Journal "Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya"ISSN 1562-322X
Contents (№08 2017)
to russian


Peshkov V. V., Bulkov A. B., Kolomenskiy A. B. — Increase in the cyclic life of nitrided titanium

Nitriding represents the effective means of increasing the resistance of titanium alloys to high-temperature deformation under creep conditions. However, the embrittled nitride and gassaturated layers formed on the titanium surface lead to a decrease in durability in the cyclic fatigue tests by 30—40 %. To restore cyclic endurance to the base material level, it is sufficient to remove the surface layer approximately 2,2 times of the gas-saturated layer thickness. To achieve a level of iteratively-static endurance exceeding the endurance level of the parent metal by 15—20 %, it is necessary to remove a layer approximately 3 the thickness of the gassaturated layer.
Key words: titanium alloys, embrittlement, cyclic endurance, annealing, chemical etching


Fedorov А. А., Bespalov A. V., Komarov R. S. — Application of high hydrostatic pressures to study the metal deformation resistance

The patterns identification of the relationship between the deformation resistance (σs) and temperature (θ), the degree (Λp) and the deformation rate (ξ) secures the special place among the methods for studying the metals plastic forming under conditions controlled by the observer. Experiments were carried out on the device for testing materials in compression at high hydrostatic pressure, which provides a constant strain rate, stress state index (k) and maintaining the set temperature to within ±1°. The parameters of deformation that ensure the consistency of the deformation rate in the range 0,001—0,1 s–1. When analyzing the literature data on the dependencies σs = f(θ, ξ, ε) for materials studied in this paper are determined: firstly, the information is limited in terms of the thermomechanical parameters range, and secondly, the discrepancy between the experimental data of various authors. The regularities of the relationship between the deformation resistance of VT6s alloy and 12Х18N10Т steel with the degree, speed and deformation temperature are revealed, and the corresponding equation is obtained.
Key words: deformation resistance, deformation degree, deformation rate, temperature, high hydrostatic pressures, rheology


Solomentsev Yu. M., Feofanov A. N., Bondarchuk E. Yu. — Problems of the world production of machine tools in 1980—2017

A considerable niche in machine building and in world production is occupied by machines of various directions. The development of machine-tool production plays a leading role in the economy, because it contributes the development of scientific and technological progress and innovations in the future. Automation of lines and manufacture as a whole at the enterprises is observed too.
Key words: machine tools, manufacture, consumption, machine-tool production

Rivkin A. V., Sobolev A. N., Nekrasov A. Ya., Pavlov Yu. A. — Influence of the modular tool system on the dynamic characteristics of boring machines

The article presents the analysis of modern modular tooling systems (MIS). The calculations of the stiffness of joints modules compounds "Yartim-Flex" and dynamic research of spindles of machine tools models IR-320PMF30 and 2D450F2, equipped with this modular tool system.
Key words: dynamic characteristics, tooling system, boring machine, spindle


Rosinov A. Ya. — Ensuring of construction workability and renovation of transport vessels hulls of the "river—sea" type

A structural and technological analysis of the transport vessels hulls of the "river—sea" type is represented. The studies results of rational contours of ship hulls and the possibility of minimizing the sizes of their sheets and profile rolled products on the basis of the use of module panels and module sections are described. A method for calculating constructive-technological parameters of the hulls modular components for "sea—river" vessels and forming technology of these hulls from module panels and module section is proposed. The fault detection methods of "river—sea" vessel hulls and renovation technology, ensures replacement of the worn out parts of the bottom, sides and inner longitudinal bulkhead parts by volume of ship hull structures is represented. The technology implementation the assembly and welding work is described.
Key words: machine room, superstructure, cylindrical part, cargo holds, cisterns, set system, bottom, decks, sides, flat-bottomed structure, engineering structure, structural areas, contour form, ship's hull, space, technological differences, thickness difference, dimension type, achter-peak, forepeak, manufacturability, water resistance, models, camber, buckling deck line, typical units, details, unification, brands, gussets, module-panel, module-section, tolerance, corrosion wear, deformation, elastic line, cross section, overlap, allowance, joint, slot


Bichurin Kh. I., Korolev A. N., Mashkov V. N., Shchegolskov V. P. — Universal installation for hardening the surface of parts made from titanium alloys

Universal installation for hardening the surfaces of the details from titanium alloys by methods of electrochemical sedimentation of multifunctional composite coverings with ultrafine diamonds, microarc oxygenation, electrosparc alloying.
Key words: universal installation, ultrafine diamonds coatings, composite nickel — diamond coating


Grigoryants A. G., Shishov A. Yu., Funtikov V. A. — Technologies of local laser processing of electrotechnical anisotropic steel by using the diode lasers of direct action

The paper considers a new direction of the local laser treatment of the surface of the electrotechnical anisotropic steel by radiation matrix modular diode lasers system with the linear form spot. As a result, the synthesis of optical systems and modeling of spatial distribution of the radiation produced diode laser module, which is a basic element of the matrix system for the local laser treatment of on sheet billets of transformer cores.
Key words: anisotropic electrotechnic steel, the local laser treatment, direct diode laser, the domain structure, core losses, magnetic induction


Lutyanov A. V. — The approaches analysis in the accuracy valuation of the main holes of body parts at boring in accessories

In this paper analyzes the approaches to accuracy valuation of bored holes in the accessories body parts is adduced. The features of forming the machined surfaces accuracy through mathematical dependencies are adduced. The relationship between the parameters is shown. It is established that the description of the holes through the theory of the middle cylinder and the middle circle can correspond more to the appearance of a deviation from the coaxiality of the machined holes.
Key words: boring holes, body parts, accuracy, evaluation of deviation from holes coaxiality


Volkov S. S., Bigus G. A., Remizov A. L. — Non-destructive quality control of welded joints at ultrasonic welding of plastics

There was offered a new method for non-destructive quality control of welded joints made by ultrasonic welding of polymeric materials. It’s based on controlling the energy parameters of ultrasonic vibrations that pass through the welded products and reliance on which the welding is carried out. A review of the existing methods of ultrasound energy metering is made.
Key words: non-destructive control, ultrasonic welding, waveguide, support, frequency, amplitude, pressure, sensor


Shutikov М. А., Feofanov A. N., Skhirtladze A. G. — Organization of an automated control system for the average thread diameter of a plug gauge

This article describes the methodology of the simulation control thread plug gages. Listed scientists, highlight in their works questions of the control of the average diameter of the thread and study the problems of ensuring and improving the quality of threaded connections. It is established that an important role in modern machine-building enterprise from the point of view of control of threaded connections of the parts plays thread gauges. The authors constructed a functional model of the life cycle of caliber. The article presents the possible application areas of threaded gauges. The authors considered a method of automated control of the average diameter of the thread on the universal three-axis measuring video microscope. The use of this method is justified in the conditions of modern production, because its application reduces time spent and skill requirements of operators, and also increases the reliability of the test results mean diameter of the thread.
Key words: mean diameter, the caliber of the tube, threaded, caliber, control, measuring microscope


Vladimirov S. A. — Essence of effective state management of investment programs and projects

A innovative methodology for creating your country of vennoy-investment program for a longer period — up to 33—40 years old, consisting of a hard ("kvantirovannyh") series of investment projects at all levels and areas with socio-economic-social activity, differing only by strict, pre-established state, the numerical values of a limited number of indicators of economic efficiency of public investments, which are harmonious balanced relationship with the approved high state of the Russian Federation, the body managing the national economy national parameters (discount rate), which characterizes the minimum requirements of society to the effectiveness of investment projects, the numerical value of which is determined by the author's method, in conjunction with forecasts for economic and social development of the country, including the pace of economic growth [2; 3].
Key words: macroeconomics, state, investments, efficiency, balance, setting national minimum general-stvennoj efficiency investments, programs, projects, regulation


Potapova G. S. — Contents of foreign journals


Syslov An. A. — 12th International Exhibition of Vacuum Equipment "VacuumTechExpo-2017"

Exhibitions in October — December, 2017

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