Journal "Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya"ISSN 1562-322X
Abstracts of the published articles (№5 2009)
to russian

Surface cracks behaviour in the structural composite components. Kasyanov K. G., Schugorev V. N., Moorzakha-nov G. Kh. P. 5—9.

Problems arising at developing imperfection standards for the design model elements occurring most often are covered. The most optimal approaches from the point of complexity and time spent to obtain the result are chosen to solve the problem considering specific character of each problem.

Technique analysis of the machine component blanks metal volumetric plasticizing. Beschekov V. G., Dolzhna-skyYe. Yu. P. 10—11.

Possibility of the metal manufacturing plasticity increase (plasticizing) of the primary blanks by different metal forming methods at the blank production phase is considered.

Comparative analysis of the ultra-hard ceramic materials' grinding. Rogov V. A., Shkarupa M. I. P. 12—16.

Comparative analysis of the TCM-303, OTM-906, OTM-919, OTM-923 ceramics machining is carried out. It is shown that grinding is the most spread type of ceramics processing. Research results are given.

Design upgrading of the five-ax milling-and-boring machine 6532 MK. Kirilin Yu. V. P. 17—21.

Load-carrying system structure analysis of the five-ax milling-and-boring machine 6532 MK is given aimed at upgrading the system. Results of research carried out with the ANSYS application package usage and developed procedures allow for working out guidelines of updating machine tool design and of improving its vibration stability.

Hard alloys induction building-up at the frequency of 880 kHz. Ivanaysky V. V., Krivochurov N. T., Sheltunov M. G., Koval A. V. P. 22—23.

Induction facing study of the ПС-14-60 and ПГ-C27 hard alloys at the frequency of 880 kHz on the parts of 0,75—3 mm thick is carried out. It is established that the ПС-14-60 hard alloy has better handling ability as compared to the ПГ-C27 alloy one. Eddy currents are induced in the former at the frequency of 880 kHz. As a result strengthening time is reduced up to 15—25 per cent and more homogeneous structure is formed in the B facing layer.

Influence of the eccentricity (thickness variation) and ellipticity on the inertia moment variation. Tarasov A. B., Tarasov S. A. P. 24—29.

A procedure of estimating component dimensional accuracy is covered which is approximate to shop conditions and allows for stating conditions under which deviation of the inertia moment as a result of thickness variation is to be kept at production in the prescribed limit.

Study of the resilient members' rigidity. Romanchenko M. K. P. 29—30.

Research results of the stretched and compressed spring transverse rates, of the mass free torsional vibrations are given. Mass moment of inertia has been determined by two methods: by the method of three-spinning suspension and by calculation at three-dimensional modeling.

Technical metrology automation by parametric programming. ZubarevYu. M., LudykovV. V., Kosarevsky S. V. P. 31—34.

Parametric programming application for metering allows for solving a wide range of measurement automation problems and reducing a number of necessary inspection plans for the whole component spectrum. As an example a Calypso PCM parametric programming system by Carl Zeiss IMT GmbH is considered.

Application of the electric conduction method to validate metal peening at reduction. Guerasimov O. V., Guera-simov V. Ya. P. 35—36.

Manufacturing capability of the resistivity and electric conduction methods to control metal strain hardening (peening) at reduction are shown. It turns out that the most simple and effective method is the electroconductivity method, which is nondestructive, fast and setting full control over the steel metal production.

Working balances of reciprocator upgrading. Rybakov A. A. P. 37—43.

Operating principles of the plunger-free machines with external combustion chamber and of the electrohydraulic machines are considered. Field of application includes from machining facilities up to power units for surface and water transport in a wide power range.

Engineering process automation of the metalwork assembly and welding process "CAD/CAM". Pavlov N. V., Sapozhkov S. B., Zernin Ye. A., Kryukov A. V. P. 41—45.

Working principles of the developed specialized plug-in to the process computer-aided design "CAD/CAM", its main parts and their coordination are considered.

Machine work modeling of a part in the form of ceramic parabolic shell. Rogov V. A., Korolyov D. A. P. 46—49.

Fairing machining process modelling technique is described. Developed software is offered. Programme working data is given. Prospect of the mathematical model approach development, computerization of designing manufacturing process are shown.

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