Journal "Svarochnoe Proizvodstvo"ISSN 0491-6441
Contents (№2 2016)
to russian


Abyshev К. I., Kotelnikov A. A. — Utilization of the finite element method at welding structures calculation

The article presents the stress-strain state research results of the crushing drum welded construction.
A comparative analysis of the calculation results was carried out using the materials resistance method and finite element method.
Key words: finite element method, allowable stress, welded structures

Shaksmatov M. V., Yakovlev D. S., Makovetskiy A. N., Shander S. V. — Calculation of the welding mode parameters at the large diameter pipes manufacturing

The article presents the method for calculation of technological modes in production of welded pipes large diameter. The proposed calculation method is applicable for welding of technological weld with use one arc and protective gas environment, as well as for welding of principal welds with use submerged multiarc welding and for repair of principal welds with use mechanized welding.
Key words: calculation of technological modes of welding, submerged multiarc welding, production of welded pipes large diameter

Shchetinin S. V., Shchetinina V. I. — Electromagnetic nature of the welding arc movement

Electromagnetic nature of the arc motion on the electrode end is established. By increasing the welding speed due to the reduction of the magnetic field behind this field the arc movement velocity increases at the welding away from current supply and sharply at the welding to current supply, which confirms the electromagnetic nature of welding and undercuts formation.
An adjystment method of control of the arc movement through the use of a composite electrode is developed. This method provides an arc motion over the electrode face in the longitudinal and transversal directions, increasing the size of the active spots, reducing the arc pressure and seams qualitative formation at the indirect high speed welding on the melt backing regardless of the gap in the joint.
Key words: welding arc, magnetic field, pinch effect, pressure of the arc, undercuts, indirect high speed welding, composite electrode

Shiganov I. N., Samarin P. E. — The laser injection composite coating with SiC particles on the aluminum alloys surface

Technological parameters and conditions for producing composite coating based on aluminum alloy with the implantation of SiC particles by laser injection on the surface of aluminum alloys are considered.
The dependences of particle penetration into the surface in terms of preheating temperature, mass flow of powder, particle velocity and processing modes are submitted.
Tribological properties of coatings are researched and their advantage over substrate material and molded composite material is shown.
Key words: laser, composite coating, process modes, properties, microstructure

Vukolov P. Yu., Menshikov G. A. — Research of the equipment parameters influence on the seam forming at the butt resistance welding

The features of the process of flash upset welding ring blanks of aluminum extrusions large cross-section. The influence of various factors on the process of plastic deformation of the metal in the process of precipitation. Recommendations to reduce the number of defects in welded joints and increase the wear resistance of tooling.
Key words: flash upset welding, extrusions large cross section, aluminum alloys, defects in welding, modeling plastic deformation during welding


Lebedev V. A., Dragan S. V.,Trunin К. K. — Automatic hidden arc welding with pulse feed of the wire electrode by stepping motor

The automatic hidden arc welding through the use of pulsed feed mechanism, developed on the basis of a stepping motor is considered. The results of the mode parameters influence at pulse wire feed on the drop formation process on the electrode end, the geometric parameters of the deposited bead and the deposition coefficient are adduced.
Key words: automatic welding, pulse feed, metal transfer, management

Kuryntsev S. V., Gilmutdinov A. Kh., Shiganov I. N. — Welding by defocus laser beam

The experimental research results of the stainless austenitic steel welding with the defocused laser beam utilization are adduced. It was assumed that the utilization of defocused laser beam will permit to increase the welding pool volume, which in turn will permit to reduce the requirements for the edges preparation and the gap between the blanks. Measurements of microhardness, 2D-computerizet tomography, metallographic researches, and phase components quantitative evaluation of the welding pool various zones were carried out. The features of the welding pool formation, depending on the welding modes are researched. Received results indicate that the defocused beam utilization allows to obtain qualitative welded joints. This technique also positively influences on the stability of the vapor-gas channel, and on the phase composition of the seam metal.
Key words: laser welding, defocused laser beam, computerize tomography, metallography, microhardness

Grigoryants A. G., Gresev A. N., Gresev V. N., Malov I. E., Korneev A. E., Pchelkin A. I., Yaropolova E. I., Kobelev O. A. — The technology development of the laser welding steel ChS82 containing boron applied to covering tubes for nuclear power plants (NPP)

The laser welding technology of the pipes from steel ChS-82 for nuclear power plants. It is demonstrated, that the laser welding application has great perspective at covering pipes production, since a focused laser beam high concentration permits to receive welding joints with properties close to those of the basic metal, and the residual strain in 6—10 times lower compared to arc welding. The joints microstructure obtained by laser welding of steel ChS-82 is researched. It is found that the resistance of welding joints against technologies crack formation increases with welding speed increasing due to the structure refinement of all the constituent phases in the seam metal.
Key words: laser, welding, microstructure, cracks, properties

Ivanov V. I., Lyalyakin V. P. — The efficiency improving of the metal surfaces electrospark treatment by combination with other methods

Considered one of the areas of efficiency of electric-processing method (EDM) metal surfaces.
Shown on the basis of experimental studies that the combination of EDM with other methods provides a surface layers with new products, improved quality and strength characteristics, enhances the effective application of EDM.
Key words: metal surface, spark erosion, the bearing surface, the layer thickness, microhardness, defects, fatigue strength, wear resistance

Adigamov N. R., Lyalyakin V. P., Solovev R. Yu, Sharifullin S. N. — Plasma technology in the work efficiency improving of the high pressure fuel pumps for diesel engines

The paper present the comparative technical characteristics of domestic and foreign fuel pumps of high pressure (fuel pump) diesel engines. A number of technologies based on plasma methods for recovery of plunger pump. Based on the developed theoretical models of the performance of the fuel pump shown that the proposed technology allows 3 times to increase the resource of a fuel injection pump diesel engines.
Key words: diesel engine, fuel pump of a high pressure, plasma technology, plunger pair, resource, durability


Suslov An. A. — The 9th International specialized exhibition "Termoobrabotka — 2015"

Karxiny V. A. — 75 years

Exhibition calendar for 2nd quarter 2016

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