Journal "Svarochnoe Proizvodstvo"ISSN 0491-6441
Contents (№05 2019)
to russian


Eltsov V. V. — Investigation of the influence of the linear characteristic of current decay of a three-phase arc at the time of the end of welding on the formation of a shrinkage crater

The welding crater, as a natural product of the crystallization process of the weld pool, is often the reason for obtaining a poor-quality weld joint during repair welding or welding of products. One of the most frequently recommended methods for reducing the harmful effect of the shrinkage process of the liquid metal in the weld pool on the highquality formation of the weld layer is a smooth decrease in the arc power at the time of the end of welding.
For this purpose, most modern power sources, including the inverter, equipped with devices or programs that allow realizing a linear current recession at the end of welding.
In this study, the influence of the linear characteristic of a three-phase arc current decay is given at the time of the end of welding on the nature of the crater formation during welding of aluminum alloy samples. As a result, the low efficiency of this technique for obtaining high-quality welded joint has been established.
Key words: welding crater, weld pool, three-phase arc, main arc current, linear current fall, thermal cycle, metal crystallization, metallographic studies, crystallization front, hot cracks

Sleptsov O. I., Sivtsev M. N., Sleptsov G. N., Kharbin N. N., Everstov M. M. — Slow destruction of welded joints during welding at naturally low temperatures condition

Based on experimental investigations using methods for assessing the technological strength of welded joints, an attempt made to impact assessment the effect of hydrogen localization and its role in the emergence of a process of delayed fracture. It is established that delayed destruction has a staged process of destruction. It is shown that welding in the naturally low temperature is one of the conditions for the emergence of delayed fracture.
Key words: technological samples, delayed fracture, acoustic emission, technological strength of welded joint

Derevyagina L. S., Gordienko A. I., Malikov A. G., Orishich A. M., Kashiro P. O. — The microstructure and mechanical properties features of laser welded joints of low-carbon tubular steel

Technological modes of laser welding is perfected and structural and phase features of the fusion zones structure (ZC) and thermal influence (ZTI) on low carbon steel tube 10G2FBYu is studied. Martensitic structures, characterized by high gradients of microhardness distribution (up to 500—650 HV) are formed in the welding joint after laser welding. This welding joint structure does not exert influence on the specimens mechanical properties under tension (the level of strength properties is 93—97 % of the base material), however, it leads to unsatisfactory indicators of destruction impact strength (KCV) and cold resistance (KCV–40 °С = 50 J/cm2). After annealing at 600 °C, the martensitic structure in the ZC decomposes into less intense tempering martensite and tempering sorbitol at the ZTI. In such a case the microhardness for samples with a welding joints equalizes to 300 HV, the KCV level in the test interval from +20 °С to –40 °C rises to 200 J/cm2, and Tхv shifts to temperatures below –60 °C. Such characteristics are higher than the requirements of the DNV-OS-F101 standard and speak about the efficiency of the laser welding process for two-phase low carbon steel 10G2FBYu.
Key words: laser welding, pipe steel 10G2FBYu, technological modes, structural-phase structure of the fusion zones and heat influence, mechanical properties of welded joints

Latypova E. Yu., Tsumarev Yu. A. — Computer finite element analysis of the carrying capacity of single-welded lap joints

A computer-aided finite element analysis of the stress state of overlap single-seam welded joints of various types is carried out, as a result of which comparative data on the distribution of operating stresses due to the axial load is obtained. The results of the analysis showed the low efficiency of traditional recommendations for increasing the bearing capacity of fillet in a single-seam lap joint by smoothing the transition from the seam to the base metal. The data on the high technical and economic efficiency of the preparation for welding in the form of a skarfed edge at the end of the joined part are adduced. Information on the possibility of improving the economic performance of the joint by optimizing the bevel design are adduced.
Key words: overlap welded joint, one-sided joint, stress state, stress concentration, finite element analysis of stress distribution, bevel edge, technical and economic efficiency


Brovman M. Ya., Tsvetkov I. V. — Technology expander improving of the welded pipes

By modern technological processes to produce welded tubes for pipelines we use of ten technological methods of expanding. Such plastic deformation considerable increases exactness of tubes. Process of plastic deformation and methods of determine necessary forces are considered. Improvement of technology process, which decreases influence of accidental factors is proposed.
Key words: tubes, welding, exactness, quality

Ivanov Yu. V., Tuktamishev A. V. — Investigation of gas-dynamic flows in pneumatic systems of the resistance welding machines

The features of the acoustic activity of the pneumatic mechanisms for resistance welding machines are considered. The research of gas-dynamic flows in the noise silencers acoustic streams of pneumatic mechanisms for resistance welding machines is presented. The noise silencer of the new design effectively reduces noise and does not require maintenance during operation. Due to subdivision of the gas jet and the control of the gas-dynamic flow, it was possible to obtain a significant durability at the effective operation of the silencer for a long time without maintenance.
Key words: pneumatic mechanisms of resistance welding machines, gas dynamic flows, noise silencers, durability of maintenance-free operation

Ashikhin D. S., Berkutov I. V., Stepanova K. A., Fedorov A. V., Alifirenko E. A., Spirkov A. B., Bychonok V. A., Yakovlev Yu. O. — Analysis of factors determining the quality of welded butt aluminum joints obtained with friction stir welding

The analysis of the factors influencing the quality of welded joints and characterizing the parameters of the friction stir welding process (FSWP) is adduced. The graphical method of analysis — the Ishikawa diagram — is used to determine the cause-effect relationship between the strength of a welded joint made by FSWP and the factors that affect this property.
As a result of the factors decomposition, the parameters characterizing their factors were revealed. The random variation of these parameters affecting the quality of the butt resistance welded aluminum joints produced by the FSWP. The main ones being: "thickness", "lateral displacement", "gap between edges", "gap between the edges and a back."
Key words: welded joint, welded joint quality parameters, destabilizing factors, friction stir welding with mixing

Volkov S. S., Nerovniy V. M., Bigus G. A. — Features of the heating-up process at ultrasonic welding of synthetic fabrics

Technological capabilities of sutural ultrasonic welding of synthetic fabrics are considered.
Experiments on welding mylar fabric are made. Key parameters of the mode of sutural ultrasonic welding of fabrics which significantly influence the speed of achievement of the maximum temperatures in a zone of a weld joint are determined, defining intensity of a warming up, and, therefore, and welding process productivity.
The analysis of the thermal mode of ultrasonic welding of synthetic fabrics and kinetics of formation of a weld joint is carried out. It is suggested that a warmth source at ultrasonic welding of mylar fabrics are hysteresis losses.
Key words: synthetic fabrics, thermal cycles, ultrasonic welding, welding pressure, amplitude of fluctuations of a wave guide, temperature


Barabanova О. А., Polunin V. А., Salmin P. А. — Diffusion Welding — quality Planning

The performance of welded structures is determined with the quality of welded joints.Quality control is carried out by comparing the planned quality indicator with its actual value.
This article presents a quality control planning program for diffusion welding.
Key words: diffusion welding, quality planning, welded joint, quality assurance


Frolov V. А., Fedorov S. А., Vlasenko А. N. — Postgraduate study of a new type as a third level of higher education and a form of training highly qualified specialists

The article deals with the problems and issues of training of highly qualified specialists in the Russian post-graduate school of a new type.
Key words: postgraduate study, educational program, research and teaching competencies, final certification of graduate students, PhD thesis, competition, integration of educational programs of master's and postgraduate studies, practice-oriented model of graduate school, terms and stages of training


Third International Conference "Electron-beam welding and related technologies"

International Conference "Welding in Russia—2019: Current State and Prospects"

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