Journal "Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya"ISSN 1562-322X
Contents (№8 2016)
to russian


Poletaev Yu. V., Poletaev V. Yu. — Influence of the melting steel Cr-Ni-Mo-V on the propensity to intergranular fracture at electroslag remelting

Abstract manifestation of inclination of metal heat affected zone of welded joints of steel 15H2NMFA-VRV if electroslag welding to collapse was an unexpected problem and called for an integrated component of the study. The mechanism of intercrystalline destruction of Haz metal and its relationship to the way steel, coarse- grained structure, fluctuation of concentration of sulfur and heat energy linear Qw. Set the required structural and chemical homogeneity and resistance against hot cracking at coarse-grained structure of HAZ austenite grain size is reached G = 1…9 bal, pro-assisted in arc welding with Qw to 15 MJ/m.
Key words: elektroslaqweldinq, weld joints, low- alloy steel, method melt, metal-lographic test, mechanism intercrystalline cracking, coarse-grained structure, fluctuation concentrate sulpher, rate of heatinput


Ivanov D. V., Ivanov V. S. — Cycloidal shaping surfaces of rotation at the tangential turning with a straight feed

The movement relativity principle is used at the forming process analysis. According to this principle the workpiece and its associated coordinate system fixed against rotation, and cutting tool accomplishes whirl rotation around the workpiece.
Full current displacement of the cutter top is determined by the vector sum of the displacement components from imparted movemenys. The model parametric equations of the workpiece shape cycloidal single-cutter forming, functionally linking the coordinates of cycloidal workpiece shape with geometrical and kinematical processing parameters are proposed. The model is universally applicable for the counter and associated turning.
It was found that the model does not have an exact solution, as it contains parametric equations of algebraic and transcendental functions.
Method of solving models based on reduction to an algebraic type of the transcendental expression is described. Rank approximation error is given. The valuation of the approaching error is given. Dependences for definition of the current radius deviation and shaping error are adduced.
It was found that when turning with counter feed is provided substantially smaller kinematic shaping error than in passing feed.
Key words: tangential turning, cycloidal shaping, relative motion, vectorial model

Kruglov А. А., Tulupova О. P., Enikeev F. U. — The superplastic forming modes analysis of a circular membrane by taking into account the threshold stress influence

Superplastic forming of a circular diaphragm is considered both analytically and by means of finite element consideration. Mechanical threshold is included into the material model used. Analytical modeling is based on the main assumptions of the thin shell theory. The Perzina’s constitutive model of viscoplasticty is used for finite element analysis. The comparison of the results of analytical modeling with corresponding finite element solutions is made. The conclusion is made that the approach involved can be used in practice for calculating the technological parameters of interest for the process under study.
Key words: superplastic forming, thin shell theory, boundary value problem, ANSYS

Izhbuldin Е. А. — Development of the return system for the line shock machine based on the structural schemes analysis

Devices that exert a force influence on the treated material are widely used in construction and other sectors of the economy. One type of such devices is the machines for creation of a progressive percussion action on the material. In this researches construction scheme of the hand machine with a linear motor, designed on the grounds of an existing solutions analysis is represented.
Key words: hand electromagnetic percussion instrument, construction sheme, material processing by percussion action, striker return system, construction machines


Ablyaz Т. R., Shumkov А. А., Mikova М. I., Norkina N. А., Sidorov М. S. — Influence of the CAD-model spatial arrangement on the form accuracy of the tool-electrode grown prototype

The paper investigated influence of CAD-model location on prototype shape precision, fabricated by layer-by-layer synthesis of photopolymer material. During research samples with monolithic structure grown at an angle of 5°, 10° and 15° were simulated and produced. The 3-coordinate measuring machine allows determining axial displacement the sample surface at different points of the cross section. The measurements allowed plotting diagrams display nonflatness of samples.
Key words: prototype, layer-by-layer synthesis, the angle of the growing, electrode


Chudin V. N. — Local setting and permanent pipe elements connection at short-term creep

Proposed combining the elements of the process pipe at hot local sediment and to calculate the ratio modes of technology. We use the equations of state of the material in the plasticity and creep. Applying the method of calculation of the pressure energy for axisymmetric discontinuous velocity field movements. The results of experimental and technological work.
Key words: plasticity, velocity field, power, pressure, strain, time, creep, relaxation


Passek V. V., Cherny D. G. — Formation and deformations correction of metal building constructions

The article describes technology and equipment for the one of a common technological processes realization at the manufacture of metal building constructions — thermal correcting, which consists in local heating to 600—800 °C of the steel elements sectios where after cooling the required residual deformation is generated.
Key words: thermal correcting, high-temperature heating, steel structures, strain formation

Spiridonov B. А., Sharuda V. А. — Corrosion electrochemical behavior of the steel 40X in a neutral environment, used in the manufacture of main pipelines

The kinetics of anodic dissolution of the steel 40X in stratal water and in 3 % sodium chloride solution is stadied by electrochemical method. This steel is used in the production of oil and gas pipelines. It is established that the steel corrosion with oxygen depolarization occurs, and its speed can be determined by the construction of corrosion diagrams, as well as calculated in accordance with the received empirical formula. Steel protection methods via a metals-protector: magnesium and zinc are stadied. It is established that Mg-protection is more effective protector.
Key words: electrochemical corrosion, corrosion rate, stratal water, protector protection, inhibitors

Yangirov I. F., Ismagilov F. R., Khalikov A. R. — Spiral vibratory test bench for scientific laboratory research

This paper considers the setting for generating mechanical vibrations having reliability, adaptability and increased technical and economic indicators for scientific research, industrial use. Created spiral vibration setting by performing longitudinal slots on the spiral bevel shorted electrically conductive coil that allows for enhanced mechanical properties due to manifestations of the edge effect in the coil and the bevel longitudinal slots.
Key words: coil spring, vibrator, diamagnetic, longitudinal slots, bevel, nozzle, magnetic Reynolds number, mechanical characteristic


Dmitriev B. М. — The investigation of the machine accuracy by thermodynamic methods

The article is devoted to questions of the machine accuracy. For perfect precision machining accuracy of the theory is used. In this case the machine was tested in a static state. The theory is developed to ensure the accuracy of part dimensions. The contemporary quality of manufactured parts requires not so much regulation of the form and position deviations as the management of these deviations. Possibility of manage the required deviation is absent in existing theory. In this paper, the machine is considered as a thermodynamic system which is researched via thermodynamic methods. Application of these methods makes it possible to investigate the causes that determine the formation of the deviations of form and position of surfaces manufactured parts. Research of interaction of elementary causes in decomposition places of the main features of the machine ensures accuracy of the latter.
Key words: accuracy theory, thermodynamic system, mutual influence of processes, surface layer, rigidity changing relating to heat


Zorin Е. Е., Raspopov V. А., Tolstov А. E. — Evaluation of stress-strain state and the defects of welded joints by contactless thermal method

The paper shows the possibility to efficiently diagnose of hidden defects and to record field parameters of residual welding stresses via a non-contact thermal method at external thermal influence on the diagnosed surface.
Key words: welded joint, welding stress, weld joint defects, diagnostics, non-contact thermal method


Galkin N. А., Pozhidaev S. S., Fomin E. Yu. — The conception development of information-analytical modeling system of the production capabilities on the enterprises of the rocket and technical profile

Data about the development of the information and analysis system modeling conception concerning labor resources are introduced in this article/ Also we describe the structure, life-cycle and architecture of the system.
Key words: information-analytical system, the complexity, the rocket and space industry


Panin V. N. — Accounting of the special processes specific in the technical regulation

It is noted that one of the principal, if not the main tasks of the Customs Union technical regulations is to ensure the safety of the final product. When the products manufacturing with the use of "special" (welding) process for these products safety valuation must take into account the specificity of these processes. To achieve this goal is proposed to certify welding production quality system in compliance with objectives of the certain international standsrts or regional standards, harmonized with international standarts, which takes into account this specificity. These standards should be included in the list of standards with corresponding technical regulations. From this position, a brief analysis of the three TR CU, "Lists" standards to them, as well as the European Directive 97/23 / EC "Equipment, operating under pressure" is carried out. A complete requirements mismatch of ТР ТС and the ЕС Directive (dealing with the same equipment type), with point of view the specifics of "special" (welding) processes when evaluating the safety of the end product manufactured through the use the processes mentioned above is shown. The recommendations over to remedy the situation correction are given.
Key words: technical regulation, technical regulations, special process, welding processes, quality, reliability, safety, conformity assessment, certification, European directives


Shokhrina N. V., Feofanov А. N., Grishina Т. G. — The expert assessments analysis in the framework of the appointment mechanism for the product priority technical behaviours

The evaluation order of potential experts for the purpose of expert groups forming is considered.
The solution of expert questionnaires processing within the setting mechanism framework of the product priority technical characteristics is adduced.
Key words: quality function deployment methodology, decision-making method, the analytic hierarchy analysis method, expert assesment, expert questionnaire, works instructions


Potapova G. S. — Content of foreign journals


Syslov An. A. — 11th International Specialized Exhibition for Optical, Laser and Optoelectronic Technologies "Photonics World of Lasers and Optics — 2016"

Grigoryants A. G. — 75 years

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