Journal "Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya"ISSN 1562-322X
Contents (№08 2020)
to russian


Malinov L. S. — Isothermal and step hardening of steels with cooling and holding after austenitizing according to the waterfurnace scheme

The possibility of increase the mechanical properties of construction steelsby obtaining amultiphase structure with metastable austenite from them duetorational modes of the isothermal and step hardening without the use of moltensalts and alkalis is shown.
Key words: isothermal, step-quenching, mechanical properties, multiphase structure, metastable residual austenite


Zhukov M. B. — Production of ribbed structures by layer-by-layer deposition of rollers on a sheet

The problems of the ribbed monolithic panels and beams manufacture by the method of layer-by-layer roller deposition on a flat sheet with the formation of ribs are considered.
For stringer type panels, deposition in combination with the warm rolling of the roll metal results in a compaction of the roll metal, there is also a decrease in residual stresses and strains.
High rigidity and strength of the wafer panel is provided by technology, as a result of which the panel crossbar and the places where the ribs and the sheet are joined together present a single unit, i.e. they are monolithic.
T-beams are attributed also to ribbed structures. Increasing the stability of the Tbeam wall shape is obtained by replacing a flat wall with two walls of a sinusoidal shape.
The walls are obtained by deposition the rollers on a narrow sheet. Depending on the parameters of the sinusoid, the beam can resist not only bending, but also torsion and deformation as result of local and general loss of stability. The manufacture of panels and beams by ribs deposition on a sheet is performed in one installation of the blank at one workplace.
Key words: ribbed panels and beams, layer-by-layer deposition, electric arc deposition, thermal rolling of deposition, rigidity of the T-structure


Rechenko D. S., Balova D. G. — The study of the micro-cutting process mechanics and the formation of the stagnant zone

The sharpness of the cutting tool blade has a dominant effect on the micro-cutting process and, as a result, on the level and direction of cutting forces. Classic power cutting models consider an ideal cutting wedge without wear and a blade radius rounding, characterizing its sharpness. At the same time these parameters determine the process of chip formation and the machined surface during micro cutting, that is, when the thickness of the cut layer is comparable with these defects. This article presents the study results of the parameters characterizing the process of chip and the machined surface formation, taking into account the blade radius rounding.
As a result, a point characterizing the separation of material and stagnant zone is determined.
Based on the developed model for the separation of the processed material, the minimum chip thickness is determined, which is extremely critical for the occurrence of the cutting process.
Key words: micro cutting, blade sharpness, point of separation, stagnant zone


Kovalchuk V. G., Golev E. V., Khodakova Е. А., Odintsov N. S. — Technological variations for argon arc and electron beam welding of shaped parts from heat resistant nickel alloy

The paper clarifies the influence of TIG and EB welding variants and highly temperature-resistant cast nickel super alloy shaped parts being in a heat-hard enable condition on mechanical properties and structure of welded joints of the combinations casting with casting and casting with deformable semi-finished product. The research trackles the problem of short-term durability ate temperature of 20 °С and long-term durability at a temperature of 650 and 1000 °C. The filler materials for argon-arc welding and relevant modes for electron-beam welding are selected. They provide a high complex of mechanical properties and an appropriate structure of welded joints.
Key words: casting, deformable semi-finished product, argon-arc welding, filler materials, electron beam welding, welding regimes parameters, short-term durability, long-term durability, structure

Shiganov I. N., Melnikov D. M., Zo Ye Myat — The effect of laser impact processing on the properties of the aluminum alloys welded joints

The features of formation of structure of welded joints of heat-treatable and not treatable aluminium alloys in the conditions of laser welding. Shows the structural difference of the weld and the transition zone from the core material and effects on strength of welded joints.
To increase the strength of welded joints is proposed to use laser shock processing.
The results of studies on the influence of the understanding of the modes of laser shock processing on microhardness of welded compounds of the aluminum alloy.
Key words: laser, welding, aluminium, impact, structure, properties, modes


Galkin V. I., Golovkin P. A. — On the actuality of basic technologies for metal forming

The need to improve the baseline technologies of pressure metal treatment taking into account a modern engineering and scientific methods to maintain the existing level and development of promising fields of production of articles in new technologies is settling down.
Key words: pressure metal treatment, baseline technologies, promising technologies, development of technical systems, optimization criteria, mathematical modeling, directional neural networks, criterion-based technological solutions

Golovkin P. A. — Features of manufacturing parts "crown" from bronze BrX1 taking into account the properties of its original semi-finished product

This article shows the advisability of technological process simplification of manufacturing part "Crown" of microwave range electrovacuum devices based on analysis of its semis.
Key words: chrome bronze, cold drawn bars, stability of the structure, ring and half-ring shades, part geometry maintaining

Ivanayskiy А. V., Asaev А. S., Asaeva Т. А. — The finishing processes study of oxidized and contaminated machine parts surfaces with a free abrasive using the effect of attached cavitation

In many cases, the presence of an effective finishing method for restoring the parts efficiency is a key criterion for determining its economic feasibility.
The studied finishing method is capable of increasing labor productivity at restoring the parts efficiency due to the effective use of the unique hydrodynamic conditions that accompanied the cavitation effect.
Key words: finishing, efficiency restoration, increase of efficiency, cavitation effect


Moskvin V. K., Kuznetsov P. M., Feofanov A. N. — Improving the accuracy of positioning the hydraulic drive of an industrial robot

The problems of the drive positioning accuracy for an industrial robot are analyzed and researched in this article. The drive and analysis of its static and dynamic characteristics obtained from the calculated dependencies and experimentally were considered in [1, 2]. Taking into account that the positioning accuracy of the robot drive is one of its main characteristics, an urgent task is to increase the accuracy of the working organ positioning by improving the parameters of the hydraulic drive.
Key words: industrial robot, stepping sensor, following valve, static and dynamic characteristics, hydraulic drive


Golovkin P. A. — Criteria approach as a means of ensuring target parameters of microwave devices and its components

Examples of use of the criterial approach are examined through the determination of target parameters ensuring the achievement of target parameter of the critical parts and assemblies of electrovacuum microwave devices.
Key words: production, target parameter, critical parts, characteristics, preferences, decision making, basis of responsibility, tolerance range of probability, microwave devices, vacuum tightness, molybdenum, electroless nickel, solder, oxygenless copper, defects, impurities


Howard P., Portaz J., Wassenaar P. — Analysis techniques for volumetric computed tomography inspection of turbine airfoils

The use of computed tomography slices covering the entire volume of a component has been critical to the advancement of innovative aerospace technologies. Inspection times for these components were often measured in hours, as data were acquired one single computed tomography slice at a time.
Recent advancements in computed tomography data acquisition technology have moved from the use of linear X-ray detectors to area X-ray detectors that can collect computed tomography data from a component in a single acquisition. The use of area X-ray detectors to collect computed tomography data is often referred to as volumetric computed tomography [VCT] and has reduced data acquisition times for an entire component from hours to minutes. The reduced inspection time provided by VCT has made it practicable to use this technique for the production inspection of advanced components. In order to realize the use of VCT in a production environment, the data produced by the inspection must be analyzed within a time comparable to the time taken by the data acquisition.
This paper describes a technique for rapidly analyzing VCT inspection data and the application of that technique to the inspection of turbine airfoils.
Key words: computed tomography, area X-ray detectors, data acquisition, turbine airfoil testing


Akhunova A.Kh., Dmitriev S. V., Valitov V. A., Galieva E. V. — Finite-element modeling of the stress-strain state in samples from dissimilar Ni-based alloys during pressure welding with shift 

In this paper, the possibility of producing a bimetallic disc-shaft-type part for a gas turbine engine made from dissimilar heat-resistant nickel-based super alloys by means of pressure welding in the presence of shear deformation is considered on the basis of computer simulation. It is shown that the quality of a solid-phase joint of the part depends on the scheme of shaft insertion into the disk, the angle of the shaft taper and the degree of surface treatment.
Key words: pressure welding, finite element modeling, shear strain component, heat-resistant nickel-based super alloys


Bazrov B. M., Troitskiy А. А. — The method of coefficients summing for production manufacturability of the product design

The main disadvantages of the known technological factors are shown. A methodology for summing manufacturability coefficients is proposed, taking into account the simultaneous influence of manufacturability coefficients on the same subtype of labor input.
In accordance with this methodology changes is made to the formulas of manufacturability coefficients developed earlier. By summing the values of manufacturability coefficients it is possible to obtain the manufacturability level of the product design.
Key words: product, manufacturability, coefficients, labor input, integral assessment


Potapova G. S. — Content of foreign journals

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