Journal "Economika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii"ISSN 2072-0890
Abstracts of the published articles (№1 2009)
to russian

Dynamic model of industrial enterprise data-flow processes. Brom A. E. P. 3—10.

Efficiency of the enterprise activity depends on conformity of dynamics of functioning of industrial-marketing system to dynamics of a consumer demand and cumulative variable expenses connected with achievement of certain rate of manufacture. The developed dynamic model allows to conduct complex research of inertial properties of the enterprise and to study reaction of industrial -marketing system to dynamics of the environment.

Principles of technological synthesis. Medar A. V. P. 11—13.

The main principles of technological synthesis ,which are formulated in article, are necessary for considering at formation of a technological policy in whole and in the course of technological designing as the essence of technical progress consists both in irreversibility of its consequences, and in originality of an initial choice, or in considerable material costs, considering recurrence of processes.

Some aspects of the Russian machine-building complex revival in the light of a national economy diversity. Kurshakov L. E., Mironenko V. V. P. 13—15.

The basic condition of the decision of problems of a machine-building complex is formation of an effective industrial policy as the integral part of economic policy of the state directed on achievement of adequate positioning of the Russian mechanical engineering in the conditions of market economy and its integration into world economic space with achievement of parity with leading manufacturers of high technology production.

Ecological approach to technological processes designing in engineering industry. Shekhorin V. K. P. 16—19.

The environmental problems decision becomes not only technological, but also an economic problem. Competitive struggle between the firms making similar production, is developed for that this production did not put a damage to health and harm to environment, as while in service, and in the course of manufacture. The ecological approach described by the author should solve these problems.

Management adoption of innovative enterprise processes. Agarkov A. P., Golikov A. M. P. 19—22.

Authors of article result the block diagram of processes interrelations, research and introduction, describe graphic model of process interaction "Innovations - Manufacture—Management", prove non-uniformity development of innovations in time and do conclusions that role of the managers, making corresponding organizational-administrative decisions, of innovative processes management at the enterprise is the highest.

Efficiency evaluation of investment organizational forms development on a basis of the incremental method. KochkinN.A. P. 22—26.

In article the expediency of association of potentials of the industrial enterprises for finishing of innovations to the consumer market which is recommended to be defined on the basis of a comparative estimation of efficiency of alternative variants of use of their investment resources - in the conditions of independent functioning and in the conditions of cooperation is proved. On the basis of the spent researches, the conclusion is drawn that under a condition even the minimum attraction of resources of the enterprise in the uniform innovative project considerable growth of investment possibilities of industrial association is possible.

Management perfection of the machine-building enterprise logistical activity. Glushkova U. O., Odintsova T. N. P. 27—30.

The method of the functional-cost analysis (FCA) at the machine-building enterprise, promoting reduction of expenses and definition of effective ways of performance of the main functions of manufacture is considered. Introduction at enterprise FCA will allow to trace economic efficiency size while in service it at the consumer.

Measurements in organization's quality management systems. NovikovV. A., Yashin A. N. P. 30—36.

The aspects connected with measurement, the analysis and improvement of systems of a quality management in the organizations, and also measurement questions in processes of life cycle of systems of a quality management (TQM) are considered. The special attention is given to a legislative base of technical regulation and comparison of objects of an estimation of national and international standards of systems of a quality management (TQM).

Competitiveness increasing of gas turbine engines on the basis of the functional-cost analysis of life cycle industrial stages. Siluyanova M. V. P. 36—40.

The offered methodology is realized on the basis of hierarchical information model of constructive-technological decisions in the form of the objectively-focused knowledge bases and databanks. Weak formalized many criteria evaluation of competitiveness aviation gas turbine engines is defined by a method of the functional-cost analysis on the basis of imitating modelling.

Ways of experts selection in structure of expert groups. Khvasnunov R. M., Negrimovskaya N. P., Feofanov A. N. P. 40—50.

Authors consider various ways of experts selection of in structure of expert groups, considering all nuances of such selection and target preferences of the organization. More well-founded results can be reached when the examination purpose consists in working off of offers of heuristic character, a choice of new directions of activity of the firms, new products for manufacture, etc.

Problems, main objectives and reforming directions of professional staff of a technological profile preparation system. Frolov V. A., Fedorov S. A. P. 50—54.

Preparation of competent, demanded and competitive professional staff of a technological profile becomes more and more difficult process demanding attention, additional efforts and financial expenses. Integration of all participants of educational process and differentiation of directions of their activity will provide integrity of reforming of system of preparation of professional staff.

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