Journal "Svarochnoe Proizvodstvo"ISSN 0491-6441
Contents (№06 2022)
to russian


DOI: 10.34641/SP.2022.1051.6.038
Volobuev Yu. S., Bobrikov Yu. V., Volobuev S. Yu., Potapov N. N., Darovskoy G. V. — Metallurgical features of the effect of silicon on the properties of the metal during submerged arc welding of austenitic stainless steels

The conducted studies convincingly prove that the increase in silicon, both due to the silicon reduction process and during alloying through a ceramic flux, negatively affects, first of all, the impact strength of the weld metal and its tendency to form hot cracks. For the first time, it was experimentally established that in the case of silicon growth in the deposited metal due to its recovery from the flux silica, other things being equal, there is a significant decrease in the impact strength of the deposited metal, which is apparently associated with a different amount of non-metallic inclusions and the form of existence of silicon and oxygen in the weld metal.
Key words: fused flux, ceramic flux, alloying, weld metal impact strength, metallurgical processes during welding, chemical composition, silicon effect, oxygen concentration

DOI: 10.34641/SP.2022.1051.6.039
Khaybrakhmanov R. U., Korobov Yu. S., Bilenko G. A. — Application of computer simulation for analysis of deformations in welded thin-sheet structures made of high-strength steels

High competition in the field of mechanical engineering requires the manufacture of lightweight thin-sheet structures from high-strength steels with a geometry of a certain accuracy. Ensuring a given geometry is achievable by improving the measures to reduce residual deformations. Therefore, the aim of the study is to reduce the deformation based on the analysis of the influence of the clamp stiffness on the stress-strain state of the assembly using computer simulation by the finite element method. The result of the study is a clamping model that allows you to adjust the level of residual stresses and deformations, confirmed experimentally.
Key words: high-strength steel, residual deformations, stress-strain state, computer simulation

DOI: 10.34641/SP.2022.1051.6.040
Lastovirya V. N., Rodyakina R. V. — Control of the penetration shape based on the assessment of the state variables of the EBW process according to the level of existing disturbances

Penetration shape during electron-beam welding is determined in the first approximation by the vapour plasma crater shape formed by energy source. The inability to measure the parameters of penetration shape during electron-beam welding leads to their estimation by regression equations that establish a relationship with mode parameters.
However, when welding mode parameters are stabilized, the instability of penetration shape remains due to the action of uncontrolled disturbances, which in some cases lead to unacceptable deviations. A possibility of the state variables evaluation correction during electron-beam welding, namely the depth penetration and the weld shape factor, by determining the "noise component", is considered. Such a correction is carried out by the discrepancy of any measured output variable, as the difference between its estimate according to a similar mathematical model and the measured value. As such an output variable, the vapour plasma torch light intensity can be used. A control algorithm and a structural diagram of the automatic control system for weld penetration shape with correction of model assessment of the process state by the measured output have been developed.
Key words: penetration shape parameters, electron-beam welding process, model assessment of the process state, uncontrolled disturbances, correction of evaluation models, measured process output, process control algorithm

DOI: 10.34641/SP.2022.1051.6.041
Rumyantsev E. N., Dragunov V. K., Shcherbakov A. V., Marchenkov A. Yu., Sliva A. P., Goncharov A. L. — Estimation of the position of the joint in the process of EBW based on the analysis of the secondary electron current in the plasma

This paper presents a description of one of the possible methods for obtaining an estimate of the position of the joint (weld pool) in the EBW process, based on the revealed patterns of changes in the electrical signal of the secondary electron current in plasma, which contains the component of the thermionic emission current from the surface of the weld pool, which correlates with the position of the joint.
Key words: position of the weld pool relative to the joint, electron beam welding, secondary electron current from the surface of the weld pool

DOI: 10.34641/SP.2022.1051.6.042
Feofanov A. N., Ovchinnikov V. V., Berezina V. A., Adylina A. P. — Mechanical properties of joints of aluminum alloys VAL8 and 1565ch in opposite combinations, obtained by various types of welding

The results of studies of the formation of a butt joint of plates 3 mm thick from aluminum alloys VAL8 and 1565ch in opposite combinations are presented. The tensile strength of welded joints of the VAL8 alloy with the 1565ch alloy during fusion welding is 87—88 % of the tensile strength of the VAL8 alloy. The strength factor of joints of similar combinations of alloys made by friction stir welding is 0.92—0.97 of the strength of the VAL8 alloy. The limit of low-cycle fatigue for joints of VAL8 and 1565ch alloys is 140 MPa. At higher stresses (160—200 MPa), joints made by friction stir welding withstand approximately 1.5—1.8 times more test cycles compared to joints made by automatic argon arc welding.
Key words: aluminum alloys, welded joints, different combination of alloys, automatic argon arc welding, friction stir welding, tensile strength, welded joint


DOI: 10.34641/SP.2022.1051.6.043
Saifullin R. N. — Electrospark growth under the influence of pulsed magnetic and constant electric fields

The paper collects and summarizes studies of the thickness and roughness of electrospark coatings obtained by exposing them to magnetic and electric fields. To create an additional electric field between the electrode and the product, an additional constant voltage was applied in the range of 0...Tl. The following electrodes were used as electrodes for electric spark build-up: an electrode for electric arc welding without coating MP-3, E308-16, cast iron KCh35-10, ERNiCr-3, steel 65G, nickel, metal-ceramic alloy VK20, tungsten. The magnetic field acted impulsively in time with the impulses of the SZ-8100 electrospark device. The degree of influence of additional magnetic and electric fields on the characteristics of the build-up coatings is determined by the current strength, magnetic induction, and electrode material. The effect of an additional constant electric field on the roughness of tungsten and nickel coatings was not noticed. The pulsed longitudinal magnetic field had no noticeable effect on the thickness and roughness of the electrospark coatings under mild operating conditions of the electrospark apparatus.
Key words: electrospark build-up, electrospark processing, coatings, resource-saving technology, surface, coating thickness

DOI: 10.34641/SP.2022.1051.6.044
Lukin M. A., Byleev A. S., Zavyalov S. K., Pismenny A. A. — Features of friction stir welding of aluminum alloy AD1 on a universal vertical milling machine 6V11

The article considers the possibility of friction stir welding of parts made of aluminum alloys on a 6V11 vertical milling machine. To determine the optimal welding mode, mechanical tests of the welded samples, as well as metallographic studies, were carried out. The design of the tool for FSW has been developed, the possibility of welding of stable quality, up to 80 % of the static strength of the base metal, at a right angle between the axis of rotation of the tool and the direction of the feed rate of parts has been shown.
Key words: friction stir welding, welding of aluminum alloys, tool for friction stir welding, welding mode optimization

DOI: 10.34641/SP.2022.1051.6.045
Melyukov V. V., Maksimov A. E. — Advantages and conditions of using the method of moments in modeling the welding mode

The determination of the welding mode as the solution of the inverse problem should be formulated as the problem of optimal control of systems with distributed parameters and apply the maximum principle and the method of moments to solve it.
Key words: parameters of the welding mode, inverse problem, solution based on the maximum principles, methods of moments

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