Journal "Svarochnoe Proizvodstvo"ISSN 0491-6441
Contents (№11 2020)
to russian


Razmyshlyaev А. D., Ageeva М. V. — Calculation of the transverse magnetic field parameters, allows the mixing of the melt in the bath during electric arc deposition and welding

It is shown that the use of a control transverse magnetic field (TMF) at electric arc deposition and submerged arc welding with flux-cored electrode allows increasing the flux-cored electrode melting rate, controlling the geometric dimensions of the fusion penetration zone, and grinding the structural components of the deposited metal or seam. The known literature data on the flow speed obtained by physical modeling refer to the effect of a constant transverse magnetic field. In practice, it is advisable to use alternating TMF in order to ensure good formation of beads (seams) during arc deposition (welding).
The flow speed in the bath during arc deposition with the action of an alternating TMF is determined by calculation using the Euler equations of motion for a laminar flow. The calculations took into account the electromagnetic force as the product of the vertical component of the current density in the liquid metal of the bath under the electrode with the transverse component of the TMF induction. The geometric dimensions of the bath are obtained by calculation. The TMF frequency values at a given level of TMF induction, which ensure mixing of the melt in the bath during electric arc deposition and welding, are determined.
Key words: electric arc deposition and welding, transverse magnetic field, induction, frequency, flow speed, molten bath

Kolchanova А. V., Grigoryants А. G., Kolchanov D. S., Drenin А. А. — Production of composite articles with a metal matrix by selective laser melting

In this review article the works devoted to the parts formation from composite materials in the process of selective laser melting are considered. Composite materials are of great interest, as they allow to combine the useful properties of the compositeconstituent elements and expand parts manufacturingpossibilities. Parts manufacturing from composites by selective laser melting (SLM) is interesting because the composite material is formed during thebuild process. There is a wide opportunity to combine the composition of the raw material for powder. Special attention is paid to composites with TiC-reinforced steel matrix. Carbide is able to improve performance and reduce the weight of the product due to low density. The formation of the composite in the process of SLM is not fully investigated, and creates prerequisites for a more in-depth study.
Key words: additive technologies, selective laser melting, composite materials, metalmatrix composites

Barabanova О. А., Nabatchikov S. V., Sapozhnikov S. Z. — For creating layered composite materials based on monocrystalline silicone for gradient heat measurement based by diffusion welding method

A distinctive feature of laminated composite materials (LCM) is that they are always functional materials — materials with a special set of properties, which are created to solve a specific problem. The creation of layered structures is associated with the choice of: the technological process of its manufacture; pairs of materials, geometric characteristics of layers; layer layouts, which together provide the desired set of properties. The development of approaches to creating LCM based on monocrystalline silicon by diffusion welding for gradient heat metering are discussed in this article.
Key words: laminated composite material, monocrystalline silicon, metal, diffusion welding

Lyushinskiy А. V., Elkin V. N., Sevpyukov О. N. — Study of joints for heatresistant alloy XN55MVTs obtained by diffusion welding

Shows the efficacy of intermediate layers: ultrafine nickel powder tapes from mark ЛНП-2 and from amorphous brazing materials based on nickel СТЕМЕТ 1301 brand to improve short-term mechanical properties of welded joints of alloy mark ХН55МВЦ (ЧС57) at diffusion welding.
Key words: heat-resistant nickel alloy, intermediate layers, diffusion welding, hot isostatic pressing, mechanical properties

Platonov V. I., Romanov P. V. — Deformation and force modes of settling at pressure welding

Relationships for calculating the kinematics and force regime at draft of the blank assembling during pressure welding processes are proposed. The energy calculation method of the plane and axisymmetric deformation of a visco-plastic material is applied. An integrity loss evaluation of the blank material is given.
Key words: visco-plasticity, power, pressure, material integrity


Kuryntsev S. V., Shiganov I. N. — Effect of heat treatment on the corrosion resistance of welded joints from austenitic steel obtained using laser radiation

The influence of heat treatment of a welded joint from austenitic steel 12Cr18Ni10Ti on the microstructure and resistance to intergranular corrosion, which was determined according to GOST 6032—2003 (AMU method), was evaluated.It was found that heat treatment according to the two modes used has an effect on the microstructure. After testing for intergranular corrosion and three-point bending cracks or damage in the welds with heat treatment is not observed. The seams are highly resistant to intergranular corrosion.
The weld seams without heat treatment also did not have intergranular damages due to a slight dissolution of titanium carbides in austenite and the absence of chromium carbides along the grain boundaries.
Key words: laser welding, defocused beam, austenitic steel, heat treatment, corrosion resistance, microstructure

Tzumarev Yu. А., Sinitsa А. N., Lupachev А. V., Latypova Е. Yu., Latun Т. S. — Reducing stress concentration at insert into the main pipeline

The features of insert work into main pipelines under the influence of internal pressure are considered. It is shown, that the welded joint of the branch with the main pipeline creates a significant stress concentration due to the presence of a through hole. The maximum value of the operating stresses occurs on the inner surface of the main pipe in the longitudinal section with respect to it. To reduce the stress concentration, a new design of the insert is proposed, a distinctive feature of which is an elliptical hole instead of the known design with a round hole. The optimal relationship between the values of the ellipse axes equal to 12/7, which provides the minimum stress level under conditions of loading pipes by the internal working pressure, is established. A comparative calculation of stress fields, the results of which showed that replacing a round hole with an elliptical one provides a decrease in the level of maximum stresses by 1.54 times, is carried out.
Key words: main pipeline, inserts, stress concentration, elliptical opening, internal pressure, perfect fusion penetration

Monastyrskiy V. P., Morozov V. A., Monastyrskaya E. V., Rozhkova M. K. — Experience of the computer simulation using of technological heating at the development of a soldering mode

The process simulation of the soldering mode indicating for the guide apparatus (GA) of an aircraft gas turbine engine (GTE) is considered in the article. The design, materials and soldering technology used to create gas turbine engines are described. As a result of the conducted work, a mathematical model of the temperature distribution in an industrial induction shaft furnace with a protective atmosphere was created, the adequacy of which is confirmed by experimental heating by soldering.
Key words: soldering technology, gas turbine engine, induction shaft furnace, soldering process simulation


Sidlin Z. А. — Welding operation of the bronze monumental and urban sculpture

The article is devoted to the problematic issues of improving repair technologies of the monumental sculptures and monuments made from copper alloys by using welding. The proposals on the need to repair the most significant monumental sculptures in the cities of the Russian Federation are substantiated.
Key words: monumental sculpture, monument, copper alloys, gas welding, arc welding, special electrodes

Safina G. F., Safiullin R. А. — Programmed implementation of the electrodes consumption calculating for welding joints of pipelines

Mathematical models and program implementation of calculation of the expenditure of electrodes of welded connections of pipelines are given in operation. Models are received for the most applied in manual arc welding abutment C17, C19 and angular U8, U19 of types of connections. Application is developed in the Borland Delphi programming language, has own database with MS Access. The program corresponds to state standard specifications and technological instructions for welding production and allows to automate process of calculation of the expenditure of electrodes of the different brands necessary for carrying out welding connections of pipes.
Key words: mathematical model, welding connections of pipes, expenditure of electrodes, database, Delphi programming language

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