization principles of the radio-electronic means manufacturability at the stages of their development and putting into production

The organizational structure of the control system for the manufacturability of electronic equipment at the enterprise was developed during the design and technological preparation of production. An improved matrix organization scheme is proposed with a combination of two types of subordination: by functions — to the department head, by products — to the project manager. The structure of the unit for ensuring manufacturability of products and the nature of its interaction with other services of the enterprise are described.
Key words: radio-electronic means, the control system, technology, matrix structure, design office, project manager

Pisarenko O. V. — Material compensation based on the aggregate estimate

The author of the article proposes to rely on an aggregated evaluation of production activity when determining the basic level of labor remuneration.
Key words: knowledge and professional training, work experience, complexity of responsibilities, responsibility, scope of management


Potapova G. S. — Content of foreign journals


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