Journal "Svarochnoe Proizvodstvo"ISSN 0491-6441
Contents (№06 2017)
to russian


Volkova E. F., Duyunova V. A., Ioda E. N., Panteleev M. D. — Features of the weldability atew deformable magnesium alloy VMD16

The article presents the investigation results of weldability of new heat-resistant magnesium-based alloy VMD16with the using of automatic argon arc welding and friction stir welding (FSW) technologies. The FSW technology of native wrought magnesium-based alloy was studied for the first time. The data of phase composition and structure features of new heat-resistant magnesium-alloy VMD16 research were given here. It was found, that intermetallic phases (Mg, Zn)5RE, Zn2(Zr, RE)3; ZrZn2 Laves phase with fine grained and uniaxial structure (8—12 μm) provide the high level of strength properties of the alloy and its welded joints. The welded characteristics of VMD16 alloy with the using of automatic argon arc welding and friction stir welding technologies were studied. It was found out, that during the welding the alloy has got the better resistance to hot cracking (from 2 up to 6 times) being compared with MA2-1, MA2-1hp, MA20 magnesium-based commercial alloys. The welded joints strength of VMD16 alloy is at the level of 0,85—0,88 of the base material strength. The heat treatment does not used after the welding.
Key words: heat-resistant magnesium-based alloy VMD16, phase composition, fine grained microstructure, automatic argon arc welding, the characteristics of the welded joints

Kozyrev N. A., Kryukov R. E., Usoltsev A. A., Lipatova U. I. — Use of barium-strontium carbonatite at submerged arc welding

The basic possibility of application of a bariystrontsiyevy karbonatit as the refining and gas-protective additive for welding gumboils is shown. Use of a bariystrontsiyevy karbonatit allows to reduce impurity of a welded seam nonmetallic inclusions: the silicates which aren't deformed oxides dot and silicates fragile and also to increase the desulphurizing ability of welding gumboils.
Introduction of a bariystrontsiyevy karbonatit to gumboil on the basis of slag of silikomarganets in quantity to 5 % provides ferrito-perlitny structure of metal of a welded seam of a vidmanshtettovy orientation, at the same time grain size slightly decreases. Impact strength and limit of fluidity of samples increase at introduction to structure of gumboil of a bariystrontsiyevy karbonatit, and plastic properties and temporary resistance to a rupture of samples go down.
Key words: welding, fluxes, technology, welding joint, barium-strontium carbonatite, samples, nonmetallic inclusions, microstructure, grain size, mechanical properties

Erofeev V. A., Pyankov I. B. — The efficiency analysis of pulsed preheat at flash butt resistance welding

The article considers the problem of determining the preheating parameters before flowing when reversing the movement of the machine moving plate. The physics-omathematical model of pulse heating is described. The numerical solution of these model equations allows determining the oscillations optimal period of the machine moving plate, the compression force, the duration of the joint closure, the supply voltage and the number of heating periods. Optimum are the duration of joint closure that are slightly shorter than the oscillation period of the machine moving plate, the compression force at which the electrical resistance of the joint is equal to the internal resistance of the welding machine, and the heating duration provides a temperature at which the hardness of the metal is equal to the pressure created by the compression force of the joint.
Key words: flash butt resistance welding, preheating before flowing, machine plate reversing, physics-mathematical model, optimal parameters

Lukin V. I., Samorukov M. L. — Features of the welded joints structure formation of heat-resistant deformable alloy VZh175, obtained by rotational friction welding

The FEM of continuous drive friction welding is made to calculate temperature fields and strain across weld zones. The technological parameters influence on the weld structure and mechanical properties is studied. The weld forming mechanism that is inherent to continuous drive friction welding of VG175 superalloy is shown.
Key words: continuous drive friction welding, finite element method, welding deformation, welding temperature, dynamic recrystallization, dynamic recovery, nickel superalloy


Kimelblat V. I., Volkov I. V. — Butt welding of polyethylene pipes by using a heated tool

The research results of tubular blanks characteristics for polyethylene main pipes are adduced. Calculation methods to optimize welding parameters of PE-pipes and flash parameters from the pipe wall thickness of the tubular blank are proposed.
Key words: polyethylene pipe, the index of material flow, welding joint flash, wall thickness of the tubular blank

Nemtinov V. A., Sergeev V. S. — Connection of thin-walled armelin parts by using friction welding

Calculations to determine the technological parameters of the friction welding process for thin-walled parts from armlene (mineral-filled polypropylene) were carried out. Design and engineering development and manufacturing of the technological complex experimental sample realizing the given process were carried out. Approbation of the complex was realized on the example of the gas-mask boxes production. A conclusion is made about the advisability of application this technology for a whole class of thin-walled products from armlene.
Key words: thin-walled products from armlene, plastics, friction welding, technological complex

Lukin V. I., Erasov V. S., Panteleev M. D., Avtaev V. V., Samorukov M. L., Kulik V. I. — Uptake friction welding with mixing as applied to the design of the aircraft wing

The concept of the upper wing panel made from high-strength aluminum-lithium alloy of the third generation V-1469 is developed to reduce the wing weight of the ТU-204SМ aircraft. A friction welding technology with mixing is developed and fragments of a welded panel are manufactured. The condacted compression stability tests showed that the use of welded panels permits to reduce the weight of the wing to ∼10 %, increase stability and load capacity up to ∼30 %.
Key words: high-strength aluminum-lithium alloy, friction welding with mixing, welding panel, aircraft wing, bearing capacity of wing

Loza A. V., Chigarev V. V., Serenko A. N. — Increasing the operational stability of the slag bowl when creating a litho-welded structure

The expediency of the mold-welded construction creation to minimize deformation of the bowl body is substantiated. The use of rigidity ribs, fixed by welding, permit to reduce the formation of residual deformation, to increase the reliability and service life of the blast furnace slag-cart.
Key words: bowl, slag-cart, mold-welded construction, welding, deformation, rigidity ribs

Petrov S. Yu. — Analysis of terms and definitions used in GOSTs for welding. The term — the place of welding and its components

The definition of the term — the place of welding is given on the basis of system analysis. The welding place components classification for flash welding and welding in the solid phase is proposed.
Key words: term, place of welding, system analysis, flash welding, welding in the solid-phase


Frolov V. A., Putyatina L. M., Vlasenko A. N. — The evaluation system of the welding production development level on the modern enterprises

The article deals with a system of indicators for evaluation the development of the welding shops. The list of used indicators is adduced, calculation formulas are given, their analysis and interrelation are adduced among themselves are adduced. The main tendencies of the separate indicators change over time, which determine the development of the welding industry material and technical base and the possibility of increasing the resulting parameters of the welding shops and the enterprise as a whole are introduced.
Key words: laboriousness of welding operations, wear of equipment, coefficient of shift-working arrangement, production capacity of the shop, capacity utilization factor, welding operations cost, ABC distribution of output, technological waste

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