Journal "Svarochnoe Proizvodstvo"ISSN 0491-6441
Contents (№03 2021)
to russian


Shchetinin S. V. — Electromagnetic nature of arc pressure

The electromagnetic nature of the arc pressure, which is the result of the pinch effect, i.e., compression under the action of its own magnetic field, is confirmed. The pinch effect and compression are greater at the electrode, therefore, powerful plasma flows appear, directed from the electrode to the workpiece, and the pressure of the welding arc is created, which is determined by the current and the contraction coefficient.
When welding with a composite electrode the arc pressure is asymmetric with a maximum in the rear part of the active spot, the active spot size increases, the pinch effect decreases. As a result the speed of plasma flows and arc pressure decrease, which ensures high-quality formation of a reverse bead at one-sided high-speed welding on a flux cushion. A process of one-sided high-speed welding by using a composite electrode is developed.
This process provides a 4-fold decrease in the speed of plasma flows and arc pressure in comparison with a wire electrode, high-quality formation of seams on a flux cushion with fine-grained glassy flux and an increase in the impact strength of welded joints by 2—2.5 times.
Key words: pressure of the welding arc, pinch effect, plasma flows in the arc, electromagnetic nature, high-speed one-sided welding on a flux cushion, composite electrode, impact strength

DOI: 10.34641/SP.2021.1036.3.008
Moskvichev V. V., Lepikhin А. М., Chernyakova N. А. — Investigations of fracture toughness and reliability of welded joints from low-carbon and low-alloy steels

The paper presents results of studies on technological defectiveness, structural and mechanical heterogeneity and crack resistance characteristics of welded joints from lowcarbon and low alloy steels, including tests at low temperatures. The computational and experimental complex for evaluating the strength, reliability and safety of welded structures is described, within the framework of which a number of applied problems are solved based on the fracture mechanics criteria.
Key words: welded joint, welding defects, heterogeneity, mechanical properties, strength, crack resistance, reliability, risk of failure

DOI: 10.34641/SP.2021.1036.3.009
Vlasov A. F., Zharikov S. V., Golub D. M. — Development of an alloyed exothermic flux for electroslag remelting of 9X2MF steel

Is shown development of exothermic alloyed flux conductive solid providing accelerated homing necessary volume of the slag bath in the starting period of electro slag process in the "solid" start instead of "liquid" starting and chemical composition of the reduced metal equivalent the brended composition steel 9H2MF with application of experiment planning method is described. Developed а method for producing billets of rolling rolls on the "solid" start. The cast billet of rolling rolls obtained by the remelting electro slag method have a smooth surface without corrugations, weights, slag inclusions and characterized by a stable cross-sectional chemical composition, low gas content and nonmetallic inclusions.
Key words: electrically conductive alloy exothermic flux, electroslag casting, "solid" start, slag bath, billet of rolling rolls

DOI: 10.34641/SP.2021.1036.3.010
Druzhinina А. А., Laptenok V. D., Murygin A. V., Petrenko V. E. — A new control method of the joint position at the working current at electron beam welding

Experimental studies shown that the use of an electron beam sweep in order to improve the quality of formation of a welded joint allows to transform a vapor-gas channel into a stable fusion penetration cavity along the entire depth of the weld. The presence of the cavity opens up new possibilities for the control and management of electron beam welding. In this work, the authors propose a new method for monitoring the position of welded parts butt based on the working current and X-ray radiation from the fusion penetration cavity formed during longitudinal and transverse scanning of the butt by using an electron beam with an appropriate sweep shape. A mathematical model of the method is developed, which makes it possible to study the sensor characteristics is developed.
Key words: electron beam, welded joint, steam-gas channel, electron-beam welding, welded parts butt, X-ray welding, butt of welded parts, X-ray radiation, transverse scanning


DOI: 10.34641/SP.2021.1036.3.011
Gareev I. S., Sobko S. A., Pisarev M. S. — The fracture zone prediction for the welded joint of plates made from titanium alloy OT4

The calculated and experimental evaluation results of the fracture zone localization for the welded joint of plates made from titanium alloy OT4, performed by arc welding in an argon atmosphere is considered. The possible influence of oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and the heating temperature on the embrittlement of the nearby seam area as a place of fracture of welded joints during tensile tests is discussed. The calculated maximum heating temperatures during welding of specimens, plates made of OT4 alloy, depending on the distance from the butt, are determined. Welding of model specimens, plates, is performed at the modes corresponding to the calculated ones. According to the tensile tests results of welded samples, fracture zones are determined, corresponding, according to calculations, to a temperature of the order of 300 °C and the determining influence of hydrogen. A number of technological recommendations for reducing the effect of hydrogen on the properties of a welded joint are given.
Key words: titanium welding, influence of gases during welding, calculation of temperature from a heat source, fracture zone of a welded joint

DOI: 10.34641/SP.2021.1036.3.012
Kuzin A. I., Egorov A. V., Mazurkevich A. N., Akhmedov F. A., Kinzhagulov I. Yu., Stepanova K. A., Ermakov V. A., Sukhorukov K. A. — Technology of increasing the surface strength of optical elements by means of carbon nanostructures coating

The increasing technology of the optical elements surface strength on the example of mirrors coated with Al and Cu by applying carbon diamond-like nanostructures is developed.
A method of pulsed laser deposition is proposed for coatings. The research object is a method of increasing the optical elements surfaces strength by carbon nanostructures coating. It is established that the developed coating allows maintaining the undistorted surface shape of the optical elements at the level of 0.01 with a roughness no more than 5 angstroms.
Key words: nanostructure, optical element, carbon coating, optical mirror, laser deposition, diamond-like coating

DOI: 10.34641/SP.2021.1036.3.013
Golubenko Yu. V., Taksants M. V., Bogdanov A. V. — Laser ablation of copper and its alloys

One of the promising methods for producing nanostructured materials is the deposition of colloidal systems on the surface of solids using laser ablation. In the course of this work, systems of two-component brass and copper were obtained and investigated. To study colloidal solutions of Cu nanoparticles, the dynamic light scattering (DLS) method was used, and the average size of the nanoparticles was found. A comparison was made of the absorption spectra of brass and copper particles in ethanol and distilled water. The stability of the colloidal system in various environments was determined.
Key words: nanotechnology, nanostructure, nanoparticle, laser ablation, colloidal solution


Permyakov A. F., Dudorov Е. А., Sokhin I. G., Shponko А. А. — Preparation and implementation of a space experiment by using the anthropomorphic robot "FEDOR"

The main methodological problems of using anthropomorphic robots as robotic support for the activities of cosmonauts are considered. The goal, objectives and results of the first stage of the space experiment "Ispytatel" with the study of the remote control mode of the anthropomorphic robot "Fedor" aboard the Soyuz MS-14 manned spacecraft and the Russian segment of the International Space Station are introduced.
Key words: anthropomorphic robotic system, copy control, astronaut, space experiment, international space station, teleoperational control, ergatic system

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