Journal "Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya"ISSN 1562-322X
Contents (№09 2019)
to russian


Mykhametrakhimov М. Kh. — Factors determining the mechanical properties of a solid-phase compound made from titanium alloy VT6 obtained under conditions of low-temperature superplasticity 

The problem of obtaining high-quality solid-phase compound (SPhC) of bulk nanostructured titanium alloy VT6 at temperatures of 800...600 °C under conditions of low-temperature superplasticity is researched in the paper. The factors that determine the quality of the SPhC are considered: the structure of the material, the welding conditions (temperature, degree of deformation), geometric shape of the joined blanks. It is experimentally proven that at pressure welding in the temperature range of 800...700 °C with a degree of deformation within 5 %, it is possible to obtain high-quality SPhC. With an increase of the deformation degree up to 15 %, the influence of the temperature-time factor increases and the strength characteristics of the welded specimens decrease. The possibility of superplastic flow localization in the joint zone by changing the geometric shape of the blanks is shown. Complex design and physical experiments on the feasibility of pressure welding of blanks from VT6 alloy at temperatures of 650 and 600 °C using the phenomenon of low-temperature SP are performed.
Key words: pressure welding, low-temperature plasticity, material structure, deformation degree


Dronov Е. А., Barakhov V. I., Samochkin V. N., Barakhov A. V. — Tomographic studies of the density distribution in castiron cylinders of diesel engines depending on the density distribution in transfer molds 

Explained herein are tomographic research results which display dependence of unit cell density distribution in cross-sections of diesel engine cylinders upon unit cell density distribution in casting molds employed during casting in skin-dry molds. Possibility is shown to obtain thermal storage capacity matrices of casting molds with use of unit cell density matrices.
Key words: tomographic research results, density distribution, diesel engine cylinder, casting mold


Gafarov А. М., Salaev B. G., Babashov I. B. — Investigation of surface roughness at eccentric honing of high-precision machinery parts and equipment used at the elimination of the emergency consequences and extraordinary situations

The surface roughness of high precision responsible parts of machines and equipment used in liquidation of accidents consequences and emergency situation results, processed by eccentric honing method was investigated. The obtained regularities are analyzed.
Key words: eccentric honing, surface roughness, parameters, multifactorial planning, experiments, parts, equipment, accident, emergency


Kravchenko I. N., Kyznetsov Yu. A., Kolomeychenko A. V., Kartsev S. V. — The plasma deposition method of antifriction wear-resistant coatings on titanium alloys

Broadly used in machinery titamium alloys have got low wear resistance due to low hardness and seizure capability and at the same time using widespread endurance increasing methods in most cases are impossible or ineffective. Using the improved plasma coating deposition method with opposite polarity pulsing power electric arc superposition on the electroconductive part of plasma jet enables without additional significant substrate heating locally increase the temperature in the coating formation area. At the same time, it was succeeded to increase the solid lubrication particles volume content in the costing up to 20 % and secure coating adhesion strength on the 2 kg/mm2 level and even increase this level. As a result, it was managed to produce on the VT14 titanium alloy samples the coating from PG-SR3 alloy with 20 % graphite with high substrate adhesion strength, density, low friction coefficient f = 0,038 and low thermic influence on the coating material structure, which shows availability of future researches of the new plasma coating deposition method with electrodes processes superposition.
Key words: antifriction wear resistant coatings, titanium alloys, clad materials, plasma coating deposition method, metallographic analysis


Safiullin R. A., Yangirov I. F. — The thermal quenching features of the blanks in the high-temperature field of the spiral inductor

In this paper, we study the effect of the high-temperature field of the spiral inductor on a rotating billet, which is used for hardening parts in mechanical engineering. To describe the Electromechanical and thermal characteristics of this process, Maxwell's equations for the electromagnetic field and the Fourier — Kirchhoff equation for the thermal field are used. The solution of these differential equations with initial and boundary conditions allows us to determine the thermal stresses, arising in the billet.
Key words: billet, rotation, temperature field, inductor, temperature stress


Moskvin V. K., Kuznetsov P. M., Khoroshko L. L., Feofanov A. N. — Technical provision of the articles "loading and unloading" operations on CNC lathes

The operation automation problems operations of the parts "loading and unloading" on CNC lathes are considered in this article. Based on statistical data, a typical part is proposed and variants of this part loading options automation in CNC machines are considered.
The offered performance balance for the two variants showed the appropriateness of using an industrial robot for loading automation with regard to the proposed measures.
Key words: industrial robot, typical part, productivity, utilization coefficient


Vybornov A. P., Bigus G. A. — The inspection periods of welding joints in the operation of vessels working under pressure

The problems related to the setting of a technical inspection period for vessels and apparatus operating under pressure are considered in this article. An engineering approach to predict the assessment of the metal state near the pore in the welding joint is proposed. As an example, a steel vessel with a pore that is not a defect is considered. The possibility of determining the number of loading cycles, after which a fatigue crack will appear in the seam and it will be necessary to make decisions on carrying out measures for the further operation of the vessel is shown.
Key words: diagnostics, technical inspection, welding joint defect, stress intensity factor, fatigue crack

Grudskiy A. Ya. — Digital revolution in radiation non-destructive testing: myth, distant future or reality

Digital technologies are dynamically penetrating in our life and occupy more and more areas of our activities. Digital radiology in medicine has antiquated conventional film technology. Does the industrial radiography next or it's the illusion? The technical advantages of industrial digital radiography with compare to film radiography had been analyzed.
Technical, economical and marketing aspects were used and calculated to answer the question in the title of the article.
Key words: digital radiography, digital technologies, reusable storage plates, planar detectors, economical and marketing aspects


Ivanov V. P., Leshchinskiy L. K., Stepanov K. K. — Simulation of the alloying process at the metal deposition with variable chemical composition

The results of the investigation of mathematical modeling of the process of alloying deposited metal with varying chemical composition during surfacing with two melting electrodes are given. The results allowed us to estimate the effect of changing the feed speed of the alloying electrode on the change of the alloying element content at the ascending and descending branches of the transition sections from the initial concentration to the desired.
It’s shown that the symmetrical changes of alloying element content at both branches can be achieved if the descending branch of transition section consists of two parts with different gradient of feed speed determined by the results of the simulation. It allows the determination of the formation conditions of the surface layer containing consecutively alternating macro heterogeneous areas during the continuous process of hard facing the rolling rolls.
Key words: mathematical modeling, deposited metal, varying chemical composition, alloying, feed speed, electrode, transition section, ascending and descending branch, symmetrical, rolling roll, hard facing, surface layer, macro heterogeneous areas


Lavrik V. P., Syglobov V. V., Samotugin S. S., Sagirov Yu. G. — Research and development of a method for repairing parts of a turntable circle for building tower cranes by automatic layers deposition with a gradient structure 

The estimation of the main cause of failures of tower cranes and characteristic defects in the details of the support-rotating wheel (SRW) is given. The analysis results of the existing methods for the performance extending of the SRW elements are adduced. A technology for a high-performance method of repairing the SRW by automatic surfacing with the deposition of layers with a gradient structure is proposed and metallographic studies of the deposited metal were carried out.
Key words: support-rotating wheel, bearing race defects, automatic deposition, gradient structure


Barykin A. N., Budkin Yu. V., Ikryannikov V. O. — The prerequisites researches of the progressive development scenario for the national standardization system of the Russian Federation 

The article suggests the methodological approaches to forecasting the prospects for an approach to the study of the development key factors of systems in the economics national standardization system of the Russian Federation based on the scenario developed countries of Europe and the USA. The authors substantiate the conclusions about the current state of the national standardization system of Russia and formulate proposals about preparing for the transition to a progressive scenario of its development.
Key words: national standardization system, forecasting, scenario approach, scatterplots, analysis of foreign experience, expert support, standardization work, structure of standardization work financing


Grishina T. G., Feofanov A. N., Yudin G. V. — Determination of factors affecting on the technological process

The article is devoted to the definition of the factors influencing the technological process.
Proposed principles of formation of the classification of factors influencing the technological process. Considered the economic mechanism of quality control, the scheme of formation of expenses on product quality, responsibility centers of financial flows.
Key words: technical system, classification, criteria, risk management, methods of analysis


Potapova G. S. — Content of foreign journals


The manual "Laser additive technology in mechanical engineering"

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