Journal "Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya"ISSN 1562-322X
Contents (№05 2020)
to russian


Sidorov S. А., Lyalyakin V. P., Mironov D. А. — Modes choice of plasma spray coating on flat work surfaces

Processes of gas-thermal (plasma, detonation, gas-flame, etc.) deposition of powder coatings are widespread in industry. The article presents the development of a method of preliminary calculation of the modes of deposition of powder coatings on flat work surfaces.
The main determined (selected) parameters are the thickness of the sprayed layer, the speed of the translational motion of the part, the overlap of the applied bands, the deposition time. The known, used in calculations, technological characteristics of installation and materials are given. A schematic diagram of the deposition of powder coating is presented.
Experimental studies confirmed the high convergence of the calculated parameters (the difference does not exceed 5—7 %).
Key words: plasma sputtering, coatings, powder materials, plasma torch


Kolmogorov G. L., Klimov N. А. — Determination of the maximum allowable steel cutting speeds using the finite element method

In the article the thermoelastic state of an axisymmetric body in the presence of a temperature gradient due to heating of the contact layer during the cutting process is considered.
The aim of this work is to determine the maximum allowable cutting speed proceed from the condition of the thermoplastic deformations absence and the subsequent formation of residual stresses. The authors of this article proposed a methodology based on the joint use of analytical dependencies and the finite element method. This methodology permits to evaluate the thermoplastic deformation possibility of the surface layer of a cylindrical axisymmetric body caused by a temperature gradient between the surface layer and the center of the workpiece. Based on this methodology, the limiting temperature conditions for steel part that lead to the formation of residual stresses are determined.
An example of the maximum cutting speed calculation for parts made from steel 50 is presented. The excess of this value can cause excessive heating of the processed cylindrical blank and the formation of residual stresses, which can significantly affect the machine-building production quality.
Key words: residual stresses, machining, thermoelastic state, temperature, contact layer, cutting speed, finite element modeling, ANSYS


Rozinov A. Ya. — Technological improvement of the hull boats design and the process of their assembly

In the article the structural and technological characteristics of modern boats is introduced and the block assembly technology of the large boats hulls, as well as the frame assembly of the hulls of small boats is described. At the same time, the design and the operation principle of the used accessory such as slipway conductors and readjust beds, allows the possibility of assembling the hulls of small boats from prefabricated outer skin modules representing its scan in the plane, are considered. Particular attention is paid to the structural and technological improvement of boat hulls, aimed at replacing welded stiffeners with stamped corrugations and mounting welding joints of the outer planking with mechanical joints on pressed elements from aluminum alloy. The methods of tightness control used in domestic and foreign shipbuilding corresponding to the requirements of ensuring quality and reliability in the conditions of the described improvement implementation at the assembly technology of the large and small boats hulls, as well as their structural and technological improvement, are considered.
Key words: hull structures, compartments, cylindrical insert, contours, technological process, decks, kit profiles, technological equipment, midships, blocks, slipway conductors, body contours, assembly accuracy, welding deformations, trim, articulated threespan beam, sheathing sheets, frame method, bulkhead frames, corrugated ribs, units, methods of tightness control


Sidlin Z. А. — Welding of bronze monumental and urban sculpture

The article is devoted to the problematic issues of improving repair technologies of the monumental sculptures and monuments made from copper alloys by using welding.
The proposals on the need to repair the most significant monumental sculptures in the cities of the Russian Federation are substantiated.
Key words: monumental sculpture, monument, copper alloys, gas welding, arc welding, special electrodes


Rogov V. А., Kupriyanova О. P. — Theoretical foundations of the high-speed rotors balancing

A comparative analysis of the methods used in practice for balancing high-speed rotors in terms of their complexity and accuracy is considered in this paper. A new balancing method is described, which is based on the use of the "operator—computer" dialog mode with subsequent processing of the obtained data according to the specially developed program for finding integer values of the balancing mass and their installation angles.
Key words: technological process, high-speed rotors, balancing, vibration reduction

Golovkin P. A. — Improvement of quality of the parts of electronic-vacuum sevices of microwave range made of oxygenfree copper

The possibility of improvement of quality of the parts made of copper alloys is analyzing for use in electronic-vacuum devices of microwave range.
Key words: oxygen-free copper, pressed bars, vacuum tightness requirements, advancement and delay during the pressing, localized deformations, recrystallization, modified structure, internal stresses, gas emission, loss of vacuum tightness, destruction, failure


Samotugin S. S., Samotugina Yu. S., Khristenko О. А., Tkachenko Т. К., Lavrinenko V. I. — Plasma submicro- and nanostructuring of a tool made from X12M steel 

The technology of plasma surface modification of a tool made from X12M cold-deformed steel, allows a surface layer hardness of 20—25 % higher than the values for standard volumetric heat treatment, is developed on the grounds of analytical studies and experimental data. This effect is achieved without fusion with the following finishing tempering; it forms a microcrystalline martensite-carbide structure in the modified zone.
Key words: cold-deformed steel X12M, volumetric heat treatment, plasma modification, thread rolling tool


Bigus G. А., Schastlivtsev А. B. — The study of acoustic emission parameters from pipelines fatigue damage of the Far North heating networks

The problems of the current technical condition of pipelines of heating networks of the Far North are considered. The results of experimental studies of the behavior of fatigue injuries during static tests by using the acoustic emission method are presented.
According to the test results, defectoscopic signs of fatigue crack detection in the pipe wall during static tests are formulated. The critical values of acoustic emission parameters corresponding to the pre-destructive state of the pipeline material are obtained.
Key words: Krainy Sever, pipelines of heating networks, fatigue cracks, acoustic emission control, static tests


Kapshunov V. V., Smirnov S. M. — Integration of the TechnoPro system and third-party data sources

The concept of a common information space by using CALS-technologies assumes that software products used at different stages of a product’s life cycle turn to a common data source to receive and transmit information in the common information space. For various reasons, such concept application in enterprises is not always fully possible. In this case, it is necessary to organize a direct data exchange between various systems of the automatic designing. Data exchange can be carried out, for example, using intermediate files or by using the applied programming interface of the corresponding software product. Integration of systems assumes that a software product used at a certain stage of the life cycle is able to import data from another automated system by using an interface program. For CAD-TechnoPro of the "Vector-Alliance" Corporation, such an interface program was previously the TechnoKAD system, which allowed receiving and transferring product information from a number of CAD systems to TechnoPro. The TechnoKAD interface had a number of drawbacks; therefore, a completely new software product is developed for the integration of TechnoPro and the COMPAS CAD system — TechnoKOMPAS, and then, based on these products, interfaces TechnoDIX and TechnoDIX+. These systems allow you to organize communication between Techno-Pro and various data sources, in the capacity of which can be used not only documents CAD-systems.
Key words: common information space, CALS-technologies, software product, product life cycle, computer-aided design systems, software product interface


Kuznetsov А. P., Kalyashina А. V. — Methods for effectiveness evaluation of industrial equipment

The article presents a comparative analysis of methods for assessing the effectiveness of industrial equipment — a technique proposed by G. А. Shaumyan and OEE concept — Overall equipment effectiveness. The concepts of productivity, equipment availability and product quality are investigated. The indicators proposed by G. A. Shaumyan is defined in terms of OEE and the impact on the result of cyclical and non-cyclic losses is evaluated.
Key words: equipment, resource efficiency, technology, production system


Potapova G. S. — Content of foreign journals

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