Journal "Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya"ISSN 1562-322X
Contents (№07 2019)
to russian


Dronov Е. А., Barakhov V. I., Barakhov А. V. — The use of tomography in determining the dependence of the injection molds material density distribution for the cylinder blanks of diesel engines 

Explained herein is approach based on determination of relation between unit cell density distribution as measured in cross-sections of skin-dry molds used in diesel engine cylinder blank casting, and the cylinder design features. The method employs computational X-ray tomography which allows research of unit cell density distribution in selected cross-sections of casting molds within specified ranges of changes.
Key words: tomographic method, casting mold, density distribution, diesel engine cylinder design


Korneeva V. М., Korneev S. S., Cherednichenko A. V. — Theoretical assessment of the cutting tool thermal condition during superhigh-speed cutting and methods of its regulation

Thermo analysis and conducted developed on its basis of mathematical model of thermal condition of cutting tool when machining with highest speeds. It is shown that under conditions of intermittent processing by selection of periodization can be used to manage the operation's high-speed thermal cutting. Use of mathematical model during the development of the technological process of high-speed milling allows you to select processing options that provide the lowest degree of heat on the tool and the greatest resistance.
Key words: breakneck cutting, cutting temperature, periodization of cutting process, time stroke, time of idling, the heat balance


Sidlin Z. А. — Features of welding in different spatial positions at MAW

The research materials of the electrodes welding-technological properties enabling to obtain the optimal formation of seams in different spatial positions with MAW are adduced.
As a result of research, an indicator for the practical determination the possibility of optimal formation of seams in different spatial positions (seam reinforcement coefficient) is developed.
Key words: welding joint, manual arc welding, seam reinforcement coefficient

Leshchinskiy L. K., Matvienko V. N., Ivanov V. P., Vozyanov E. I., Karaulanov O. V. — Development of deposition technology for the resource increasing of the continuous casting machine rollers

It is shown that the increase in wear and cracking resistance of continuous casting machine rolls (CCMR) depends on surface layer formation from separated deposited welds with a gap between adjacent welds. The developed and implemented schemes provided by hardfacing technology which allow one to obtain weld beads with variable angular position as well as variable values of the weld bead width and the gap between welds are presented. In order to achieve this technology a functional scheme of control is designed, which allows operate of the deposited weld trajectory during the process of hardfacing of the rolls with layer formation from separated welds with a gap.
Key words: hardfacing, roll, continuous casting machine, deposited layer, separated beads, weld bead width, angle of slope, gap between beads, surfacing machine, functional scheme of control


Natarov A. S., Kotelnikov А. А. — The finite element method for calculating the residual stresses of air cylinders for railway transport

The article presents the stress-strain state research results of the welded balloon.
A comparative analysis of the calculation results was carried out using the GOST 14249-89 method and finite element method.
Key words: finite element method, allowable stress, air balloon


Moskvin V. K., Kuznetsov P. М. — The performance increasing of a linear stepping electro-hydraulic drive for industrial robot

The article discusses issues of improving the performance characteristics of a linear stepper electro-hydraulic drive industrial robot. The focus is on options for improving performance by changing the design parameters of the drive elements, in particular, the step unit. The practical operation of such drives revealed a significant impact on the quality indicators by varying the values of variable hydraulic resistances formed by the openings of the control sleeve and the edges of the spool screw. The article discusses the parameters of these resistances and their influence on the quality characteristics of the drive.
Key words: drive, stepper adjuster, hydraulic resistance, control sleeve, slide valve


Ismagilov F. R., Yangirov I. F., Maksudov D. V., Safiullin R. A. — Liner vibration and movement sensor

The paper presents a new design of the liner vibration and displacement sensor. The mathematical model, the solution of which the analytical expressions for the analysis of its metrological characteristics and, accordingly, the compilation of engineering methods of calculation. Experimental confirmation of the obtained data within the permissible limits is obtained.
Key words: conical spiral, liner, copper, bronze, coils аbstract


Kostin V. A., Grigorenko G. М. — The forming process simulation of the multilayer 3D deposit by an additive method through the use of the welding sources of heating

The results of the temperature fields modeling, the kinetics of the dissimilar metals deposition and the nature of structural transformations during the formation of an additive multilayer structure from 17G1С и 30ХGС steels are presented. For computer simulation the COMSOL Multiphysics calculation package is used. In the paper the influence of temperature on the steel thermophysical parameters is taken into account. In order to improve the performance of the additive process, we studied the simultaneous effect of 3 arcs on the process of the deposit formation, the structural transformations kinetics and the diffusion processes of redistribution of alloying elements are examined. Calculations show that in order to reduce the stresses level between additive deposit and the back to 50 MPa, the back should be preheated with an arc without material deposition at the beginning of the deposition process. It is shown that the transit time between neighboring arc sources of heat should be maintained in the range from 5 to 30 s. It is established that at low arc power (1 kW) the ferrite-bainite structure predominantly forms in a deposit in which the share of bainite is 71 %, ferrite — 28 %, martensite ∼1 %. When using an arc of greater power (5 kW) in the deposit a bainite-martensitic structure is formed in which the share of bainite is ∼50 %, the share of martensite increases to 40 % and ferrite to 10 %. Increasing the arc power leads to increasing in the maximum temperature of the liquid bath to 1750...1850 °C, to increasing in the cooling rate to 15...25 °C/s and, as a result, to increasing the share of martensite in the structure of the deposited layers. The developed software can be used for mathematical modeling of the metallurgical additive process for forming products from various steels, titanium, aluminum and other alloys. Bibl. 17, il. 8, tabl. 3.
Key words: additive manufacturing, modeling, deposition, functional materials, structural transformations, microstructure


Zharkevich О. М., Nurzhanova О. А. — Quality management of rolling bearings based on the application of statistical methods

One of the basic tasks of quality control using statistical methods is the desire to improve product quality. In the article a design approach to improving the quality of rolling bearings — "Six Sigma" and Pareto chart is considered. Measures to improve the quality of rolling bearings are considered.
Key words: six sigma, defect, tolerance, Pareto chart


Grishina T. G., Feofanov A. N., Turapin M. V. — Analysis of factors affecting the technological process quality

The article considers the methods of the study of the economic dynamics of development of production. The analysis used in practice, the factors influencing the process, and also define relationships between factors influencing the technological process.
Key words: technical system, design, risk, management, methods of analysis


Potapova G. S. — Content of foreign journals


VI International Industrial Forum "Territory NDT, Unbrakable control Tests Diagnostics"

International Conference "Welding in Russia—2019: current state and prospects"

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