Journal "Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya"ISSN 1562-322X
Contents (№8 2015)
to russian

Grigorev S. N. — MSTY "STANKIN": course on development and creation of digital productions in mechanical engineering


Kosmin A. A., Budinovskiy S. A., Muboyadzhyan S. A., Bulavinzeva E. E. — Protective heat-resistant coating for intermetalloid titanic alloy

A possibility of high-temperature coating development for an intermetallic titanium alloy with reinforcing ortho-phase is shown. The coating prevents change of the alloy surface layer following accumulation of oxide corrosion products, the changes may result in product softening at the working temperature of 700—800 Celsius degree. Investigation results of the heat-resistant properties, composition and structure evolution of the alloyed ion-plasma coatings on titanium alloy with reinforcing ortho-phase at running temperatures showed that when coating is applied the depth of the alloy surface layer change is considerably reduced: it goes under 5 micrometer.
Key words: high-temperature coating, ion-plasma coating, ion-plasma technology, heat resistance, protection of intermetallic alloys


Ryabov S. A. — Integrated method of the energoefficiency and ecological quality increasing of the technological processes

It is known that for today time such important questions as increase of energy efficiency of processing and processing equipment are raised and solved. On it an important problem of the pilot studies presented in article is decrease in the total consumed energy by a complex method with application of liquid SOTS and compensation of power on installation for increase of energy efficiency and definition of an integrated ecological indicator of quality of technological processing.
Key words: energy saving, power factor, technological processing, compensation, active, jet components, pilot studies


Timiryazev V. A., Gololobov D. V., Dudko S. A., Pchelnikov R. V. — Increasing of multi-tasking machine efficiency through the use of a structure widening of the employed cutting tools 

In article the questions of increase of efficiency and expansion of technological capabilities of multi-purpose machines reached by expansion of structure of the used cutting tool and methods of machining of surfaces of details of cars are considered. On the example of production on the multi-purpose machine of a detail of difficult geometry new technological decisions and the reached high rates of technical and economic efficiency of mechanoprocessing are shown.
Key words: multi-purpose machine, technological operation, transitions, the cutting tool, mechanoprocessing

Kosov M. G., Tolkacheva I. M., Feoktistova L. V. — Method of function answerback in the computation of the metal-cutting machines parts thermal behavior

Examined the main provisions of assessment of temperature and thermal deformations of parts and units of machine tools. Proposed to the development of the finite element method and provides methodological foundations of the method of the response function. The comparison of the results of the assessments temperature as analytic and FEM and method of the response function.
Key words: machine tools, thermal deformation, temperature, assessments methods

Kuznetsov A. P. — Control methods of the CNC metall-cutting machines thermal instability

Examined the reasons thermal instability of machine tools, systematized control methods change the relative position of the spindle and the workpiece based on the capabilities of modern CNC systems. Given classification, are examples of implementation in CNC machine tools.
Key words: machine tools, accuracy, temperature, deformation, control


Voronenko V. P., Sedykh M. I. — Passive adaptation utilization for press bearings on shafts

The calculation method of the expected deformation of the bearing internal ring racetrack by a usual assembly method and with use of passive adaptation elements is considered. In this article press fitting process of the bearing series 307 on a shaft with spherical support utilization in industrial equipment which allows to increase quality of the assembled products due to range deformations reduction of the connected details is considered as an example. Use of the offered industrial equipment in the flexible production container applied at the automatic press fitting of hearings will provide reduction of the technological dimensional chain links and passive adaptation to the arising assembly process errors, and, therefore, will increase the bearings resource, more than twice.
Key words: passive adaptation, bearings, technology, spherical support


Fedorenko M. A., Bondarenko Yu. A., Duganov V. Ya., Antonov S. I. — Modernization of the rotating aggregates for drying and burning of the dry substances materials

Need of modernization of the large-size rotating units like furnaces is considered. The modernization need problem of cement furnaces knots which will allow to increase considerably efficiency and to increase productivity and reliability also is defined. The existing design and the operation principle of the device for rotation of the large-size rotating units for drying and burning of bulks is considered; the modernized design is offered.
Key words: rotating cement furnaces, devices for rotation of the large-size rotating units for drying and burning of bulks, knots modernization, increase of exploitation efficiency

Bechshekov V. G., Markin K. N. — The development of the concept of power of pulse plastifitsirovanie metal parts of machines and with the effect of stereodinamice

The results of studies of mechanisms of distribution of the power pulse to the deformable metal in terms of the effect of sferodinamice. Developed the device for implementing the effect of cold pulse plastifitsirovanie metal.
Key words: plastifitsirovanie metal accumulated by the material energy, the crystal lattice of the metal, sferodinamika


Bigus G. A., Vybornov A. P. — Extension possibilities of the vessels operation resource, working under pressure when disclosure of the welding joint defects

In article the questions connected with operability determination of the vessels and devices which are working under pressure, fulfilled the calculation resource, are considered. Engineering approach for facility operability valuation in cases of defects detection in the welding joints exceeding the most admissible size is offered. As an example the steel vessel in which unacceptable defect is found is considered. Definition possibility of operability conditions for the facility in this case is shown.
Key words: diagnostics, operability, welded joint defect, coefficient of tension


Lytkin I. N., Feofanov A. N., Tyurina L. F. — Manufacturing of the sensors with wire microspirals

Sensors with sensitive elements (SE) in the form of wire microspirals are used in handheld portable devices, in particular in thermometers, gas analyzers and other devices with working temperature-Rey (SE) to 600 °C. To devices require long work without recharging the battery. One of the ways to get the work you devices is in particular, reducing energy consumption Jae, Ko which may be achieved by reducing the wire diameter and the diameter of the helix of the sensor cable.
Key words: helical microspiral, power, sensor


Mitrofanov V. G., Crishina T. G., Feofanov A. N. — Control of the automatic technological systems and efficiency modeling when decisions acceptance

Efficiency — the ability of a control system in accordance with the objectives and tasks in a timely manner to develop and bring to managed objects (subsystems) control actions. Analysis of factors affecting the efficiency, it is advisable to spend, considering the sequence of events in a single control loop.
Key words: efficiency, control system, automated technological system


Sosenyshkin E. N., Yanovskaya E. A., Solovev Yu. A., Salzhanitsyn V. V. — Combined processes of the compression and distribution for stamping of the spherical shells from anisotropic blanks

The technological processes and mathematical models for defining of strain fields in plastic deformation process of casing’s elements, in wringing out and expansion of tube work pieces with anisothropy of mechanical properties are represented. Influence of technological parameters, friction’s conditions for contact surface of half-matrix and work pieces, anisotropy of mechanical properties of tube work piece for strain for strain full and deformed condition of work piece, geometrical parameters of work pieces are established.
Key words: stain field, expansion, wringing out, anisothropy, casing

Crishina T. G. — Decisions acceptance in the control process of the technological systems

We consider the decision-making cycle in the management of technological systems. A formalized model of the decision-making cycle. The dependences for estimating the duration of the decision-making cycle.
Key words: decision-making, management, model, timing and information factors


Solomentsev Yu. M., Frolov E. B. — Modern methods of the mach1ne-building production efficiency increasing

Efficiency increase problem of the machine-building productions is considered. In article known methods for effectiveness ratio calculation of the machine system utilization (OEE coefficient) and the authors original information connected with MES-system "PHOBOS" utilization for optimization of intradepartmental material streams are adduced.
Key words: production efficiency, calculation methods, valuation methods, machine tool system, intradepartmental stream

Crigorev S. N., Kutin A. A. — Numerical production creature — efficient means of the labour productivity increasing in the machine-building production

Ways of increasing productivity via digital manufacturing are shown. Approach to choosing content, methods and instruments of digital manufacturing were offered. Digital manufacturing was discussed as complex of system connection of product lifecycle management and production technologies, which resulted in a big reduction of product time manufacturing.
Key words: digital manufacturing, new production technologies, product lifecycle management, manufacturing systems lifecycle management

Feofanov A. N., Turapin M. V. — Feature of the expert valuation method at risk valuation of the stuff and materials provider change

Minimizing losses at all stages of the product life cycle in terms of non-price competition and a changing market has become a prerequisite to obtain stably grow profits and saving market positions for manufacturers of products and services. One way to minimize losses is to apply the principles of rlsk management in the selection of raw and material suppliers.
In this article present a brief overview of how to work with a supplier, based on current trends of risk management. Considered the methods of multicriteria supplier evaluation and the method of expert estimations.
Key words: risk analysis, supplier, lifecycle, standard, methods of analysis, expert, evaluation


Potapova G. S. — Content of foreign journals


Suslov An. A., Suslov D. A. — 18th Moscow International Salon of the inventions and innovation technologies "Archimed—2015"

Exhibitions calendar for IV quarter 2015

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