Journal "Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya"ISSN 1562-322X
Contents (№07 2017)
to russian


Barabanova О. А., Nabatchikov S. V., Salmin P. А., Semin М. А. — The influence of the glass interlayers crystallization degree on the strength of a laminated composite material, an aluminum-multicomponent oxide system

The main content of the diffusion bonding of a layered composite material (DB LCM), which determines the main features of this process, is the physicochemical interaction at the interface between the aluminum — glass melt synthesized in the oxide system of lead, boron, zinc, silicon, copper.
The influence study of oxide melt crystallization degree on the LCM interphase processes and, as a result, on the structure of the bond zone, and ultimately on the properties of, the establishment of the relationship with the strength of LCM, presented in this paper, is a prerequisite for the development of a competitive composite manufacturing technology and heat exchange equipment on its basis.
Key words: diffusion bond, layered composite, interphase boundary, heat exchange equipment


Ashkeev Zh. А., Andreyashchenko V. А. — Determination of contact pressures for asymmetric rolling in biconical rolls

In this paper a new method for asymmetric rolling — rolling in biconical rolls is proposed. The contact pressures that occur during rolling are established through the use of calculated methods. Formulas for the contact pressures distribution determining along the arc of the contact during the rolling of a strip in biconical rolls, both from the lead of the metal and from the side of the lag are received. A dangerous cross-section of rolls is considered, safety margin is determined.
Key words: asymmetric rolling, biconical rolls, contact pressure

Popkov V. М., Kalmykov V. V. — Experimental study of the thickness variation in the parts cylindrical wall obtained by unidirectional drawing

The article presents the research results of the cylindrical parts accuracy obtained by hydromechanical drawing through the use of experimental planning methods. The change in the maximum and minimum wall thickness of the parts obtained by unidirectional drawing was researched. Variable factors, the levels of their variation were chosen, the plan of the experiment was drawn. After carrying out the experiment, regression equations were obtained reflecting the change in the part wall thickness obtained by unidirectional drawing. The adequacy of the models is estimated. The difference in the minimum wall thickness of the part after the initial stage of drawing and drawing to a certain depth is experimentally estimated. In conclusion, deductions were formulated.
Key words: hydromechanical drawing, cylindrical parts accuracy, billet thickness, experiment planning, variable factors, regression equation, model adequacy


Shirshov А. G. — Determination of the module rigidity by using the experimental characteristic of power displacements

At present, there is no way to accurately estimate the rigidity of the machine from the experimental characteristic of force displacements (CFD), i.e. according to the graphic dependence of the force displacements in the function of the external force. The difficulty is that to determine the rigidity, it is necessary to divide the external force into a purely elastic displacement. But the displacements in the machine are not purely elastic. There are simple cases where it is possible through the use of CFD experimental not only to determine the rigidity, but also to construct a characteristic of the elastic displacements, i.e. the graphic dependence of the elastic displacements in the function of the external force. The construction of such characteristic can be regarded as a definition of rigidity for each value of the external force. These cases are analyzed in the theory of force displacements, designed for the accuracy evaluation of the machine. In this theory, the construction is reduced to an elastic-frictional system (EFS) consisting of elastic elements and Coulomb friction. These two elements are integrated into the EFS-module. In the theory of force displacements, a methodology was developed for constructing the characteristic of elastic displacements for only two modules. In such a case this characteristic is very different for each module. In this article a universal technique, which allows us to construct the characteristic of elastic displacements for any EFS-module, are introduced.
Key words: machine rigidity, machine accuracy, power displacements, purely elastic displacements, power displacements characteristic, elastic displacements characteristic, calculation automation


Kravchenko I. N., Kolomeychenko А. А., Butenko D. М., Kolomeychenko А. V. — Investigation of the plasma spraying process of self-fluxing alloys by using a remote arc with coating flowing

One of the most advanced and effective methods to increase machines and mechanisms component life is the application of hardening coatings on their working surfaces. The coatings from self-fluxing alloys on nickel base, which are applied by means of plasma spraying, have acquired wide application in different engineering fields. Increase of properties and cohesive resistance of plasma coatings from self-fluxing alloys on nickel base is possible by means of surface coating fusion at the definite temperature. The calculation method of fusion penetration at coating spraying by self-fluxing alloys using remote arc and considering material thermal conductivity variation that depends on porosity and temperature is suggested in the article. Values of heat conductivity factors for self-fluxing alloys on nickel base are determined experimentally. The obtained dependence usage allows definite choice of remote arc capacity. The obtained calculated and experimental data discrepancy is less than 10 %.
Key words: self-fluxing alloy, nickel, plasma coating, coating, heat conductivity factor, remote arc, cohesive resistance, fusion


Egorov О. D., Buynov М. А., Prokhorenko L. S. — Structural analysis of mechanisms by using graphs

This paper proposes a new method of structural analysis using the counts to determine the number of excess and metric relationships, the extra mobility and the extra links that occur in the circuits of the mechanisms. Shown implement this method in the form of a computer program for automated structural analysis of mechanisms by computer. Presents an example of analysis of the mechanism using the developed program.
Key words: structural analysis of the contours of the mechanisms, the extra mobility, mechatronic devices, analysis of mechanisms using graphs, automated analysis by computer


Trifonova S. I., Generalov A. S., Dalin M. A. — Modern technologies and means of shadow ultrasonic testing of polymeric composite materials

Four ways to create an acoustic contact are considered when the performing manual shadow ultrasonic testing. The possibility and efficiency of their application for the control of three-layer structures with honeycomb and foam fillers and glue joints are estimated. The sensitivity obtained in the control depending on the features of the structures and the method used to create an acoustic contact is shown. The review of modern equipment is carried out.
Key words: manual through transmission ultrasound technique, sandwich construction, polymer composite material, acoustic contact


Polyakov B. N. — Chronicle and apotheosis of computer technology and computer on behalf of the first generation of users (from the history of the CAD creation for rolling equipment in the Uralmashzavod)

The chronology and sequence of jobs for more than 20-year-old period (60-e—70th years) on creation of packages of various computer programs which have generated the base of the future system of the automated designing (СAD) technologies and the rolling equipment on Uralmashzavode are presented; the descriptions of the most effective packages of computer programs developed in the seventies years of passed century for the decision of problems of optimization of various processes of deformation of billets, parameters of mechanisms and their drives, design parameters of bearing details and difficult designs from positions of achievement of durability and longevity are given.
Key words: CAD, Uralmashzavod, optimization, computer programs, load-bearing details, strength


Sudnik V. А., Tatarinov Е. А., Pavele L. А. — Mathematical heat-gas-hydrodynamic model of gas-laser cutting in oxygen

Laser cutting of metals is one of the most widely spread technological methods of laser processing. Analysis of the energy balance in laser cutting formed the basis for a theoretical model which was successfully used to calculate the maximum attainable cutting speed and the effects of cutting parameters on the cutting quality in laser cutting of a metal plate. The factors forming the energy balance in cutting with an exothermic metal-oxygen reaction are discussed in detail. Physical descriptions of the stationary processes were analysed taking into account the heating and melting efficiency, heat flow, cooling effects of the cutting gases, gas flow rates, temperatures at the cutting front, the reaction between metal and oxygen (including effects of O2 purity), beam absorption and effects of the cut width and gas pressure.
Key words: laser welding, laser cutting, cutting speed, cutting width, exothermic reaction


Budkin Yu.V., Barykin А. N., Khyazev А. V. — Organizational and methodological foundations of interstate standardization in the field of mechanical engineering

One of the tasks of the interstate standardization (ISS) work improving is to increase the role of expert communities — technical committees on standardization in mechanical engineering. The scientific and technical commissions ISS provide the activities of committees at the planning and development of standards. The basis of the committees work became the methods laid down in the basic documents. The expected result of the interstate standardization work improving consists in the standards quality improvement and increase the number of interested parties.
Key words: interstate standardization, technical committee, standard, standards quality


Fedorov V. K., Kislukha А. Е. — Methods of technological design for the structure of innovative processes in the electronics industry

The article describes the theoretical principles and the foundations and methods of technological design. Considered innovative potential use of technological design methods and techniques of ergonomics in the task of shaping the process equipment.
Key words: electronic industry, innovation potential, technological design, ergonomic requirements, shaping, the base model, compositional tasks, corporate identity


Potapova G. S. — Content of foreign journals


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